What can I do?

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Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
I live in Chattanooga area and the CBS station (WDEF) contract goes out on DEC 31st. WDEF is saying its at an impasse. What if anything can I do? My contract ends in February. I love D* but not gonna tolerate this nonsense when I can go to uverse, cable or Dish. Advice is appreciated as I would prefer this gets handled.
I live in Chattanooga area and the CBS station (WDEF) contract goes out on DEC 31st. WDEF is saying its at an impasse. What if anything can I do? My contract ends in February. I love D* but not gonna tolerate this nonsense when I can go to uverse, cable or Dish. Advice is appreciated as I would prefer this gets handled.

Typically these get extended and stay on till an agreement is reached.
You'll see crawls on the screen about it, but normally gets resolved.
I live in Chattanooga area and the CBS station (WDEF) contract goes out on DEC 31st. WDEF is saying its at an impasse. What if anything can I do? My contract ends in February. I love D* but not gonna tolerate this nonsense when I can go to uverse, cable or Dish. Advice is appreciated as I would prefer this gets handled.

Why not get an AM21 and watch it off the Antenna for free ? It will also give you a much better picture quality :)
Directv site

Log into your account
click on equipment and it shows the receivers
there is a tab that says accessories and you can order it there

$50 + tax (no shipping fee...just sales tax)
You had better have an OTA antenna ready. I have a feeling that these retransmission contract disagreements are only going to get worse with all providers not just DIRECTV. The broadcast groups are getting greedier and greedier.
charper1 said:
if you already have a ATSC tuner in your TV you can save the $$$ even tho $50 isnt that much

Good point, but if he has a DVR the AM21 will allow him to record.
Please reply by conversation.

Old packages still available?

D* appaluds introduction of new video deregulation bill.

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