What's your main complaint about VOOM today?

MY main problem with VOOM?

I CAN'T GET IT............

On the west coast of the US it's wayyyyyyyyy to low on the horizon on the 61.5 bird. I get 110 and 119 fine.......

Repeats on Rush and Rave

VOOM needs to invest in more content. Concerts are great, but they keeping repeating the same five.
I just don't understand why most of you are requesting on adding more channels when the PQ can't be solved yet. if I want to watch ESPNHD which is not HD yet, the I would stay with Directv which on HD channels is far better than Voom. So far I have Directv and Voom and for me Picture Quality is # 1, I am just giving Voom one more month is PQ has't improve I will sign off.
I constantly hear all this talk about VOOM's upcoming products and software. Which is great, but there is nothing on the programing side. Are they trying to win on tech... ultimately they will lose. Why not give someone a bone and start announcing the content that is coming soon. If it weren't for this site, I wouldn't have known that I have the Golf channel all of a sudden. Not that I want the golf channel, but they could have told me for pete's sake.
I'm switching over to zoom only after they get the ESPN package (including ESPN Deportes for UEFA CL). I careless if they put it on a separate tier.
For me the PQ has been fine on most channels. What I would like to see most is the addition of Fox Sports Net and HDNet. The program guide is ok to me except for that it always returns to the first channel rather than the one you are currently on when you want to browse. I hope that makes some kind of sense.
I would like to see the program guide start with whatever channel you are currently watching rather than always going back to the start.
NEED SPORTS!!! Football, Hockey, Baseball. Here in Denver area we lack ABC (unless your real close) until they get done with the tower. Also get rid of the digital cable box and get a real satellite box.
I've been a VOOM user for exactly 1 week and here is what I notice:

- Cinema 1-10 pq is not as good as HBO.
- No DVR yet (hope it will come soon)
- News channel is better than I expected with limited resources.
- Compared via PIP Discovery HD VOOM and Discovery HD Direct TV. Could not see any difference.
- Was watching a Cinema 10 channel on Voom then switched back to Direct TV HDNET and was blown away by the picture. Hope they get HDNET.
- Glad I got it......but glad I held on to my Direct TV also.
So, so far so good.....
micro stutters, and some bad pixelation on on the west coast premium movie channels would be the only two complaints I really have right now.