Sprint Users


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Pub Member / Supporter
Feb 27, 2006
Livonia, Michigan
I know we have some here. Can anyone tell me what you think of them? Coverage , data speeds etc. Etc.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
I've been a Sprint customer for 4 of the last 5 years. I swapped twice and swapped back almost immediately. I've had at some time ATT, T-mobile, All-tell & Cellularsouth(Cspire). And either the service or the customer service was inferior. We are currently on the Family 1500 Data with mobile to mobile (any network). At times coverage is spotty in more rural areas, but for the places I frequent I am pleased with the 3G speed and voice service on my BB9630. I can almost always get a voice signal with the roaming option and often a data signal with a few exceptions. I have also not notice slowing of data speeds and no overages; and we are heavy users. Compared to other carriers the price is right. Hope this helps.
We swapped from Sprint to Verizon because we moved to an area Sprint has no coverage in. Sprint is great as long as you don't live in or frequent a rural area. If you're in a larger city or near the interstate Sprint would be the one to go to.
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Man I am just sick of the 240.00 phone bill..Do I want to lose the connectivity? Nope. am I sick of being killed on my every month? Hell Yes
Here in urban Los Angeles, most companies have decent coverage.
So, good service here, doesn't translate into good coverage where you live.
As suggested, if you stay near a large city all the time, it may not matter.
But if you frequent the open highways, there may be only one with coverage.
Ask your local tow truck companies, at triple AAA insurance office, and other local haunts.

For alternative companies you may not recognize (who piggy-back on the big ones), try this thread:
My wife wants a new phone but dosnt want a data plan
I'm very happy with sprint. its not perfect but it isn't metro pcs either. where i used to live it was a problem but since i moved i've really had no issues. have in mind that while verizon has the best network (imo), its easy to understand that you get what you pay for. while their network isn't the greatest, its good enough considering what i pay every month which includes 4G :)
I live in the Austin, TX Area (Round Rock to be specific), and have Sprint, and have had them for 8 years or so. I'm happy with them. The speeds seem to be improving both 3G and 4G.
I've had Sprint in Minneapolis since they bought out Nextel...so thats 7+ years now

works where I need it to. Even works in the backroads to the cabin which very few cell services do
Might wait until this next year and see if VZW starts offering a family data plan. If not I will be considering Sprint. I have a local store here offering to pay for all fees leaving verizon for up to 5 lines..Only problem there is it applies to any phone except the Iphone.
Are you looking to get a new iPhone?
Or, maybe to keep an existing iPhone alive, but for less?
If you'll read that thread I linked above, I mention looking for a cheap solution to run my used AT&T iPhone.
There are two choices described ($40 or $45/mo).
It came off a $50 or $60/mo T-mobile subscription account.

Of course, if you want a new one, Sprint, and Verizon, as well as AT&T have 'em.
You just gotta sign your life away for the plan. ;)

Radio Shack sells all three brands; they have/had a $30-off deal, and I think that was exclusive to them for Xmas.
I've been a long time sprint user. Coverage doesn't matter as there are no roaming fees. They also have "anytime any mobile" that is huge. Data is ok, not a big user other than email. Bill is still high @ $136 a month with 3 phones after a discount, but very satisfied with no intentions of changing.
I know we have some here. Can anyone tell me what you think of them? Coverage , data speeds etc. Etc.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
I remember going to the Sprint Store in 12 Oaks Mall a few months ago and was testing out the 3G speed on their EVO 4G phone. I did a couple of speed tests and I think I only got like 600 kbps. Considering that Verizon 3G can get 1-1.5 Mbps, I was like no thank you. On the up side, at least if the speed is too slow, you can connect the smartphone to a wi-fi network instead.
I remember going to the Sprint Store in 12 Oaks Mall a few months ago and was testing out the 3G speed on their EVO 4G phone. I did a couple of speed tests and I think I only got like 600 kbps. Considering that Verizon 3G can get 1-1.5 Mbps, I was like no thank you. On the up side, at least if the speed is too slow, you can connect the smartphone to a wi-fi network instead.
that's only in certain areas. i get 1- 1.5 here at work and on 4G i've seen as much as 10mbps. but consistently 7-8mbps .

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My wife wants a new phone but dosnt want a data plan

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