So I think tonight will be the night I order.
Premier with HD Access and The Extra HD Pack
1 HDDVR - Free
2 HD Recievers $99 each
3 Standard Recievers
The install still says $0.00 even though it will be a 6 room install.
Would they add more onto the install since it will be 6 rooms and not the 4?
I do have a central point for the install if that helps.
Premier with HD Access and The Extra HD Pack
1 HDDVR - Free
2 HD Recievers $99 each
3 Standard Recievers
The install still says $0.00 even though it will be a 6 room install.
Would they add more onto the install since it will be 6 rooms and not the 4?
I do have a central point for the install if that helps.