Voom Predictions for 6/1/04

cyuhnke said:
BTW, did you have the low-down on DIVINE before it hit?

Nope. This one took me by surprise as well. Back in October at the Voom Launch Conference, all reporters were told that all the exclusive channels will be changing with time. The existence of these channels depend on the acceptance of subscribers. Cinema 10 concept is good but only if your library of movies happens to be more recent and larger. I think VOOM is going through many changes now because they already have 6 months worth of data of what the public think of their channels. They are only trying to improve it. I am not saying Divine is an improvement but again is an experiment at best. Will it go away or will stay? Let's see if a year from now it is still there.

In my conversation with the various programmers, they knew for example that Monsters-HD was going to be hit and was going to be well received by customers. They already know that they have taken a chance with MOOV, Gallery, Ultra, EPICS, Cinema 10, & Auction. Animania will be a hit channel but it will take time to increase the content. World Sport and Rush will find their audience because it is sport. So Divine is no different than those that they have taken a chance. Wait and see...What's going to happen...
I predict that HD pq will STILL be inferior to D* and that the "we are still working on the encoders" excuse will be used constantly throughout the summer months by Voom's engineers to explain this away-lol
I predict at some point in time we will have less than 12 Sticky threads :)
I would LOVE to have InHD 1 & 2 and just SD NBA TV, but I'm not gonna work myself up over it yet. I would hope Voom will get it together and add those soon.
vurbano said:
anyone remember these?

281 InHD
282 InHD 2
I do!!!! I dont really care about the NBA-TVHD...but I would really like to be able to flip on INHD 1 and 2. I'd be shocked though if it happened by tomorrow. OH....later today. Its morning already.
Sean Mota said:
Nope. This one took me by surprise as well. Back in October at the Voom Launch Conference, all reporters were told that all the exclusive channels will be changing with time. The existence of these channels depend on the acceptance of subscribers. Cinema 10 concept is good but only if your library of movies happens to be more recent and larger. I think VOOM is going through many changes now because they already have 6 months worth of data of what the public think of their channels. They are only trying to improve it. I am not saying Divine is an improvement but again is an experiment at best. Will it go away or will stay? Let's see if a year from now it is still there.

In my conversation with the various programmers, they knew for example that Monsters-HD was going to be hit and was going to be well received by customers. They already know that they have taken a chance with MOOV, Gallery, Ultra, EPICS, Cinema 10, & Auction. Animania will be a hit channel but it will take time to increase the content. World Sport and Rush will find their audience because it is sport. So Divine is no different than those that they have taken a chance. Wait and see...What's going to happen...
This is some of the best news Ive heard. I am glad VOom is going to be flexible and business smart.