Random Thoughts- The Almost-August Edition


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Apr 15, 2008
It's been a while since I've done random thought, and I think the time is now!

1. In just 3 years, the AFC West has become a terrific QB division. In 2009, it was Rivers and not much else. Now, he is joined by Matt Cassel, Carson Palmer, and Peyton Manning!

2. Not since Jim McMahon/Randall Cunningham in Philly were discussed to death the way Sanchez/Tebow are. Hey, media- there's a guy from Foxboro with 3 rings and an emerging gunslinger out of Buffalo named Ryan Fitzpatrick. There's more in that division than his Tebowness! :blah:

3. Now that LeBron has his ring, who's the next 'Great basketball player without a ring?' I want to say either Durant or Carmelo.

4. Giants or Alabama- better shot at a gridiron repeat?

5. Between the Yankees, Angels, and Rangers making roster moves like they're in an arms race, plus the AL Central dogfight and the Orioles/A's hanging into August with the extra wildcard, the AL playoffs are setting up to be a bloodbath. Anything's possible as the Cards proved last year- hell, we could be watching World Series games from Oakland this fall!

6. Going on a gut feeling and with my heart- THIS is the year my Bills make the playoffs! The players are maturing, we got Mario Williams, we have a very winnable schedule, and we finally got the New England monkey off our back after nearly a decade of 0-fer. That's right, the return of FEAR THE BILLS!

7. How's this for a Fantasy Football name- Homer Simpson's Armchair Quarterback?

8. Do you prefer the Winter or Summer Olympics?

9. With no lockout making July-August a little more normal for NFL teams preparing for action, I don't see as many injuries this season.

10. Ramy, when the Bengals play the Redskins, how do you solve the dilemma of who to cheer for? :D

11. The more I think about it, the more I think Carl Crawford may have been better off signing with Anaheim instead of Boston.

12. Hard to believe it's been 10 years since the Texans became an expansion team and we switched from 3 divisions to 4 and a Wild Card team no longer hosts a playoff game.

13. The NFC North is shaking up to be a warzone of a division with Green Bay, Chicago, and Detroit. God help the Vikings, who are gonna take some beatings.

14. More overrated/overhyped franchise- the Dallas Cowboys or New York Knicks?

15. Who will have more total touchdowns this year- Tebow or Megatron?

16. Who is this year's NFL underachiever/overachiever team? Respectively, I say the Falcons and Bills, respectively.

17. Finally, I was shocked to find out that Sandra was banned. Never would have figured one of the original 2008 DBSForums migrators along with me and Bill would meet such a fate. Her contributions will be missed.
1. Matt Cassel is mediocre at best, and Carson Palmer is past the terrific phase of his career. Manning has yet to throw a pass, let's hope for terrificness, but also holding our breath.

2. Nothing more important than Tebow!!! LOL Glad he's your media problem now...

3. Melo

15. Is this for real? You think Tebow's gonna see the endzone that much? I don't.

17. :censored: :shh
It's been a while since I've done random thought, and I think the time is now!

1. In just 3 years, the AFC West has become a terrific QB division. In 2009, it was Rivers and not much else. Now, he is joined by Matt Cassel, Carson Palmer, and Peyton Manning!

Lets see what Manning brings to the table. I do think Cassel and Palmer will be good. You wonder in a way, if the clock is ticking on Rivers. What if the Chargers have peaked? I mean they should've beat the Pats a few yrs. ago in SD in the playoffs.
2. Not since Jim McMahon/Randall Cunningham in Philly were discussed to death the way Sanchez/Tebow are. Hey, media- there's a guy from Foxboro with 3 rings and an emerging gunslinger out of Buffalo named Ryan Fitzpatrick. There's more in that division than his Tebowness! :blah:

Who cares if Tebow went shirtless? Thing about this is that nothing has happened yet. Imagine when it does. You talk about McMahon/Cunningham. I vaguely remember Hostetler and Simms after the Giants won the SB in 1991. I think there was contraversy back then too.
3. Now that LeBron has his ring, who's the next 'Great basketball player without a ring?' I want to say either Durant or Carmelo.

4. Giants or Alabama- better shot at a gridiron repeat?

5. Between the Yankees, Angels, and Rangers making roster moves like they're in an arms race, plus the AL Central dogfight and the Orioles/A's hanging into August with the extra wildcard, the AL playoffs are setting up to be a bloodbath. Anything's possible as the Cards proved last year- hell, we could be watching World Series games from Oakland this fall!

I mention this earlier in another post, but what about the NL Central. Pirates and Reds. Nice to see some new blood. You could get the Orioles/A's and Nationals in the playoffs plus the Reds and Pirates. That would be good because those teams have been bad for years now. All we would need is the Royals to make the playoffs.

6. Going on a gut feeling and with my heart- THIS is the year my Bills make the playoffs! The players are maturing, we got Mario Williams, we have a very winnable schedule, and we finally got the New England monkey off our back after nearly a decade of 0-fer. That's right, the return of FEAR THE BILLS!

I hope so. Bills havent been in the playoffs since 1999. Hopefully, they'll make it and they wont falter like they did last year after a 6-2 start. They still have a tough division with the Pats and the Jets.

7. How's this for a Fantasy Football name- Homer Simpson's Armchair Quarterback?

Big Simpsons fan obviously, so go for it.

8. Do you prefer the Winter or Summer Olympics?

9. With no lockout making July-August a little more normal for NFL teams preparing for action, I don't see as many injuries this season.

10. Ramy, when the Bengals play the Redskins, how do you solve the dilemma of who to cheer for? :D

11. The more I think about it, the more I think Carl Crawford may have been better off signing with Anaheim instead of Boston.

Bad signings happen all the time. Roberto Alomar to the Mets, Jason Bay to the Mets,just to name a few. Thats the risk you take.

12. Hard to believe it's been 10 years since the Texans became an expansion team and we switched from 3 divisions to 4 and a Wild Card team no longer hosts a playoff game.

Hard to believe we've gone 10 yrs. w/o an expansion team. I thought we would get another NFL team somewhere. NFL is too hot right now, Im surprised we dont have another one...maybe in LA?

13. The NFC North is shaking up to be a warzone of a division with Green Bay, Chicago, and Detroit. God help the Vikings, who are gonna take some beatings.

Well, we will see if the Lions were a one-hit wonder or not. Whoever is in last place is going to get beat badly.
14. More overrated/overhyped franchise- the Dallas Cowboys or New York Knicks?

15. Who will have more total touchdowns this year- Tebow or Megatron?

16. Who is this year's NFL underachiever/overachiever team? Respectively, I say the Falcons and Bills, respectively.

17. Finally, I was shocked to find out that Sandra was banned. Never would have figured one of the original 2008 DBSForums migrators along with me and Bill would meet such a fate. Her contributions will be missed.
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It's been a while since I've done random thought, and I think the time is now!

6. Going on a gut feeling and with my heart- THIS is the year my Bills make the playoffs! The players are maturing, we got Mario Williams, we have a very winnable schedule, and we finally got the New England monkey off our back after nearly a decade of 0-fer. That's right, the return of FEAR THE BILLS!

The Bills will battle Baltmore, Cincinnati, Tennessee and the AFC West teams for the two Wild Cards

11. The more I think about it, the more I think Carl Crawford may have been better off signing with Anaheim instead of Boston.

They can have him and his overpaid a$$!! :mad:

12. Hard to believe it's been 10 years since the Texans became an expansion team and we switched from 3 divisions to 4 and a Wild Card team no longer hosts a playoff game.

I'm not as high on this team as most are. However, they will win a relatively weak division.

16. Who is this year's NFL underachiever/overachiever team? Respectively, I say the Falcons and Bills, respectively.

underaceiver- Jets overacheiver- Bears


5. Between the Yankees, Angels, and Rangers making roster moves like they're in an arms race, plus the AL Central dogfight and the Orioles/A's hanging into August with the extra wildcard, the AL playoffs are setting up to be a bloodbath. Anything's possible as the Cards proved last year- hell, we could be watching World Series games from Oakland this fall!

Fall should be a great time of the year for baseball

6. Going on a gut feeling and with my heart- THIS is the year my Bills make the playoffs! The players are maturing, we got Mario Williams, we have a very winnable schedule, and we finally got the New England monkey off our back after nearly a decade of 0-fer. That's right, the return of FEAR THE BILLS!

Big year for Fitpatrick the qb

8. Do you prefer the Winter or Summer Olympics?


13. The NFC North is shaking up to be a warzone of a division with Green Bay, Chicago, and Detroit. God help the Vikings, who are gonna take some beatings.

Should be a fun season in the NFC north, go lions!

15. Who will have more total touchdowns this year- Tebow or Megatron?

Hopefully Megatron!

17. Finally, I was shocked to find out that Sandra was banned. Never would have figured one of the original 2008 DBSForums migrators along with me and Bill would meet such a fate. Her contributions will be missed

What happened why the ban??
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Finally, I was shocked to find out that Sandra was banned
you must not be that observant as she has been gone for SIX MONTHS

But as Rocky said she left as a result of her own behaviour
10. Ramy, when the Bengals play the Redskins, how do you solve the dilemma of who to cheer for? :D

I flip a coin. LOL. I will root for the better team this year which will be the Bengals.
It's been a while since I've done random thought, and I think the time is now!

1. In just 3 years, the AFC West has become a terrific QB division. In 2009, it was Rivers and not much else. Now, he is joined by Matt Cassel, Carson Palmer, and Peyton Manning!

Rivers will need a running game...but still dangerous as all hell! Cassell COULD have been a product of the Pats system. Manning, I am excited about and worried at the same time. What of what he is capable of, but his health. I would LOVE to see him take a good hit, brush the dirt off and get back up and throw a crisp spiral for a TD...as long as it is not against the Raiders.:) About Palmer, he reminds of of Marcus Allen. He was in the dog house and sat the bench in Oakland for almost 2 1/2 seasons. The only time he saw action was in practice. He goes to the Chiefs...everyone including yours truly though he was washed up. Funny thing that benching did to Allen, it rejuvinated his body and mind...yeah, he was 3 seasons past his best years, but there was little wear and tear on the body. He went to have some great seasons with another "reclamation project" in some OTHER washed up QB, Joe Montana. ALL of the people that get paid to watch football for a living, say his arm looks great and he looks good. Yet all of the armchair/Monday Morning QBs say he is washed up. I wonder what THEY know that the true analyst don't?:rolleyes:

2. Not since Jim McMahon/Randall Cunningham in Philly were discussed to death the way Sanchez/Tebow are. Hey, media- there's a guy from Foxboro with 3 rings and an emerging gunslinger out of Buffalo named Ryan Fitzpatrick. There's more in that division than his Tebowness! :blah:

Thank yous should go to ESPN!:rolleyes:

3. Now that LeBron has his ring, who's the next 'Great basketball player without a ring?' I want to say either Durant or Carmelo.

Carmelo....by a mile. The Knicks will win NOTHING until Dolan is gone! And even then....:D

4. Giants or Alabama- better shot at a gridiron repeat?


5. Between the Yankees, Angels, and Rangers making roster moves like they're in an arms race, plus the AL Central dogfight and the Orioles/A's hanging into August with the extra wildcard, the AL playoffs are setting up to be a bloodbath. Anything's possible as the Cards proved last year- hell, we could be watching World Series games from Oakland this fall!

The power has COMPLETELY moved to the West. Right now, on paper, the best teams in baseball resides in the West/Mid-West. Dodgers, Angels, Rangers, A's, Giants, Reds and Tigers. In the East, Yankees, Braves, Nats and Pirates.

6. Going on a gut feeling and with my heart- THIS is the year my Bills make the playoffs! The players are maturing, we got Mario Williams, we have a very winnable schedule, and we finally got the New England monkey off our back after nearly a decade of 0-fer. That's right, the return of FEAR THE BILLS!

The Pats are still far and away, the class of that division and conference...but in the AFC East after the Pats, its wide open.

9. With no lockout making July-August a little more normal for NFL teams preparing for action, I don't see as many injuries this season.


13. The NFC North is shaking up to be a warzone of a division with Green Bay, Chicago, and Detroit. God help the Vikings, who are gonna take some beatings.

The Vikings have a better defense than most people think and I think they will be in just about every game. And with AD healthy again, they will win MORE games than people will think.

14. More overrated/overhyped franchise- the Dallas Cowboys or New York Knicks?


15. Who will have more total touchdowns this year- Tebow or Megatron?

Megatron MAY end up with more TDs than the ENTIRE Jets offense.

16. Who is this year's NFL underachiever/overachiever team? Respectively, I say the Falcons and Bills, respectively.

Underachiever will be the Broncos. People are not only expecting them to easily win the division, but to go deep into the playoffs. Can they do both? ABSOLUTELY. But EXPECTING IT is a HUGE stretch. They are gonna be in a dog fight in that division IF the Chiefs can stay healthy at the QB position, the Chargers can have a sold running game the entire year and the Raiders stay healthy PERIOD. IF those things hold true, the division be decided on the very last weekend of the season. The division could EASILY be a 4 way tie. Overachievers? My Raiders. NO ONE is expecting them to win more than 6 games tops. Based on winning percentage, this years schedule is slightly better than this year(2011, 0.492...this year, 0.496)with having a ton of injuries last year and still, if they win the final game, they win the division.

17. Finally, I was shocked to find out that Sandra was banned. Never would have figured one of the original 2008 DBSForums migrators along with me and Bill would meet such a fate. Her contributions will be missed.

It is what it is.

There you go.

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