OTARD Strikes Again: Over-the-air? No Fear!


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Las Vegas, Nevada
From our friends at SkyRetailer.com

Antenna Ruling Should Influence More Sales

Chalk another one up for OTARD! Last week, Philip Wojcikewicz filed a petition with the FCC to help grant him the permission, despite his homeowners association's restrictions, to install an over-the-air antenna on the roof of his residence.

Wojcikewicz's residence - the Woodmere Townhomes community in Darien, Ill. - prohibits the installation of antennas on a common area. According to a FCC filing, Wojcikewicz said that the roof of his townhome is under his "exclusive use and control," and therefore not subject to the association's ban on antennas.

Although the antenna was larger than one meter in diameter (6-foot by 8-foot to be exact) it's covered by the OTARD rules, which doesn't restrict the size of TV antennas designed to receive local TV broadcast signals.

The FCC ruled in Wojcikewicz's favor and will allow him to install his antenna.

This also represents a win for satellite TV retailers. Selling over-the-air antennas is a great revenue stream when installing a DBS or C-Band system. Retailers should visit Terk Technologies' Web site for over-the-air antennas: http://www.terk.com.

To read the FCC's OTARD rules, visit http://www.skyretailer.com/air.cfm.

Personally I would steer away from TERK but YMMV.

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