PS3 Hardware Slow & Broken


Gaming Guru & Pub Member
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Birmingham, AL
Someone screwed up so badly it looks like it will relegate the console to second place behind the 360. All the devs I talked to were lukewarm on the 360 architecture but universally negative on the PS3. Revelations like this go a long way to explain why you keep hearing about simmering problems from the Sony devs.

You end up with a console with half the triangle setup rate of the 360, a crippled CPU that is a bitch to program, and tools that are atrocious compared to the 360. To make matters worse, you have an arrogant set of execs telling us that twice the price is worth it for half the power, a year late. If it isn't already too late, Sony had better do something about this recto-cranial inversion or it may very well sink the console.

I'm no (certified) nerd, but he ones over at /. have chimed-in and suggested this is a non-issue.

What IS an issue, IMHO, is the price and holiday inventory. I can't see many parents opting for $1000 system (console, a couple games & accessories) when they can get the 360 in stores for 1/2 that price. Gawd knows what Christmas eBay prices on PS3 will be! :eek:
Unless launch lineup is amazing, and they never are, there is no reason to overpay for a ps3 this christmas. Tell little johnny to wait until summer...
I never liked the PS2--or the original Playstation for that matter--and I could never see why so many people like it. The games I played (more than 10 different ones over 6-8 months) didn't look as good as Xbox games, even GC games. Now there is/was Playstation only games, and from those that are Playstation only folks that I know, that is the reason why they wanted and got a Playstation, game titles, not quality of graphics.

I feel that will be the reason why people buy this playstation. Hard-core gamers dont really care about graphics, if they did, they wouldn't have gotten a Playstation II over a XBOX.

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