WorldSport-HD: Soccer : UEFA Cup, Quarterfinals: Internazionale vs. Marseille

i watched part of it, and the broadcast got a little messed up at certain times. It seemed like the whole picture was shifted up and it looped around and the top of the picture came up on the bottom. weird stuff, but only happened for a couple minutes.
neo0285 said:
i watched part of it, and the broadcast got a little messed up at certain times. It seemed like the whole picture was shifted up and it looped around and the top of the picture came up on the bottom. weird stuff, but only happened for a couple minutes.

Mat, said that there were technical problems with the LIVE broadcast but that the re-broadcast was not going to have the same problems. Anyway, second half started and Marseille just scored the first goal of the game. People are rocking!

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