Poor picture quality Ghost Fuzzy Blurry picture

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Original poster
Oct 24, 2006
I have just installed Directv with 3 - H20 recievers and a brand new Samsung HL-S61 HDTV. The picture quality especially with sporting events is terrible it is so bad it gives me a headache. I have spent hours on the phone with DTV and also had the tech on site 3 times but with no resolution. All three reciever/tv are having this problem.

The picture quality is terrible the images are very fuzzy/ghostly/blurry. Is anyone else having this problem? I heard there might be a RAM issue with the H20 reciever. I also heard it it caused the DTV compression of signal?

Please help any:confused: :confused: one!!!!!!
I only see ghosting on one LIL and it is an issue at the affiliate to DirecTV level; aka the signal they are getting from the affiliate is not great.

What channel(s) are you talking about?
It's not you or your tv. It's directv's crappy, overcompressed picture. I have a 36" Sony Wega, and three years ago when I got directv the picture was excellent. Now that directv is cramming all of these stupid shopping and religious channels (and not adding any good channels, like National Geographic HD) the picture quality has gone downhill quite a bit, especially the local channels. Now If directv's picture looks bad on my 36", I could only imagine how bad it looks on your Samsung 61-inchers. Directv has major bandwidth issues, They have to kill the mix channels and TNT HD (who cares, but it's the principle) every Sunday during the football season so that they can cram in all of the NFL channels in their limited bandwidth. Purchasing the new H20 dvr will not help the crappy picture quality. All I can say is to wait for directv to launch the new satellites (2007, maybe) so that they can ease the compression (probably won't happen) or you can send your equipment back without penalty if you have had directv for less than 30 days. When my contract is up, I am definitely switching to Dish Network. Their picture quality is not perfect, but is light years ahead of Directv's overcompressed, macroblocking infected picture. I don't mean to rant about directv, but I am just stating my observations.
I appreciate the response. I fill the same way you do and I've only had Directv for a couple of weeks. I keep complaining to them and the have no answers and act like I'm the only one with this problem, but when I search the Web I find many otheres that have been dealing with this issue like you guys. I am going to cancel my service and home the launch a new satellite sooner rather than later....thanks
It's not you or your tv. It's directv's crappy, overcompressed picture. I have a 36" Sony Wega, and three years ago when I got directv the picture was excellent. Now that directv is cramming all of these stupid shopping and religious channels (and not adding any good channels, like National Geographic HD) the picture quality has gone downhill quite a bit, especially the local channels. Now If directv's picture looks bad on my 36", I could only imagine how bad it looks on your Samsung 61-inchers. Directv has major bandwidth issues, They have to kill the mix channels and TNT HD (who cares, but it's the principle) every Sunday during the football season so that they can cram in all of the NFL channels in their limited bandwidth. Purchasing the new H20 dvr will not help the crappy picture quality. All I can say is to wait for directv to launch the new satellites (2007, maybe) so that they can ease the compression (probably won't happen) or you can send your equipment back without penalty if you have had directv for less than 30 days. When my contract is up, I am definitely switching to Dish Network. Their picture quality is not perfect, but is light years ahead of Directv's overcompressed, macroblocking infected picture. I don't mean to rant about directv, but I am just stating my observations.

All I can say is to wait for directv to launch the new satellites (2007, maybe) so that they can ease the compression (probably won't happen)

Why would you say this ? The sats are definatly going up in '07 and it will free up plenty of bandwidth, the compression issue will be solved by the new sats going up.
Their picture quality is not perfect, but is light years ahead of Directv's overcompressed, macroblocking infected picture.

Does DISH have a perfect picture with none of these things happening ?

If I remeber correctly they BOTH use the SAME Compression schemes MPEG2 and moving to MPEG4, it depends on where they allocate the freed up bandwidth when they get it that will make the biggest difference.

I do not see DISH placing any new sats in the air, so I look for them to run out of space shortly, thenthey will be in the same position D* is now and they will then be 2 years behind D* when they have to start building new sats.

All I can say is to wait for directv to launch the new satellites (2007, maybe) so that they can ease the compression (probably won't happen)

Why would you say this ? The sats are definatly going up in '07 and it will free up plenty of bandwidth, the compression issue will be solved by the new sats going up.

I really do hope so. If they fix their pq issues before my contract is up (October 2007), I will consider staying with directv.
Their picture quality is not perfect, but is light years ahead of Directv's overcompressed, macroblocking infected picture.

Does DISH have a perfect picture with none of these things happening ?

If I remeber correctly they BOTH use the SAME Compression schemes MPEG2 and moving to MPEG4, it depends on where they allocate the freed up bandwidth when they get it that will make the biggest difference.

I do not see DISH placing any new sats in the air, so I look for them to run out of space shortly, thenthey will be in the same position D* is now and they will then be 2 years behind D* when they have to start building new sats.

Yes that is true, they use the same Compression schemes but it really depends on what channels they allocate more bandwidth to. From my observations, directv seems to give more bandwidth to pay-per view, and shopping channels. Channels 240-254 and 206-209 (the ones I regularly watch) are pretty bad compared to dish's feed. I have actually borrowed my neighbors dish 322 and hooked it up to a spare D500 that I had and compared both feeds side by side with the twin-view feature built into my tv. All I can say is, the dish feeds are much sharper and have considerably less macroblocking. Now, some channels that you may like look better on Directv rather than Dish. It's all a personal preference.
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I appreciate the response. I fill the same way you do and I've only had Directv for a couple of weeks. I keep complaining to them and the have no answers and act like I'm the only one with this problem, but when I search the Web I find many otheres that have been dealing with this issue like you guys. I am going to cancel my service and home the launch a new satellite sooner rather than later....thanks

I know what you mean. Everytime someone complains about bad pq around here is usually responded to with the old "check your connections and make sure you dish is aligned properly" which is a great way to start. But no perfect dish allignment and connections in the world will ever alleviate the problems you are describing. The picture quality you have at 35% signal will look no better at 100% signal since it is a digital signal. You either get the signal, it is breaking up, or you get nothing at all. Fuzzy, blurry picture is due to overcompression, not a mis-aligned dish or water seeping into the connections.
If you have your TV professionally adjusted it does help.You might be surprised how many TV's are not adjusted right and that can definately make a difference in the PQ.It helped the PQ on my 50" SDRPTV.Just a suggestion.:)

There is more to your Samsung model number, what might that be? How is the picture quality on the other 2 sets? What brand/type are they? How are the receivers connected to the sets? How close are you sitting to the 61"?

I have just installed Directv with 3 - H20 recievers and a brand new Samsung HL-S61 HDTV. The picture quality especially with sporting events is terrible it is so bad it gives me a headache. I have spent hours on the phone with DTV and also had the tech on site 3 times but with no resolution. All three reciever/tv are having this problem.

The picture quality is terrible the images are very fuzzy/ghostly/blurry. Is anyone else having this problem? I heard there might be a RAM issue with the H20 reciever. I also heard it it caused the DTV compression of signal?

Please help any:confused: :confused: one!!!!!!
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