No HD channels

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jul 9, 2009
DTV wants $200 for an HD receiver. So I bought one off craigslist. It was brand new sealed in the box. It is a H20-600. I called Dave and had it activated. My account has two other receivers on it, one hd one sd. So I plugged the SUP-2400 to the sat in on the H20 receiver and then ran a coax to a Slim Line dish. I get the SD channels but no HD channels. Am I missing something here? I dont want to call dtv cause they just read a manual to me or want to send a tech out on my dime. I am paying extra for HD, that should cover the new receiver as well? or is that just for the original hd receiver.

The new HD receiver is on it's own slimline dish that I just installed myself yesterday.

The LNB looks like this.



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I would go into your account, if you don't want to call D* back and reauthorize the recvr and make sure the HDis turned on for that p[articular recvr, sounds like it's not.
You have the correct equipment.

What does your Signal strength look like ?
Particularly the 99 and 103 sats.
I go to setup and signal strength and here is a picure of my screen.

This is my actual screen.


But I am stuck on satellite 101 I know I need to arrow up into the plus or minus but it wont go there. What am I doing wrong. I can change transponders and strength runs in the 90's on most of them. three of them have zero's and one is 54.


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you need to go into the receiver and do the sat setup. IN the maze of menus
rerun satellite setup

or something like that ;)
So I have a slim line dish, which do I select and is the SUP-2400 a B-Band converter and do I really need to remove it. I thought the SUP-2400 was what allowed HD channels thru.


By the way thanks a million for you guys support.
Oh, I just selected slimline 5 and it now says I need the B ban converter. THat makes sense. I do have a slimline 5 dish or how do I tell? also what do I select ofr switch type SWM or multi switch?
yes that is a slimline 5
multisiwtch is what you need to choose (since its not SWM)
and yes install the B-Band converter
Oh, I just selected slimline 5 and it now says I need the B ban converter. THat makes sense. I do have a slimline 5 dish or how do I tell? also what do I select ofr switch type SWM or multi switch?

You leave the setting for Multiswitch if you don't have SWM, looks like you don't have the SWM.

Use BBC's if your not using the SWM or have a HR23.
Now I see the HD's in the guide but when I select one I get a searching for satellite Error Code 771
I would go into your account, if you don't want to call D* back and reauthorize the recvr and make sure the HDis turned on for that p[articular recvr, sounds like it's not.
You have the correct equipment.

What does your Signal strength look like ?
Particularly the 99 and 103 sats.

99(s) 0
99(c) 68
103(cb) 0
103 (ca) 0
103 (s) 0
119 0
110 0
101 94
So all 8 need to be 70 or better? what about transponders, so I need to croll thru them also?
Ok they all look good except for 99 (s) and 103 (s) those are at zero. I flip to the tv and I am picking up all the HD channels. I guess I dont need those two?
(s) means spotbeam which you will see mainly 0's except for the spotbeam for the locals in your area (whatever they may be)

are the signals on 99 c and 103ca & 103cb good (above 90)?
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