Free HD Access for EXISTING customers

Did you get FREE HD?

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    Votes: 98 54.7%
  • Got FREE HD for less than 2 years

    Votes: 18 10.1%
  • No Dice.

    Votes: 63 35.2%

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Yeah, I understand the gut reaction to people automatically charging your card, but not really the logic. Would you not pay the bill anyhow? If theres something wrong with it, how its paid isnt going to materially affect working that out with the company. And if you couldnt work it out and refused to pay, they'd cancel your service, charge it to your card anyhow and perhaps even add an early termination fee to that. Or turn you over to a collection agency and ding your credit if they couldnt charge it somehow.

Those dont seem to be particularly good alternative outcomes. Seems to me that taking a $10 discount per month and getting airline miles or cash back out of what appears to be the inevitable is prudent.

Plus its gosh darn convenient. I can look at my monthly credit card statement and see all of my bills.

Now I'm going to scare the pants off of you guys. I have my credit cards autopaid from my checking account! :)
Well there are plenty of people with debt built up on their credit cards that don't want to add to it and would rather pay if they have the money on them I guess
Thats what debit cards are for.
can you do autopay through a debit card?

either way, I am still weary about autopay. I guess $10/mo savings is worth it. Are they starting ST discounts yet if I call in?
Yeah, you can. I get an email about the amount, then it comes out of the Checking account 10-14 days later.

Dunno on ST, and yes I think $240 is worth it.
Well there are plenty of people with debt built up on their credit cards that don't want to add to it and would rather pay if they have the money on them I guess

Its better than a zero sum game. They could put the 'money on them' towards the credit card balance, have the amount autocharged, and save $10 a month.

Also on the debit card thing, its an extremely bad idea to use a debit card for online purchases and things like autopays. This is because for many banks they offer no recourse like a credit card does where you can dispute a charge and have it removed. The money is gone and if you authorized it, its strictly between you and the company who took the money out. Most banks will put the money back into your account if it was due to the card number being stolen or identity theft, but in many cases it may be weeks or months before you get the money back.

About the only thing a debit card is useful for is if you dont have the discipline to use money responsibly and pay off your credit line every month. Debit cards are pretty darn dangerous to use, even at point of sale.

Around my area, we had scammers affixing fake card readers over existing ones at gas stations and other point of sale terminals. People would stick their cards in or swipe them, the transaction would go through, but the little box that was attached recorded their card information. Later the scumbags would return and take the box.

Thousands of people had a lot of money yanked out of their accounts and many waited a long time to get it back, if they did at all.

For online stuff, someone only needs to hack into the companies database and grab the debit card numbers. I see a story about that happening almost every day.

EFT's directly from a bank account or via a debit card are verrry dangerous. Credit card payments on the other hand have a lot of safeguards and limitations on them for your protection.
Yepp, and I could be hit by a car crossing the parking lot after work. Some of you spend too much of your lives worrying about things.

I have two checking accounts that I transfer back and forth from. Only the pertinent spending money is kept in the debit card account, and it's linked to Directv, Itunes, Amazon, UsaToday, etc...
Just jumped on the free HD..Im an existing cusomer. Just resigned a new contract last week when I baught the HR24.

Plus they gave me HBO\ Cinemax for 3 bucks 3 months. Not too bad.

Maybe someone can clear this up for me.

What exactly is the free HD for life deal???

Its still hazy to me?
Yepp, and I could be hit by a car crossing the parking lot after work. Some of you spend too much of your lives worrying about things.

I knew a guy that used to get drunk, take his pants off and run across the street. Everyone blew their horns and lots of screeching brakes. He thought it was hilarious. As far as I know, nothing bad ever happened to him. But that didnt make it a good idea.

The Dangers of Using a Debit Card - CBS
:confused: Wow. Weird. I have never had to play CSR roulette before...but it did kinda work. On my first call "Erica" didn't seem to want to bother with me & flat out told me that there was no such deal for HD. She didn't check on anything just told me NO. :(
On my second call, "Julie" said the deal was for new customers & when I asked if there was anything for existing customers she checked & typed for a few minutes & then came back on & said that her supervisor let her give me a $10 HD access fee credit for the next 12 months...:D ....But never required me to do autopay....:confused:

I just don't understand how they can be so inconsistent.
It may be 12 for complaining, and 24 for complaining with autopay. I mentioned specifically that I had autopay up front, and I heard thats what the deal was linked too.
It may be 12 for complaining, and 24 for complaining with autopay. I mentioned specifically that I had autopay up front, and I heard thats what the deal was linked too.

No like I said before it is a discount you have to qualify for free hd for a year is something we have had for a long time.
I can and do manage my credit cards, Exactly why I'll never setup autopay.;)

But u do tell the credit card when to pay ? :confused:

Ok im just not getting the joke here then.

The directv bill shows up on my credit card june 24.

i dont have to pay the credit card until july 18.

Even then its a minimum payment if i want to.

Im not geting it. :confused:
Even then its a minimum payment if i want to.

Im not geting it. :confused:
Whats the point then?
When I reveiw my bill ,and everything checks out and my credits go through, I pay.

I don't subscribe to services I can't afford, so paying a minimum payment on my credit card is dumb, Might as well pay D* $5 and be late paying them, instead of High intrest credit card fees.

Free HD isn't enough for me to do this auto pay bit. No offence to anyone who trusts the system, or even D*. But this is not an issue I have against D*, Its an issue I have against all companys.

Just remember Debit card customers, All it takes is one Over draft, and the $30 bank fees pile on , and there went your big HD savings.
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Whats the point then?
When I reveiw my bill ,and everything checks out and my credits go through, I pay.

I don't subscribe to services I can't afford, so paying a minimum payment on my credit card is dumb, Might as well pay D* $5 and be late paying them, instead of High intrest credit card fees.

Free HD isn't enough for me to do this auto pay bit. No offence to anyone who trusts the system, or even D*. But this is not an issue I have against D*, Its an issue I have against all companys.

Just remember Debit card customers, All it takes is one Over draft, and the $30 bank fees pile on , and there went your big HD savings.
AGREED!:up No auto pay for me also.:no
Whats the point then?
When I reveiw my bill ,and everything checks out and my credits go through, I pay.

So what is it that you do if everything doesnt check out and the billing company says "well, thats what your bill is and its 100% correct"? And how often does that happen and whats your experience been with just not paying?
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