Sky Mexico signal lost, LNB or receiver ? help.

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Aug 8, 2017
Hi guys well I have a receiver Sky +HD it's the same as the HR23-700 which I found searching here on the forum, for 5 years has been working great, but last week started to lose signal, it said searching for satellite signal on LNB1 this search lasted just around 5 minutes and everything was ok, but Yesterday did it again and lasted for a couple of hours and by following the receiver instructions I did full reset by using the red button, and now it says "searching for satellite signal on LNB2" however if go to Menu- and then do a test it fails around 20% with a Diagnostic Code 12-615 (yesterday) and today 11-161.

I already replaced the coaxial cable that runs from the receiver up to the antenna and the problem is still there. So I guess the only things left are either the receiver or the lnb. So what you guys think ?

If it's the LNB can anyone point me to one that is a direct replacement preferably on Amazon or Ebay ? Currently I have one like this. (attached photo).

Thanks a lot.


  • LNB Sky 2.jpg
    LNB Sky 2.jpg
    43.1 KB · Views: 216
why dont you contact SKY directly for a replacement. Are you paying a monthly fee for programming with them aren't you? if so they should be able to provide the exact or matching replacement.

Just like Directv you contact them for replacement parts.
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