Post your 622 Reviews Here!

thecodeman said:
Yikes, the System II Rack Mount fan panel is $2329.95 - I'll pass!

Maybe a typo...?

The price list I have shows the price of System 2 Rack Mount as $300. The System 2 kit is $280, the Cool-cube is $320, and the System 3 is $120.

These prices seem in line with the Middle Atlantic products (also nice stuff, BTW). The UQFP-2, which you mention, lists for $290.

Although I'm sure there are less expensive do-it-yourself options, these prices don't seem unreasonable for complete systems. Condsidering what many of us have invested in audio-video equipment, they could be considered cheap insurance...
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Had my first opportunity tonight to record 3 programs at once (2 SD, 1 HDOTA) while watching a 4th. 622 performed wonderfully!
I had my first reboot and overheating problems last night. It locked up when I tried to change channels and then about 20 minutes later I got the 140 degree error message. I had to unplug the unit and wait about 15 minutes.

When I first got the unit and plugged it in a got a really loud fan noise at startup and now I do not. I can not hear a fan running at all.
Just got mine installed and it is working great! Fan noise was loud at boot-up but quited down since. My installation experience is great. The installer was in/out in about an hour after hooking up new dish1000 and 622. All programming is set correctly. The OTA channels are much more stable than the 811.
The recording features works as advertised. So far, I'm very happy with the whole experience.
FINALLY got my 622 YAY

Had to beg and plead with the CSR as my install was set to sometime in April to turn it on.

She told me she couldnt and that if she did I would lose my 90 day install warrenty and be CHARGED for the install.

I told her I already paid my 299 so I wont be charged anything...but I could care less about an install warrenty. I could do the work myself if they would just give me the 1000 and a DPP44

Anyway here is where it gets funny.

They end up activating it after some serious pleading and begging and then pulled up another install date. Guess what... it moved up to this thursday from Apr 4th. What a crock they were telling me saying the install would move even more forward in the future. Anyway im super happy. And without the 1000 I still get Discovery HD, Universal, TNTHD and ESPNHD till Thursday.

-------The Review--------

The OTA Tuner

I have to put this at the top of the list. If you have any doubt or question to upgrade, this alone is worth the price of admission.

The OTA tuner kills the one built into my Hitachi. I can pick up stations I could never pick up before with an antenna just sitting on top the entertainment center. I got 3 of my locals pegged at 100 percent!

HDMI vs Component

Found out by buying an HDMI cable that my TV wont pass DD 5.1 through to my receiver. Either that or the 622 wont pass DD 5.1 through the HDMI cable. My TV's optical out to my audio reciever is only doing DD 2.0 with the 622 when watching 5.1 content.

Since I cant get DD 5.1 through the TV to my audio reciever I decide to just run an optical cable from the 622 to the reciever directly and solved that problem.

That got me thinking. What is the PQ on HDMI vs Component? For me I saw ZERO difference in picture quality. That HDMI cable is going back to the store for a refund!

Differences from a 721 to 622

First thing that stuck out like a sore thumb is that I really used that Red button on the 721 to buffer another channel while watching another. Came in real handy when watching 2 shows and swapping during commercials.

After that let down I have to say this box is light years ahead.

First off I got my first experience with Dish Pass and the ability to only record new episodes. An added bonus is that if the show shifts in time it will record it. For example. 24 is on 9pm Monday's. Next week its on for 2 hours from 8-10pm. The 622 noticed and immediately switched the timer to accomidate! That is nice.

The new HD guide is handy but I went back to the regular guide for now because looking at 5 hours of content is sensory overload. I will probably switch back later.

Dish Home now matches what my 508's show. I kind of liked being able to access the weather without going into Dish Home on my 721. That feature will be missed.

Box is lighter and narrower than my 721. Amazing technology considering what this beast can do.

Picture Quality and Audio Dropouts

Im going to throw in a host of things in this section.

First off the PQ seems softer then the 721. I dunno why. I know there is some upconversion going on with the box in SD but even HD feels a little soft. Maybe I am seeing the HDLite effect because I didnt really notice it on 24 or CSI: Miami Over the Air.

in the first 24 hours of owning it I have managed to really upset the device. I have had the Picture stop working and have only audio. Also I notice if I am looking at the guide and someone calls in, the picture will go off when it displays the caller ID information. This doesnt happen when I am just watching a program. Only when I am in the guide.

I had audio problems with popping when using the HDMI cable. I fixed that by not using the cable :). No audio problems when using optical.

Found audio out of sync when watching a program from DVR and fast forwarding around in it. I fixed it by using the 5 sec rewind button and it sync'ed up.

Managed to lock up the box a couple of times by chaning the HD output settings. Changing from 1080I and 720p playing around. No big deal as I dont see using this much after I settle in with the unit. Fixed by holding in the power button on the front of the unit.

Heat and Fan issues

If you dont have a well vented area to put the 622, dont bother getting one. This thing gets warm! However, I only think its getting slightly warmer than my 721 in the same location. The area I have has plenty of room to vent on both the left and right side.

I have heard the fan spin up one time for about 2 seconds. I dunno why it did this but I think I was fiddling with a setting in the unit so I probably found a "feature." If you own one of these things you know that fan is LOUD when its at full speed. Good news is that as long as its vented it should never spin up.

Another thing that I know for certain that will cause a fan spin up is when the unit is updating guide data. No big deal because the time for the program guide update can be changed easily in the menu.


I cant wait for the install to get the other channels. This device is by far more advanced than anything I have seen from Time Warner in my area and can be configured as a true multimedia center for the whole house.

This is a home run for Dish IMHO. If you dont have a 622 get one. It doesnt disappoint!
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Message to cincyguy2k4 & Scott

The HDMI cable only passes 2 channel stereo not 5.1. Doesn't matter what it's hooked to. Thanks for the breakdown on the 622 though. I'll be getting mine after April fools day. Can't wait to get rid of this boat anchor 921, although I really haven't had the problems that a lot of members have had. And thank you Scott, the 622 info you have posted has been excellent.
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I was going to use that splitter also on my 622 but remembered that the splitter that they provide ONLY works if you have a DISHpro-PLUS. It does not work with Dishpro. Also if you do not have a phone line hooked up to this box you will get a message every day or two telling you that if you do not you will be charged a fee for the other tuner.
aware said:
Well I installed my 622 last night. As others have mentioned when you first plug it in and get started it sounds like a harrier jet taking off.

Not having prior experience with a dual tuner reciever I stumbled out of the block trying to get both sat feeds working. Dish provides a little "splitter" that looks like you can just connect it to your single feed and it will split the signal for your 622. Obviously that is not what it does and I could not see all three sats on both tuners. I was eventually able to get around the problem by using the sat feed to one of my old 301's that won't be used anymore. Then after running a new check switch I could see all 3 sats on both tuners.

After that I tried to swicht the component output from the default 480p to 1080i and the box would crash each time and revert back to 480p. Note: once I got my reciever activated by tech support I was able to get it changed to 1080i with no problems.

One really frustrating fault with the 622 is during the activation with tech support it kept forcing me to "test my phone line." The only problem was that I was on the line with tech support and it couldn't check the line. The tech support csr was unable to "kill" this message and I had to hang up and start the process over.

So far with the limited time I have spent with the box I am pleased. The coaxial feed to tv2 is subpar quality--as expected--but the quality doesn't need to be perfect for Dora the Explorere and Go Diego Go.

I set it to record Tombstone off of Showtime at 3am and it seemed to work fine.

I may come back and edit this post after this weekend when I have had more time to test it out.

I forgot to add scanning for local digital channels is lightning fast compared with other digital tuners I have used in the past.

I was going to use that splitter also on my 622 but remembered that the splitter that they provide ONLY works if you have a DISHpro-PLUS. It does not work with Dishpro. Also if you do not have a phone line hooked up to this box you will get a message every day or two telling you that if you do not you will be charged a fee for the other tuner.
Hey Ya'll,

Got my 622 installed on Monday. The OTA tuner is MUCH better then the 811 it replaced. I was watching Van Helsing on Starz today and lost the optical 2 or 3 different times. :-( I have an Onkyo 780 HTIB and have never had that problem before. I switched from video 1 where I have the optical cable 1 in from the 622 to DVD where I have optical 3 in from my Panny DVD recorder and the sound was there. The Panny gets it's audio in from RCA's out of the 622. I also never lost the sound out of my Hitachi which is connected from the 622 via HDMI cable. Anyone else have similar probs?

Thanks, Chris:confused:
622 Review

I've had mine for over a week now and am a little concerned. At least 5 times I have gotten sound but no picture when first turning it on. I have also had the picture freeze up while playing a program regorded on the DVR (with the sound continuing.) All of these recitifed by rebooting, but that becomes a pain. And while it is many improvements over my 921 (which I have kept--it cost me $1000 and Dishnet offered to give me $25 if I returned it!), neither of them have the recording features of my TiVo (which is hooked up to my 322.)
My 622 install occurred this morning after it spent over a week siiting in a box in the guest room.

Prior to the installers arrival, I modified my equipment cabinet with 2 12V fans for cooling (it was getting hot it there) and hooked up the 622, including installing a Terk HDTVi amplified indoor VHF/UFH antenna. I ran through the whole setup, including downloading 352 and doing everything I could short of activation.

The 622's OTA scan found 17 stations without me pointing the antenna in any particular direction. I then consulted and figured out that the bulk of my stations were between 150 and 170 degrees and, using a compass, pointed the antenna at 160, and extended the rabbit ears a few inches and added a little spread. I re-ran the OTA scan and found 21 stations. By the time I nuked the Spanish stations and got rid of all the extra feeds (radar and traffic feeds, mostly) I was down to 5 OTA HD stations that I'd actually use. What was odd, was I got two stations that I should not have gotten according to antennaweb. One was a mirror of my fox channel (Fox broadcasting on 29-0 SD and 29-1 HD, and this 'mirror' on 27-1) and the other was something I could not figure out... It was channel 23 and had like 5 or 6 sub channels. I had 80+ signal on all of them, but they all came out all artifacted and unwatchable, though audio was clear. Perhaps some station is playing with new HD equipment and hasn't gone officially live yet?

When the installer arrived, sure enough, no 1000 on the workorder. Fortuneately, he figured out a workaround. I had a Dish 500 and an old Dish 300 on the roof, with the 500 currently feeding my 522 and 622, and the 300 just a decoration. He put new LNBs on both, fed the 300 into the 500 and got good signals on 110, 119, and 129. I had connected the 622 and moved the 522 in place of the 322 (which is going back) prior to his arrival, so all that was left to do was activate.

Activation went very quick - installer called it in and took him all of 3 minutes.

My HDGold channels were there right away. My locals - both dish provided and HD OTA - showed-up about 5 minutes later.

Everything looked great. I flipped around through my OTA HD channels. The only OTA HD programming I could find at the time was some NBC soap.. It looked great - I flipped back and forth between it and the SD feed, boy what a diff!

Also, all my HD OTA locals were the normal channel -1, so my Dish locals mapped to them and I did not have to use manual timers to setup my timers, which I did next. I spent the next 5 minutes putting in all the timers I had on the 522, choosing an HD channel over a SD channel wenever I could.

I then viewed a few of Dish's HD channels. They looked great. I watched about 15 minutes of American Chopper on Discovery HD and then watched most of a documentary about seals and penguins on on of the VOom channels. Then I had to leave for work.

Anyway, the 622 worked great and felt just like the 522, which will make the wife happy, and the PQ will make me happy!

Now if my local WB station (for Smallville) and SciFi (For SciFi Fridays) would go HD, pretty much 99% of my viewing would be HD-able!
I got my 622 today. Hooked it up to replace a 721 on the 51" HDTV. This is my **FIRST** HDTV experience, so bear that in mind.

So far it's been flawless. Spent about 10 minutes on the phone with a lovely CSR getting it activated (HD Platinum/CBS-E). Went reasonably well modulo a typo on her part :).

Scanned in all my stations locally and I'm impressed.

set up some dish passes, and other recordings, and it's been flawless (but this is night #1).

this is also my first experience with the NBR feature, and I'm happy.

More later, but so far so good.
Officially a DISH subscriber!

Well - I'm now a happy DISH subscriber! The 2 techs took about 2 1/2 hours from start to finish. 2 Dish 500's on the roof - in a perfect spot - signal levels were over 100 on 119 and 110. I have a 2nd dish for 61.5 (Philly).

They were able to use my existing coax - so most of the work was done in the basement. I could not be happier with how professional they were.

My 622 and 211 are both up and running - and i'm very impressed. I had to call back in to DISH support to have them "officially" add my locals - and I also picked up the Multi-sport pak. The locals trickled down in minutes.

The VOOM HD channels actually look great - despite the "HD Lite" talk i've read on here. The 622's menu - interactive guide - PIP - are really cool. I'm still playing along. I'm on the HD Platinum package.

My RCA wireless phone jacks also worked like a charm! Now all i have left to do is call Comcast up.

If I find anything on the 622 that naturally hasn't already been pointed out - I'll be sure to post. The DVR functionality is a HUGE leap above what I had with Comcast.
Hooked my 622 up last night myself since I bought mine from I already installed my Dish 1000 months ago so it was easy. I did all the scans for my locals and it found them FAST . I set my preferences, and called the Dish tech department and within 3 minutes I upgraded to hd platinum pack / New York Distant locals pack/L.A. Wb and I had all my programming fast. I thanked the tech and went to work setting up my timers just for Friday, Saturday and Sunday , since I am still working 12 hours shifts till Monday.

The local ota channels that I scanned before I authorized my receiver instantly showed up in my guide once I had my satellite programming authorized.

Love the search features by different themes like horror, sci fi, comedy, etc. It makes searching for movies so much easier now.

The picture quality of this receiver seems to have improved on both analog and hd video. Maybe my imagination but it looks much sharper and clearer now to me. The sound seems to be better too. I no longer hear any popping sounds on my main tv over my a/v receiver. It sounds really good. The feature to audio synch either to analog or hd is a great feature. I had mine set to analog. On the bad side I hear audio popping on my second tv in the computer room, set up with rca jacks- red ,white and yellow . I wonder if it would do it over the coax? I am in single mode so I don't know if it would do the same in dual mode.

It recorded everything like it is supposed to and my kid loves to be able to watch multiple episodes of his kiddie shows. I love the fact you can limit the amount of the shows so it doesn' t use up all of your hard drive up .

The ability to see both tuners over the coax by different channel numbers is great. The 622 receiver really rocks. I thought the 942 was good but this one is the best receiver I think Dish has ever made. I've had both a series two Tivo and the new namebased recording dvrs like the 522/625/942 and now the 622. The 622 makes all the other receivers both Tivo and the rest pale by comparison. Dish just keeps improving the experience with this new 622 receiver. :D

OF course there is one problem. They made this receiver so well I have to have two now. :hungry: It is well worth paying for this receiver vs renting. I have no rental fee on my account either since I own my receiver. The best part is my wife , who is technologically challenged , can even set up timers and even figure out how to limit her recordings to just one or two. The WAF is really up right now. She even said she is glad we upgraded .

Thanks again to Mark , at for getting my receiver so fast and allowing trade ins to soften the blow monetarily on this upgrade. :D
MikeD-C05 said:
Hooked my 622 up last night myself since I bought mine from I already installed my Dish 1000 months ago so it was easy. I did all the scans for my locals and it found them FAST . I set my preferences, and called the Dish tech department and within 3 minutes I upgraded to hd platinum pack / New York Distant locals pack/L.A. Wb and I had all my programming fast. I thanked the tech and went to work setting up my timers just for Friday, Saturday and Sunday , since I am still working 12 hours shifts till Monday.

The local ota channels that I scanned before I authorized my receiver instantly showed up in my guide once I had my satellite programming authorized.

Love the search features by different themes like horror, sci fi, comedy, etc. It makes searching for movies so much easier now.

The picture quality of this receiver seems to have improved on both analog and hd video. Maybe my imagination but it looks much sharper and clearer now to me. The sound seems to be better too. I no longer hear any popping sounds on my main tv over my a/v receiver. It sounds really good. The feature to audio synch either to analog or hd is a great feature. I had mine set to analog. On the bad side I hear audio popping on my second tv in the computer room, set up with rca jacks- red ,white and yellow . I wonder if it would do it over the coax? I am in single mode so I don't know if it would do the same in dual mode.

It recorded everything like it is supposed to and my kid loves to be able to watch multiple episodes of his kiddie shows. I love the fact you can limit the amount of the shows so it doesn' t use up all of your hard drive up .

The ability to see both tuners over the coax by different channel numbers is great. The 622 receiver really rocks. I thought the 942 was good but this one is the best receiver I think Dish has ever made. I've had both a series two Tivo and the new namebased recording dvrs like the 522/625/942 and now the 622. The 622 makes all the other receivers both Tivo and the rest pale by comparison. Dish just keeps improving the experience with this new 622 receiver. :D

OF course there is one problem. They made this receiver so well I have to have two now. :hungry: It is well worth paying for this receiver vs renting. I have no rental fee on my account either since I own my receiver. The best part is my wife , who is technologically challenged , can even set up timers and even figure out how to limit her recordings to just one or two. The WAF is really up right now. She even said she is glad we upgraded .

Thanks again to Mark , at for getting my receiver so fast and allowing trade ins to soften the blow monetarily on this upgrade. :D

I hear audio popping on my second tv in the bedroom. I’m using coax, so that’s not the problem. I am also in single mode. :confused:
I have had my 622 working for about a week and a half. Several things I like and some I do not.

1st -- if you do not like the OTA digital turner in the 811 you will love this one. A warning though -- with the 811 you could keep hitting the menu button and sometimes the 811 would finally lock on. With the 622 you keep doing that when it is not locked on to the OTA channel it will lock-up and require a reboot.

2nd -- if you record OTA I have noticed that if there is any glitch in the signal the sound keeps going but the picture locks up--leading to the audio and video getting out of sync. Pressing the pause button and then the play gets it back in sync.

3rd -- This is my first DVR and it is very easy to use. I have played with my Uncle's Tivo and I think that the 622 is easier!

4th -- I have not had any HDMI problems. I have not tried the Componet output but since I do not have problems with the HDMI I will leave it this way. BTW I am using a HDMI to DVI plug in the back of the 622 and running my DVI cable to my Pioneer Elite 630HD.

5th -- The 622 has a very bright output. I believe that it is pushing the limit too much. While the 811 crushed both whites and blacks the 622 does neither. However, I am begining to wonder if the White output is too high. I really wish E* would allow us control over those outputs. I have had to back my settings on the Pioneer way back. Lower then the settings for the calibration I had done.

6th -- The optical audio 5.1 audio field is infintely better than anything I have heard from Dish to date. Since I have not listen to the 921 or 942 I can not speak for those two settops but the channel seperation from the 622 is excellant!

Finally, as for the $299 price tag for admission. You get a great HD settop and a DPP44 switch and installation. I think that for new technology that this is a very good deal. I know, not so good a deal for those of you who shelled out hundreds of dollars for a 921 or a 942 but then in April you can get this same deal for $99. And I believe that if you own your 921 or 942 you can select to keep it. All around I am very happy that I waited to get the 622 and am now waiting on HD-LIL. That should end my OTA recording glitzes. :)
Had my 622 installed a week ago. The installer arrived with no Dish 1000 or DPP44 switch. Was not on work order, nor was fact that I had Skyangel noted. He called in for a switch to be delivered. I had an old Direct TV dish on roof so he replaced it with new 500 and pointed it towards 129. installed all new lnbs and 44 switch. Hooked up TV in bedroom to TV2 output. After an hour or so of troubleshooting a failing check switch message determined there was a bad lnb. Replaced it and was up and running.

I have had no problems so far. Dishpass is great...The TV2 out to the bedroom has a very good picture and is a great feature.

Does the 622 get the OTA guide witout locals?

Bewildering/Funny Cust Serv Phone Call

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