OTHER Proven Universal KU LNBF - Dual Output


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 15, 2014
North Central
I need to purchase another KU Dual output Universal LNBF.

I know not all LNBF's are created equal, as i just ran into that a week ago when i couldn't get a signal from a cheap universal that came with a dish. I swapped to a universal KU that i had purchased and I went from no signal to stable uninterrupted signal.. So, before ordering another one, i though there might be some people on here that know of a brand to stick with.

It must have the following :
  1. Universal KU LNBF
  2. Dual output. (two coax outputs)
  3. Blazing performance. :flame
Inverto Black Pro is the brand you want ;)

I saw a lot of fantastic reviews overseas about it - What the hell, i ordered one from the England. Couldn't find any suppliers in the United States. I want to put it up for 34.5w ... Ill report back on the quality... Might be a few weeks to a month before i get the item... Thanks Magic Static.
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