Why I Switched Totally to FIOS

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I had Fios for about a year in WA. The PQ and channel selection, excluding out of market sports, is unbeatable. The weak point was the Motorola DVR. It's been a while so maybe they have come up with something better in the meantime. Getting a Tivo HD box with memory expansion is a totally adequate solution otherwise.

SD on Fios looks as good as SD over an HD channel on either Dish or Directv.

Good luck with Fios. Hope you enjoy it. If it was available in more areas it would be a no brainer for most.

WE have FIOS internet and telephone with aerial plant and it has proved to be super reliable. The internet service is to die for.

We keep Dish network primarily because of their wonderful DVRs. We are Redskins & Nationals fans so the sports coverage is just not an issue, -the Motorola STBs just don't cut it. I would love to see Verizon resell Dish over their fiber, but I expect that will happen when pigs fly.
Can get fios here but dont want it:

- no Sunday Ticket.
- no land phone, only have cell, so wouldnt use a tripleplay bundle anyways.
- low HD hrs (30 ?) on dvr + i hate tivo so thats out.
- no MSGHD.
no outages in my first year. Several a month with D*. Satellite is just unreliable and missing 5 minutes of any football game or show is not tolerable, IMO.
It's all a matter of priorities. I find that a single HD channel for Center Ice is unacceptable. That's why different providers cater to different sweet spots in channel coverage.

And when the battery fritz's out on your little space satellite what do you do then? wait 2 years to get another one up? :rolleyes:
3 words: in orbit spares.

You have the same issue with your content for FiOS; Verizon gets the master network feeds via satellite.

FiOS is all kinds of awesome if it meets your requirements, but it doesn't have full coverage parity with DirecTV, and that's going to rule it out as an option for a number of folks.
I have yet to see a distribution box on a pole .... are they like our phone terminals or larger ?

Images Attached.
DB is Distribution Box
OU is Optical Unit

And when the battery fritz's out on your little space satellite what do you do then? wait 2 years to get another one up? :rolleyes:

I cant speak for D* or E* but as a Shareholder with Sirius, here is there emergency plan if that happens. I would bet money E* and D* have the same

They pay XXX fee for launch rights within 48 hours
They have a spare satellite already built in the event it happens.
(Sirius actually has 2)


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Although I would love to have the FiOS supplied internet (which will never enter my market) I will NEVER switch to an all-in-one bundled service; all the eggs in one basket approach has its headaches not worth putting up with. I can meet and have beat most if not all of their non-promo pricing with equal and in most cases better overall service and selection; internet being the lone exception. But mine is close; 16D/2U for $55
Jimbo , Fios is better then ATT solution .... NO UGLY VRADs to go bad.

I have Fios phone/internet/ and every 3 or 4 months they will offer me free TV for 3 months to get me hooked it is good service there is nothing wrong with fios tv other then outrageosu box rental fees.

enjoy my internet and phone, but it gets annoying when people say they do this or that and I ask did you call us about it to get it fixed and about 7 out of 10 times I get a no.... Which my response is always how can we fix something that you dont tell us about and that when customers hang up with me.
The box rental fees are bit steep, but no cost to upgrade when/if a new box comes out. And cable card rental is only $ 3.99 if you have TiVo or a compatible TV.
Name two.
DirecTV-3, now operating as Nimiq 3 and currently backing up Nimiq 1.
DirecTV-1R -- currently operating in the 72.5 slot being vacated by D*.

Either of those could be brought in to provide temporary capacity until a new vehicle could be launched. You'd lose some LiL markets, but national service could likely be maintained at near 100% capacity.
Images Attached.
DB is Distribution Box
OU is Optical Unit

I cant speak for D* or E* but as a Shareholder with Sirius, here is there emergency plan if that happens. I would bet money E* and D* have the same

They pay XXX fee for launch rights within 48 hours
They have a spare satellite already built in the event it happens.
(Sirius actually has 2)

Excellent, more GARBAGE to have to fight to get to the phone equipment.
WE have FIOS internet and telephone with aerial plant and it has proved to be super reliable. The internet service is to die for.

Same here, the 'net svc is excellent. I have 25D/23U measured speeds consistantly. No svc interruptions in 2 yrs time.

Jimbo , Fios is better then ATT solution .... NO UGLY VRADs to go bad.

I have Fios phone/internet/ and every 3 or 4 months they will offer me free TV for 3 months to get me hooked it is good service there is nothing wrong with fios tv other then outrageosu box rental fees.

Same, I get those Verizon flyers in the mail constantly but I recycle the paper :). No FIOS TV svc for me, yet. Can't match DTV's sports choices.

It's all a matter of priorities. I find that a single HD channel for Center Ice is unacceptable. That's why different providers cater to different sweet spots in channel coverage.

FiOS is all kinds of awesome if it meets your requirements, but it doesn't have full coverage parity with DirecTV, and that's going to rule it out as an option for a number of folks.

Same for me as an NHL fan. DTV's CI pkg is nice. As you said, it's about programming priorities. For me, having all available movie channels would be great but as long as it's a choice of "either/or" between that and sports, DTV will win out for me.

Can get fios here but dont want it:

- no Sunday Ticket.
- no MSGHD.

That says it for me as well. As long as this is the case, it's DTV TV svc for me.

That 'net svc is great though.

I have to admit, having an HDTV svc with no weather interruptions is something that I think about every once in a while.
How often do you guys lose your signal ?

We've had tornado's and hard storms thru here the last 3 weekends, I lost signal for about 10 minutes all together.

I would bet that I don't lose signal for even :30 minutes a year.
I can live with that.
So, if the Verizon lines are aeriel, then they are suseptaple to the weather just like any other phone/cable, electric line. If they are buried they are suseptable to being cut at any time digging is being done in the area.... granted the chance of hitting YOUR line, is slim, feeds get cut all the time buried from other contractors.

I have yet to see a distribution box on a pole .... are they like our phone terminals or larger ?
What a pain they must be to deal with on a pole.
Thanks for the info, in the U-Verse world we don't put distribution boxes on poles, unless your talking about Verizon running service thru existing phone lines, but it doesn't sound like it.

So everything is a ""Home Run" with Fios ?
What is the distance required to have Fios ?

I divert for a second.

I have Direc as well as Uverse. Why in the world does Uverse (at least with me)
have issues with storms? Pixelation and random freezing?

Yes, I do periodically lose my signal with direc but very its very infrequent.
I divert for a second.

I have Direc as well as Uverse. Why in the world does Uverse (at least with me)
have issues with storms? Pixelation and random freezing?

Yes, I do periodically lose my signal with direc but very its very infrequent.

Bandwidth probably.
They have 3 levels of service, if you dropped down one, you would do better, but it may cause you to not be able to have all that you do, depends on your current rate and features.
Get the repair guys out there, it could be something else as simple as bridge tap, bridge tap is quite often the problem with U Verse, grounds are also a common issue.
I am just going to hire jimbo to take care of my verizon copper line issues since verizon keeps firing copper techs. ( I still have deadicated SDSL line that is copper at my house )
I am just going to hire jimbo to take care of my verizon copper line issues since verizon keeps firing copper techs. ( I still have deadicated SDSL line that is copper at my house )

As long as your paying for the expenses, I have no problem :D

If you want your Verizon lines fixed, hire a AT&T guy !!!!

I can't even get Verizon to fix MY noise on my line .... unfortunatly, I don't have access to prints ....
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As long as you paying for the expenses, I have no problem :D

If you want your Verizon lines fixed, hire a AT&T guy !!!!

I can't even get Verizon to fix MY noise on my line .... unfortunatly, I don't have access to prints ....

the nice thing about verizon is they keep everything unlocked so anyone could put a wire tap on my neighbors phones ha ha ha ha ha.
the nice thing about verizon is they keep everything unlocked so anyone could put a wire tap on my neighbors phones ha ha ha ha ha.

Ummmm, they don't use wire taps in the field anymore .....
Normally they tap them from the Central Office, as far as Law Enforcement goes.
Kids may play in the field, but it's really rare.
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