OTHER Universal LNBF Question


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 15, 2014
North Central
When tone is OFF, what is the LOF setting? I forget which is which?

Tone off : 9750 ?
Tone On : 10600 ?

or am i reversed?
Found this :

Low band signals oscillate the frequencies between 10.7Ghz-11.7Ghz by 9750Mhz
High band signal oscillates the frequencies between 11.7Ghz-12.75Ghz by 10600Mhz.

Here is a useful guide for remembering what satellite bands what DC voltage are and or 22Khz tone will need to be applied by the satellite receiver to receive them.

Vertical Low (VL) – 13V

Horizontal Low (HL) – 18V

Vertical High (VH) – 13V+22Khz

Horizontal High (HH) 18V+22Khz
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