Well, At Least Lloyd Carr Gets It Over With Right Away!!!

I find it hilarious... Michigan fans, alums, and doners, are so dang arrogant that they cannot saddle a loss to a team like Appalachian State. Even losing to USC once, and Ohio State three times in the last four years is what accounts for 90% of their losses. And yet all you hear is "Carr needs to be fired, he needs to retire, its all his fault".

The bottom line is that he has the best record among all active college coaches. And you know that the next coach to come in will have some learning to do and will not come out of the gate winning the Big Ten, and taking the BCS championship... heck he most likely would lose to Tressel, and Paterno. Is that better than what you currently have?

It comes down to the entire NCAA is much more competitive than it was even three years ago, much less five, eight or ten. Just the big ten alone. It is hard to be in a section of country where you are recruiting the same talent as Ohio State, Notre Dame, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Penn State. And if you are Michigan you are recruiting against USC, and Florida.

I feel bad for Carr. He is currently in the worse funk he has ever been as a coach, I admit that. But that funk includes his only three consecutive losses in a row as head coach, and they were too Ohio State, USC, and now Appalachian State. Two of those teams could easily be a national Champion. Do you hang a guy for that?

The Wolverine Loyalists are not doing themselves any favor by treating Carr the way they are. They are making that head coaching job a hot enough seat that very few candidates are going to want to take a chance as seeing how long they can stand the heat.

Joe, You are spending too much time watching second tier teams (MSU, DETROIT LIONS). We expect to win Big Ten championships and National championships. The truth of the matter is that Carr has run a respectable program. He has managed to avoid the problems the basketball team couldn't avoid. For that he has my respect, but we can run a clean program and win National championships. Take a look at USC as an example. I think that MSU looks at a good season as one where they beat Michigan. If that makes you happy, so be it, but the truth of the matter is we are perrenially a top10 team, and our goals are higher. There will be no shortage of coaches lining up for the Michigan job when it opens up. Arrogant? Why shouldn't we be? Maybe if MSU had a little more attitude they wouldn't be the Detroit Lions of the Big Ten. For the record Joe, my daughter graduated from MSU. She doesn't understand either how they can run such a superb basketball program, and yet not have a clue about football.
Despite Michigan's loss, they are listed as a 7 1/2 pt. favorite over Oregon. Didn't the oddsmakers watch the game? Or do they know something I don't know? In their defense, they probabily don't have the Big Ten network in Las Vegas. Still find it odd.
Joe, You are spending too much time watching second tier teams (MSU, DETROIT LIONS). We expect to win Big Ten championships and National championships. The truth of the matter is that Carr has run a respectable program. He has managed to avoid the problems the basketball team couldn't avoid. For that he has my respect, but we can run a clean program and win National championships. Take a look at USC as an example. I think that MSU looks at a good season as one where they beat Michigan. If that makes you happy, so be it, but the truth of the matter is we are perrenially a top10 team, and our goals are higher. There will be no shortage of coaches lining up for the Michigan job when it opens up. Arrogant? Why shouldn't we be? Maybe if MSU had a little more attitude they wouldn't be the Detroit Lions of the Big Ten. For the record Joe, my daughter graduated from MSU. She doesn't understand either how they can run such a superb basketball program, and yet not have a clue about football.

I route for your defined "second tier teams", I probably watch more of what you call "first rate" teams. I am a sports fan overall, so I do know what I am talking about.

For example: Your example of USC. unless you are talking solely on recent years, before 2004 USC did not win a BCS championship since 1978. As I said before, modern day college football is far more competitive in recent years.

I do not disagree with you that the Michigan has a prestigious football program. In my opinion it is the best in football history. But like I said, the game is more competitive now. With much more talent, schools being more flexible academically, T.V. Contracts, and more money, I think it is a huge achievement what Michigan has done in recent years under Carr.

F.Y.I. With the launch of the Big Ten network, all the Big Ten teams will have more money rolling into their programs, so you canexpect even more competition in the Big Ten alone.

It is not about being a first or second rate team, it is about the competition out there. Should Michigan have lost to Appalachian State? No. Did Carr have a huge part in the loss? You bet! He should have warned the team to take the game seriously, and rode their butt to make sure they do. But games like that is what makes sports great to watch. Because a giant like Michigan can fall to Appalachian State, people continue to watch. Otherwise why tune in?

OT - I'm reading in the paper this morning that the game is going to be re-broadcast tonight on 13 Fox Sports Net stations. I'm having no luck finding out if we'll get it on one of our affiliates in L.A.

Does anyone know? :confused: I would love to see that game.
Despite Michigan's loss, they are listed as a 7 1/2 pt. favorite over Oregon. Didn't the oddsmakers watch the game? Or do they know something I don't know? In their defense, they probabily don't have the Big Ten network in Las Vegas. Still find it odd.

Believe me, The people setting the line see the games, at least the big boy schools ...

Joe, You are spending too much time watching second tier teams (MSU, DETROIT LIONS). We expect to win Big Ten championships and National championships. The truth of the matter is that Carr has run a respectable program. He has managed to avoid the problems the basketball team couldn't avoid. For that he has my respect, but we can run a clean program and win National championships. Take a look at USC as an example. I think that MSU looks at a good season as one where they beat Michigan. If that makes you happy, so be it, but the truth of the matter is we are perrenially a top10 team, and our goals are higher. There will be no shortage of coaches lining up for the Michigan job when it opens up. Arrogant? Why shouldn't we be? Maybe if MSU had a little more attitude they wouldn't be the Detroit Lions of the Big Ten. For the record Joe, my daughter graduated from MSU. She doesn't understand either how they can run such a superb basketball program, and yet not have a clue about football.

I'd be carefull what you call a second rate team, theres a good chance that second rate team you were talking about (MSU) beats the Maize and Blue this year....

I'd be carefull what you call a second rate team, theres a good chance that second rate team you were talking about (MSU) beats the Maize and Blue this year....


You don't become a "second tier" team in one season, it takes years of mediocrity. Yes MSU may beat Michigan, every 5 yrs or so it happens. This is a very serious rivalry, second only to Michigan and the evil OSU.

I route for your defined "second tier teams", I probably watch more of what you call "first rate" teams. I am a sports fan overall, so I do know what I am talking about.

For example: Your example of USC. unless you are talking solely on recent years, before 2004 USC did not win a BCS championship since 1978. As I said before, modern day college football is far more competitive in recent years.

I do not disagree with you that the Michigan has a prestigious football program. In my opinion it is the best in football history. But like I said, the game is more competitive now. With much more talent, schools being more flexible academically, T.V. Contracts, and more money, I think it is a huge achievement what Michigan has done in recent years under Carr.

F.Y.I. With the launch of the Big Ten network, all the Big Ten teams will have more money rolling into their programs, so you canexpect even more competition in the Big Ten alone.

It is not about being a first or second rate team, it is about the competition out there. Should Michigan have lost to Appalachian State? No. Did Carr have a huge part in the loss? You bet! He should have warned the team to take the game seriously, and rode their butt to make sure they do. But games like that is what makes sports great to watch. Because a giant like Michigan can fall to Appalachian State, people continue to watch. Otherwise why tune in?

Hasn't the competition always been there? The biggest change in the last 20 yrs. has probabily been in recruiting, there is a bigger emphasis on national recruiting. Michigan's loss definitely will be felt in this arena of competition. It was a great game to watch, just wish it would have happened to some other national power. This was akin to a 16th seed winning in the NCAA basketball tournement. (That will happen some year)!
Hasn't the competition always been there? The biggest change in the last 20 yrs. has probabily been in recruiting, there is a bigger emphasis on national recruiting. Michigan's loss definitely will be felt in this arena of competition. It was a great game to watch, just wish it would have happened to some other national power. This was akin to a 16th seed winning in the NCAA basketball tournement. (That will happen some year)!

I would say the competition has not always been there. The Big Ten would always have Michigan as a contender, and one other team. Usually Ohio State, or Penn State. In the last decade we have seen Wisconsin, Penn State on a regular basis, and Iowa stepping it up big every year. On any given game with a match up between any of those teams it could go either way. 10 years ago or more, that would not be the case.
Joe, the Big 2 and the little 8, ended with Schembeckler and Hayes. When you look past the overall numbers, you see where Carr has failed. 3 straight losses to Ohio State are unacceptable to a University whose main goals are 1. Beat Ohio State. 2. Beat Ohio State. 3. Win a national title. 4. Beat MSU. 5. Beat Ohio State. We attract alot of recruits just because we are Michigan. Carr's recent recruiting efforts have been found lacking, and his game preparation has been sad. We're getting tired of rolling over the patsies and losing in the big games. Now we've lost to a patsy. Totally unacceptable for Michigan. 109,000 people every Saturday want more. Being an also ran may be okay in East Lansing, but it doesn't fly in Ann Arbor. Actually, I'm pretty sure it doesn't sit well in East Lansing either. Why else would they have gone through so many coaches in the last 25 years?

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