Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

newbie says HI!

Hi all-
After staging a 3 year hiatus (should I say protest) from sat. TV because they almost doubled my sub. $ overnight, it looks like I'm about to be back in the thick of it!
And thank the heavens (get it) there is a site with forums and knowledge like this one!
I've been watching one- yes one- over air channel for that length of time but I just got a Valentines Day present in the mail yesterday from my MOM! (I love you too MOM!)...
It's a Fortec Star Lifetime Ultra which I know 0 about except what I have learned from reading this site for the last 24 hours!
I'm picking up a dish and rotor and LNB ASAP and can't wait to let you all educate me...I'll let you know as soon as I get 'er up and running...
P.S.- Comments on this unit and/or where to find sat. "help" (dish etc.). Anyone got one they wanna part with or...??? And what should I do with my old DSS box and dish?
Thanking you in advance...Arja
Good to be here, New member, But I have been a Direct tv then Cable Instaler. Then opened a small home theater contracting company before retiring to stay home with my son!
Greetings, I've just picked up this fta hobby and loving it, could be addicting, but thoroughly enjoying fta. Love this forum and all the help and knowledge it provides from all you fellow hobbyist. TK.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I wanted to take a moment to welcome all our new members to SatelliteGuys.US! Yesterday was the busiest new member signups day ever in the history of SatelliteGuys.US with 175 new members joining us!

We want all of our members to feel at home here at SatelliteGuys, if you are a new member why not take a moment to say hello and tell us about yourself.

Welcome home to SatelliteGuys, we are hapy to have you here!
Hi whats guys
Good day. I found out about FTA about a year ago, but I still haven't taken the plunge. I had Dish for five years and loved it, but I'd like to get something that I can pay for once and be done with it. I've learned a great deal in these forums, and yet I still feel like I know very little. These forums are very informative, so I will continue to peek in every now and then. Ciao.
Hi All!

I have been a lurker on this site for some time. I decided to join because this is one great place to get the scoop on DBS & other great stuff. I have a older Mits HDTV monitor connected to an E* model 6000. I got this equipment in April of 2001. Before that I was a long time BUD user. I self installed all my equipment. Definitely interested in the VIP622 but I wait till the dust settles before I take the plunge. I am very leery of any E* rec. after having the 6000 as many of you know.
I look forward to learning more from the great folks here.
New Poster

First Post from a long time lurker. I have been following the Verizon forum. Eagerly waiting for service to come to my area.

I have found great info. on this site. If I waited on Dish Network to get me this type of info. I would have given up on them a long time ago. Keep up the great work. I'm getting my 622 on 2/28. I hope it works as good as my 942.
Hello all -

Just registered, I've been lurking for about a year. Finally got tired of not being able to see the .jpg attachments...:D

I follow the Dish Network threads as I have been a Dish customer since they launched their first bird.
I just joined yesterday. I found a lot of good information here. I've been a member of Dish since 1998. Can somebody tell me how to update my information such as adding my location. I see another person from my town here athol massachusetts. Big-Ed