Voom Predictions for 6/1/04

By The Way My T-Shirt Size Is Med. & If Possible Tapered. Also I Would Like It Black With The VOOM Logo Front & Back.
The Stone Man said:
DarellP will own and operate the first Projectors-R-Us franchise, and become the foremost authority on large screen displays for the home.

Walter L will find time to actually watch some TV, after compiling the results of a self-invented poll asking for viewing preferences.

Sean Mota will wait for the DVR, then network his whole house to become the most 'voomed' customer in the history of HDTV. School children will read of his exploits in the years to come.

Ilya will become a super moderator by volunteering for more assignments on Satellite Guys.

Mr. Biggles will buy the ramelectronics.com website and change the name to Bigglecables.com, and retire in a few years by having an exclusive cable contract for all Voom installations.

Cyuhnke will stop comparing himself to Sea Biscuit's posterior, and realize that the avatar is not in line with his image.

Vurbano and eschu97611 will eventually find something that they agree on, and will announce this in the 5/31 chat.

Funny stuff :yes

Darrel will be sued into oblivion by relatives of people gone catatonic :eek: at the sight of PBHOTHD at 110".

cyuhnke has changed his avatar, will stop calling himself a horses a$$, but will never quit acting like one. :no

I also want a t-shirt. I would like it in a color that goes well with a beer belly and hides food stains.
wbuffetta said:
For Me Right Now (On My Front Projector) The PQ On VOOM Is Far Better Then D* (SD & HD).
I PREDICT Eschu97611 will comment on that one.... LMAO

I PREDICT I will be banned from the AVS forum for telling my local broadcasters that they operate as network affiliates in the same manner as Tony soprano, forbidding distant network feeds in their territory, while drooling at selling bandwidth to USDTV and destroying their HD.

I PREDICT INHD!!!!!!!!!!! (keep hope alive)

I PREDICT genewildershair will return to the forum (miss makin fun of the stuttering)
vurbano said:
I PREDICT Eschu97611 will comment on that one.... LMAO

I PREDICT I will be banned from the AVS forum for telling my local broadcasters that they operate as network affiliates in the same manner as Tony soprano, forbidding distant network feeds in their territory, while drooling at selling bandwidth to USDTV and destroying their HD.

I PREDICT INHD!!!!!!!!!!! (keep hope alive)

I PREDICT genewildershair will return to the forum (miss makin fun of the stuttering)
Quit predicting things V and stick to what you know, HDTV

uh, better yet, go ahead, keep predicting-LMAO
1. New set top box firmware will improve SD Picture quality and set top box stability as well as activating callback on the set top box. This will be the last firmware upgrade until Mpeg4/WM9 is ready to be deployed

2. HD PPV channel

3. Wealth TV

4 Branding by genre of the other 9 of the former Cinema 10 channels.

Nothing else big happening through the summer until ready to roll out the Mpeg4/WM9 upgrade cards/set top boxes sometime in late August to September timeframe. This will also be when the new sat scheme requires new dish installations/tuning. DVR will not be introduced until MPEG 4/WM9 conversion and will be native MPEG4/WM9 boxes. The DVR will be eagarly anticipated in late summer but will not arrive until late Fall. No INHD. No HDNet. No new SD channels. Not until the codec switch. Then we will get Fox Sport Net channels, more SD channels like Food, Sci-Fi, HGTV, TechG4, etc. Also full pay-per-view sport packages and expanded HD/SD pay per view options.

thats my story and I'm sticking with it.....for the time being,
I Predict VOom will hire Howard Stern and turn cinema9 into the HD Stern network with an HD stern radio show, movies and special HD creations by Howard. If you are listening VOom, there is a reason why this man is hated/loved/despised/popular etc,....... its because he is talented. Sign him up , put him in one of your studios and add some content no one else has. Now theres some content for the HDN channel? RUSH? ULTRA? or one of the cinema channels!
The Stone Man said:
DarrellP will own and operate the first Projectors-R-Us franchise, and become the foremost authority on large screen displays for the home.

Walter L will find time to actually watch some TV, after compiling the results of a self-invented poll asking for viewing preferences.

Sean Mota will wait for the DVR, then network his whole house to become the most 'voomed' customer in the history of HDTV. School children will read of his exploits in the years to come.

Ilya will become a super moderator by volunteering for more assignments on Satellite Guys.

Mr. Biggles will buy the ramelectronics.com website and change the name to Bigglecables.com, and retire in a few years by having an exclusive cable contract for all Voom installations.

Cyuhnke will stop comparing himself to Sea Biscuit's posterior, and realize that the avatar is not in line with his image.

Vurbano and eschu97611 will eventually find something that they agree on, and will announce this in the 5/31 chat.

Funniest post I think I've ever seen!!!
Well done Stone---(still wiping tears) :) :) :) :) :D :D :p :p :smug :smug
The Stone Man forgot Genewilderhair : I predict that Genewilderhair's hair will straighten out but with a few sutters every few seconds back to curls.
I predict that Voom will be bought by Microsoft, who will then make all STB run on MS-DOS:

C:> Watch HBO

Bad Command or File Name


Bad Command or File Name

C:> del C: :dev
Oh yeah, that's right. No Voom for a month, I think. I'll go out on a limb and predict that microstutters will be a thing of the past by the time his new roof is completed, but GeneWildershair will have a bad case of shingles.
The Stone Man said:
but GeneWildershair will have a bad case of shingles.

Rimshot! :clap I miss hearing about microstutters too.
Well, it's really funny isn't it? The problem is that the "micro stutter"
problem is for real.
The Stone Man said:
Oh yeah, that's right. No Voom for a month, I think. I'll go out on a limb and predict that microstutters will be a thing of the past by the time his new roof is completed, but GeneWildershair will have a bad case of shingles.
Nah, stutters will still be there for you Jay when you get back-lol
vurbano said:
Whats stuttering right now I wanna tune in to see if mine does it too.
pick any premie and watch for more than a minute-if you don't see them you might be in the percenatge which Jay mentioned that don't notice them-but, they are there and many subs have posted to confirm as much.