Openbox S9 manufacture contact please help.

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 2, 2006
Maiden Rock, WI
Could someone please tell me how to contact Openbox S9 manufacture in china to get warranty for my receiver that won't no longer change polarity's. The place I bought it from has been little to no help. Their reply was "contact the manufacture" with no contact info. Don't buy from shop4FTA if you want any help after the purchase. Thanks, Chad
my openbox just quit switching from H to V when changing channels that are on opposite polairty's. If I use my 4dtv to switch polarity's the channels come in perfect on my openbox. It also won't move my usuals 85cm dish no longer or land on the satellites. It might move it, but very very slow and stopd before it gets to where it's going. Worked fine to 6-7months, now won't switch anymore. Thanks
I also have an Openbox S9 - - - any switches between receiver and motor? If so which port is the primary one for the motor. Have you tried a different switch or port on the same switch?

Which firmware are you running on the S9? Sorry so many questions.
Open Box S9 and S10 have some firmware problems. You may just need to upgrade your firmware to solve your problem. There is firmware posted at satelliteguys or you can go to this is the manufacturer. Go to downloads. Some of the firmware dowsn't have north american satellites but you can download them at satelliteguys.
thanks, but I tried the firmware reloading and have hooked up a meter to my openbox and see the voltage drop. this just quit switching out of the blue. have a diseqc switch, but bypassed and hooked direct to the lnbf and still have problems switching. hooked up voltage meter and it drops voltage right after the switch, always on the 18volt side it goes there and drops back down below 15v. always works on the low voltage polarity.
Can you connect your meter off the receiver to see the voltage. You said after the switch the voltage drops. how far is the cable from the receiver to the switch. It could be a cable problem or maybe a bad connector.
I'm checking voltage at the receiver box, when I slave the Openbox to my 4dtv using the 4d to supply the lnb power, all channels on all polarity's come in perfectly. LNB power off on openbox. using a splitter with power pass (1) side only.
chadg2 said:
Could someone please tell me how to contact Openbox S9 manufacture in china to get warranty for my receiver that won't no longer change polarity's. The place I bought it from has been little to no help. Their reply was "contact the manufacture" with no contact info. Don't buy from shop4FTA if you want any help after the purchase.

There is not "one" manufacture. Dozens of factories assemble S9 type receivers. Request the retailer to provide you with contact information for their supplier and/ or manufacturer.

It is likely that the retailer cannot dismiss your request for assistance. If the unit is within the reseller's warranty or sold from or to a state with consumer protection policies and the reseller does not cooperate, write a letter to your state's attorney general and contact the Better Business Bureau. The BBB helps create a squeaky wheel that can "motivate" a retailer to do the right thing.

Help rid the world of retailer scum......
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I don't know about the 4dtv stuff I haven't decided if I'me going to spent the money to go that route ar not, but if you are going to trouble shoot the open box I would take everything out of the line and just work with the open box. Check voltage all along the line to see where the problem starts right out to the LNB. Disconnect the LNB and check the voltage there. I would turn the open box LNB back on when checking. The motor moving slowly could be from the LNB off. The cable goes from the receiver to the motor then to the LNB.
There is not "one" manufacture. Dozens of factories assemble S9 type receivers. Request the retailer to provide you with contact information for their supplier and/ or manufacturer.

It is likely that the retailer cannot dismiss your request for assistance. If the unit is within the reseller's warranty or sold from or to a state with consumer protection policies and the reseller does not cooperate, write a letter to your state's attorney general and contact the Better Business Bureau. The BBB helps create a squeaky wheel that can "motivate" a retailer to do the right thing.

Help rid the world of retailer scum......
You might also check at BIG local radio stations , if any exist, for consumer assistance. In Detroit, WJR has some volunteer "call for action" lawyers, who hound distributors who don't honor their obligations. Combined with Attorney General complaints, they've worked well for me in the past. I took on Samsung and won ! :)
You might also check at BIG local radio stations , if any exist, for consumer assistance. In Detroit, WJR has some volunteer "call for action" lawyers, who hound distributors who don't honor their obligations. Combined with Attorney General complaints, they've worked well for me in the past. I took on Samsung and won ! :)
good luck with trying to get them to act or have legal recourse against an ebay seller in hong kong or china, which I bet is very likely in this situation. It probably just ends up being a cautionary package to say deal with U.S. sellers only because recourse is near impossible when dealing internationally. One's best recourse is try paypal assuming you are still within the time limits to file an issue with the transaction.
my solomend which is the same as the open box quit after a year without being shut off. the power supply went out. first i had to switch it several times to get past the 'on' and then it booted ok. one of the problems was only getting a specific polarity also. i fixed it by replacing three 1000mf/16v electrolytics in the power supply. i replaced them with 1000mf/25vf capacitors. you can see the problem if the top of them is bulged a little bit. hope you get it working. i do think you have a power supply problem. charlie
It amazes me that after all these years we're still getting worthless capacitors from the orient. I thought that the problem surfaced like 20 years ago!
The S-9 and the S-10 has a voltage regulator that controls the lnb output. It is located near the tuner. Near that regulator device is a 600 ohm resistor that burns out. I suspect but not sure that the failure is caused by looping thru with a second receiver that has it's lnb voltage on. The two fight each other, something burns out.
my problem child came from the USA! California in fact. Company called Won't help me a bit after the sale!
I just purchased an s10 from the same retailer. it was close to 6 weeks ago. sorry to hear your having issues I did find a sales number at the company have you tried that?
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Openbox S10 where should I buy it from?

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