NCAA Football 2014 season

From watching the Ole Miss game, what I have been able to see, they remind me of last years Baylor team, offensively that is.
Neither team plays defense I guess.
Terrible ending for Ole Miss it seems. Treadwell apparently breaks his ankle getting tackled while going into the end zone for the probable win, drops the ball and Auburn recovers with little time left.
Mississippi State and Auburn both pull it out in the end. Looks like they will be in this weeks top 3 with Florida State, with Oregon or Bama at 4 or 5.
It's legal, but the jumping on the back of a legs is more dangerous than any type of horse collar.

Good win for Auburn.

The biggest winner in the SEC today didn't even play. Alabama. Is there anyone who doesn't think they're going to spank Miss St. at home.

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Ole Miss-Auburn. What a finish. 2 great teams. Too bad one had to lose and lose it the way they did. If I was a Rebel (is that still their nickname?) I wouldn't sleep tonight and I'd be starting on my second hard drink since the game ended.
Alabama is gonna beat MSU, they are not that good. If they had not jumped out on Aubie, probably would have lost that one too. If Arkansas had a decent Qb, MSU would have lost this one.
I think my Tigers had more penalty yards than rushing yards. lol
Very frustrating but I'll take it.
On to Texas A&M then UGa with Gurley.:(
I am now officially a football atheist
The football gods can kiss my hog calling rear end. Can we not pull out just one win?
Once Rave Peavy and Ty Storey start battling it out for the starting QB spot with the wide outs we have signed the SEC will not enjoy defending this offense
Brandon Allen just doesn't have what it takes
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I became a football atheist 7 years ago and there's no chance for reconversion in the visible future for me. It's tough watching a once decent Purdue football team lose weekly and even worse watching the hoops boys who are also going downhill.
Terrible ending for Ole Miss it seems. Treadwell apparently breaks his ankle getting tackled while going into the end zone for the probable win, drops the ball and Auburn recovers with little time left.
From seeing the highlight, I thought he was in the endzone, but haven't seen the replay.
You have to wait for the committee rankings on Tuesday.

The other polls come out on Sunday like normal.

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