RC71 remote, the LED randomly blinks briefly red

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 24, 2010
What does it mean when on the RC71 remote, randomly on some button press the LED blinks briefly red and then continuous blinking green as usual? When that happens, that key press doesn't do anything as if the key was never pressed. Battery seems still to be good.
Usually, if it's blinking Red, it means an invalid button was pressed.. In my experience it's usually when your trying to program the remote, and hit a wrong button (usually, hitting "Select" when you should be hitting "Enter").
It blinks randomly red (~15% of the time) during normal operation of the remote NOT during programming of the remote.
It's telling you that your battery is starting to get low.

Apparently you are correct, I replaced the batteries and the remote stopped blinking red and it works perfectly now. Really strange way to tell you that your batteries are low and nowhere it is mentioned.

Last time the batteries were low I got a message on the TV screen telling me that and the remote didn't blink red and it still worked fine for a long time. Originally I suspected that the batteries may be low so I measured the batteries voltage under load and it was ~1.4V (fresh battery is ~1.5V), I never experienced problems with any battery operated device at that voltage.
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