
I'd take scifi over HDnet anyday. When I had HDNet on direct it was mostly a demo channel. We have enough of those. Bring on Scifi!
I totally agree with you. When the HDNets were the only thing out...they cool. But Vooms programming has all of that covered. (The only thing I do miss from the HDNets is the show that shows all of the trailers in HD).

Sci-fi channel would take me over the top (that and TNT-HD).
Sci-Fi isn't a HD channel. Voom's goal is to get mostly HD channels now. However, I think once Voom goes WM9 they will be adding more SD channels like Sci-fi and HGTV.

I agree with Sean, that Voom needs to get either HDNET or IND1/IND2. Hopefully we will see TNTHD once it goes online in MAy.
Waiting for SciFi

Since our transition from cable to VOOM last month SciFi is the only channel that I miss. I agree that VOOM should prioritize more HD channels right now, but it would be great to see SciFi out there in the future. :)

Cinema 10: New Movies on 5/1....

Moov-HD: Club Culture II at 4:30pm EST

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