NPS Shutting Down G3 Channels in April

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Let's hope that Comcast doesn't decide to change the HITS 19.51 SR muxes to 29.27 combo mode like all their other muxes. There is only one free transponder left on AMC 18. If they want to add a lot more HD, look out.
Don't tell me you have a monetary interest in 4DTV?:D
At least on the other forum I can use the ignore button on your postings because your like an old broken record...same old "BS" nothing but the same from you regardless of the topic.
At least NPS tried to do things. What has SRL done? Seems to me like Skyvision is the only hope.

At least on the other forum I can use the ignore button on your postings because your like an old broken record...same old "BS" nothing but the same from you regardless of the topic.

Tell me Sergie! Why did my post above upset you so much? Does the truth hurt?:eek:
At least on the other forum I can use the ignore button on your postings because your like an old broken record...same old "BS" nothing but the same from you regardless of the topic.

There is an ignore function here. I'm using it. Hint don't respond to his trolling:up
I hate to lose channels too, but I have never saw anything that interests me on BH when flipping through the channels. I can't blame BH for leaving 4dtv if they are losing money. And thanks to people like NPS and S/N/T the numbers probably aren't there for a niche channel like BH.
I guess i'm hated by the 4DTV folks because i feel anybody who spends more than $50 a month on programming would be better off to go somewhere else where HD is offered. Also, i can't help it if my favorite channels happen to be HDNET, ESPN, HBOHD, STARZHD, Palladia and more.:eek:k:
So you like what you like and the 4DTV guys like what they like.

This isn't a church so please don't preach your religion to those who are not here for a sermon. ;)
tvropro, I don' think NPS ever offered refunds , only credit for other service. When I had some subcription channels with them years ago, that was a given. And back then, the people answering the phones would always preach that to me every time I called to change/add or order any programming. But then, they started preaching the charlie line every time I called, or when they sent out a bill, so eventually I got on their former-customer list!
Looks like kbghdg is mocking what you posted...he doesn't give up.

Oh please!!!! I'm not mocking anyone. Just breaking down the sermon i've been hearing you guys preach the last couple of months. Besides, it's only TV. So lighten up!
Oh please!!!! I'm not mocking anyone. Just breaking down the sermon i've been hearing you guys preach the last couple of months. Besides, it's only TV. So lighten up!

Stop and think if you can for just one minute.... It's not "only tv" as you put it. To many of us it is news and information. As far as getting a small dish, I simply can't afford it and neither can the majority. With a total population of almost 309 million in this great country, And only a total of 40 million that have the small dish, What does that tell you? It tells me that the masses are cut off from having the same chance at getting news and information. And not all areas are cabled. I live in one of those areas that will never be cabled. Today my friend it is way more than "only tv.". I am at least trying to find an alternate route. I have the internet and am looking for other outlets for news and entertainment. What stinks is that there are videos here and there, but no constant broadcast of news that I can find. Anyway, the point is that there are more people without a cable or small dish than there are subscribers all across our country. That being the simple fact, we should have all options, C-band included so we can subscribe to what we need. As long as they are launching C-band transponders on birds, we should have that option. I will say this, If Motorola gets out of the C-band business then all bets are off. Dropping that part of their business pretty much opens up the opportunities for others to take over. Just like a car part, when the dealer stops offering "dealer only" parts, others start making and selling them. So maybe in the end we will have another way with our big old dishes. They still make them ya know... ;) Have a great day! :)
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Just ignore kbghdg, he likes to go around to forums and give us 4dtv diehards crap. He preaches his pizza dribble and looks for an argument.

I have looked at the cost of pizza and cable per month and they are way over what I would be able to spend right now with the economy as is. I also don't like all the hidden fee's, contracts and the like with them. The few channels on the 4dtv that I get are fine and pricing is right.

It seems at least with me I'm looking for ways to get away from subscription all together. Most of the cable type channels have garbage programming and too many infomercials. I'd rather pay nothing if the channels have garbage and infomercials on. Getting 300 pay channels of garbage and shelling out from $75 to $130 per month for 2 years minimum is not a very wise financial decision.
Just ignore kbghdg, he likes to go around to forums and give us 4dtv diehards crap. He preaches his pizza dribble and looks for an argument.

I don't come to this forum for that and I can go elsewhere for that if that what I really need. What I don't understand is why the people in charge of this forum put up with it as it seems to me it sure doesn't promote Cband/4DTV. We have new people coming on board and they end up listen to his negative remarks. If it's harmful to the forum then they should remove him. How many times can he repeat the same line, it just seems to be endless.

But I guess it's just my opinion.

All the reason you gave for having Cband are the same for me plus I really like the look of the BUD's. The little dishes just don't have the look.
Sergei, I agree with you and seen the chaos he has caused over at satforums. I would PM ICE or Scott and see what they have to say, it's their decision what to do not mine. I agree that we should be promoting the future of 4DTV and beyond. Negative from pizza lovers don't help the situation for us.

BTW... Buds are awesome the bigger the better :)
How many times can he repeat the same line, it just seems to be endless.

He is like my grandson, he has to have the last word no matter what. My grandson is eight this guy must be at least 10.

Just look at his responses after he was warned in a nice way. Just like the battery bunny keeps going and going and going.

He just can't get it through his head that no one here cares about his opinion.

tvropro is correct that he has just about destroyed the 4DTV Forum over at Satforums. I still can't figure out why anyone over there responds to him.
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