Is it possible to bring the OTA signal in over the same cable was the satellite feed using a Slimline dish (SL3SPIG-WNC). I'm thinking about adding an AM-21 to on of my HR-22s.
I diplex OTA with my satellite signal but only after the Power Inserter. This would require 2 wires into the home (1 for DirecTV and one for antenna) but, then you would only have to run 1 wire to the room where your receiver.
Here is my setup.
Why do you need to use a SWS-2 instead of another diplexer used as a spilter?
A diplexer wouldn't allow me to continue the OTA/DirecTV feed to both of the jacks in that room. The SWS-2 does. Then at either jack, I can have OTA and DirecTV diplexed out.
The only way I could do it would be to put the diplexer before the power inserter. I'm assuming that won't work. However, I do have another cable from the outside being used for my cable modem. Could I use that cable by diplexing the OTA signal with the comcast signal and then spilting it at the cable modem. Then I would diplexed the OTA side of that into my directv SWS-4 and spilt it at each of the receivers. Would that work?
I understand ... for my purposes, out of the single jack I have in that room and would simply need another diplexer to spilt the signal into the directv HR22 and the other into the AM-21.
Also ... I now think I could move the power inserter. It would be outside, but for the most part protected from the rain under a screen porch.
diplexing with swm at all is a bad idea because of the frequencies swm uses, it may "work" but there could be interference at almost anytime. if it was regular ka/ku then you could use the bband trick to diplex, but the KA LoBand interfieres with ota.
You're getting confused about how the SWM works. On a non-SWM system, Ka-lo is in the same frequency band as OTA. On an SWM system, all the satellite signals are in frequency bands that don't interfere with OTA. The only problem with diplexing OTA on an SWM system is that some diplexers interfere with the 2.3MHz signal between the receivers and the SWM. With the "right" diplexers, OTA and SWM signals coexist quite happily.diplexing with swm at all is a bad idea because of the frequencies swm uses, it may "work" but there could be interference at almost anytime. if it was regular ka/ku then you could use the bband trick to diplex, but the KA LoBand interfieres with ota.
They are power-passing, see NAS STD-9501 Satellite / Off Air Diplexer Power Passing (STD-9501) | STD-9501 [DIRECTV] | STD-9501 quad combiner off-air combiner STD-9501Are the NAS 9501s power-passing? Also, if you used the OTA output of one, do you need to terminate the other side of the diplexer like you would an unused port on a SWS splitter?