Trying to fix my setup


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Pub Member / Supporter
Nov 30, 2011
Kansas City / Las Vegas
A few months ago the person mowing the lawn ran into my NPRM holding the 90cm Geosat Pro dish. I moved it back into position, there seemed to be no harm to the dish itself. The mower knocked the dish off course. Finally today I had some time to play with it and it appears my USALS motor is dead. Won't move at all. Dish is stuck at 97W. Any ideas on things to try before I throw the motor in the trash and park the dish on a functioning satellite?
I'd take your receiver right out to the dish, and try the motor with a NEW short piece of coax. In fact, IF you have a second receiver and the first still doesn't move it with a new piece of coax, I'd try with the second receiver.
I did a hard reset of my Amiko hd.265 to reset my USALS parameters. Can someone remind me what settings to use for a Universal LNB when you want to use it as a Standard?

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