Seriously DEPRESSED -- Lost My MPEG!

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Jim Portner

Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Nov 8, 2009
Southwest US
I have my old C/KU BUD for no other reason than to surf the sky and pull down MPEG channels with my Traxis. It's a sick hobby, I know, but I love it nonetheless. My DSR 922 has lately refused to move to other satellites. The dish counter number does not change, although the screen tells me that I have "moved" to my selected satellite location, but the dish has not physically moved at all. I can "bump" the dish over to the other satellite eventually, but my dish counter NEVER changes. I don't get any "no pulse" error message. Weird I've checked my wiring connections a hundred times. Have unplugged/plugged the receiver. Have replaced the reed sensor on my dish mover. Have replaced the magnet wheel. No dice. I'm dyin' here! Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for whatever you can provide.
Since you don't get a "missing pulse" error, things must be turning, just not getting to the arms screw. Pulsing it may joggle it enough to make it move a bit each time though. I'd pull the motor off the arm and see how hard it is to rotate the screw. Shouldn't be that hard to rotate. If it "skips" or binds, think the screw or nut is damaged/rusty. Then I'd also take the motor inside and check for stripped gears, and the motors condition. Could hook it up on short leads and watch/listen to it operate. Since its all apart, also check the wires again. Twist all the wires, for the actuator, together at the dish and measure for continuity on the receiver side. Another thing to check is the motor voltage from the mover. Should be 24 to 36V. One of these steps should uncover "what's up"
have you tried to unhook the dish,support the actuator arm and see if it will move when commanded
sometimes they get frozen in one spot if not moved regularly
FaT Air and gpat: This is great stuff and I really appreciate it. Will go thru these suggestions one at a time and finally get to the bottom of this, thanks to you two. Happy New Year.
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