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  • Users: jammy
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  1. J

    Locals for Beaumont, Texas available!

    Sorry, just saw the previous post with this info.
  2. J

    Locals for Beaumont, Texas available!

    Today, locals for ABC, CBS, NBC (Channels 12, 6, 4) in Beaumont, Texas became available. At the moment, only SD not HD.
  3. J

    Beaumont, TX locals

    For those interested, the word I have from D* is that locals for the Beaumont/Port Arthur areas of Texas will be available on or around 17th October 2007.
  4. J

    DirecTV's HD 100: The List Grows

    Local Channels? Does the launch of this satellite mean that a lot of the gaps in providing local channels will be filled in? I live in the Beaumont area of Texas. Thank you.
  5. J

    D* and TiVo back together - again?

    Is it true that DirecTV and Tivo have maintained and will maintain a relationship that could result in a DVR based on TiVo technology, that would be able to handle MPEG4 HD?
  6. J

    PBS Channel 384 - HD?

    Is there an HD version of PBS Channel 384 available?
  7. J

    Channel 82 NBCE - Problems

    Actually If anyone also watches PBS on Ch. 384, there is something funny going on with the sound - it goes up and down in loudness. Has anyone else noticed this?
  8. J

    Channel 82 NBCE - Problems

    I don't know if this is a new topic or not - if not I apologize. For the last several weeks, the sound on channel 82 has been dropping out as frequently as several times a minute. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? What is going on? Thanks. jammy.
  9. J

    No Wimbledon HD - El Cheapos!

    As Questioner said, the Wimbledon broadcasts ARE Widescreen, but NOT HD!!
  10. J

    No Wimbledon HD - El Cheapos!

    NBC apparently say they could not afford the expense of setting up all the necessary equipment to show Wimbledon in HD. BUT.... As the BBC is already showing Wimbledon in HD, surely all that would be required would be to convert the British PAL HD signal into American NTSC HD! That doesn't...
  11. J

    Wimbledon 2007 in HD?

    I've been searching on the internet to see if NBC plans to show this year's Wimbledon in HD. From what I've seen, it looks as though the transmission will be in SD only. Can anyone confirm this one way or the other? Thanks.
  12. J

    D* - I rate 8/10

    Even though I last had cable TV about 7 years aga and have never had E*, I would still rate D*'s service as high as 8/10. Yes, I still want more HD and better HD quality and yes I have had technical problems that needed fixed (some fixed well, some fixed not so well). Yes, I am still waiting...
  13. J

    What's the deal with Ch. 98?

    I set my DVR to record a National Geographic HD preview on Channel 98. When I got home to check, no recording. What is going on? Thanks.
  14. J

    Chelsea vMan. Utd. - in HD?

    Of course, I mean broadcast in the U.S. in HD. I'm almost certain that it will be broadcast in HD in the United Kingdom.
  15. J

    Chelsea vMan. Utd. - in HD?

    Of course I mean broadcast here in the U.S. I'm almost certain that it will be shown in HD in the Unoted Kingdom.
  16. J

    Chelsea vMan. Utd. - in HD?

    Does anyone know if the upcoming English FA Cup Final will be broadcast in HD?
  17. J

    NEXT 10 HD lil Markets

    What about locals in Beaumont Texas? I think the Beaumont market is ranked about 130-140. But D* has provided locals for markets ranked lower than that. Why are they not doing things in order? I want my Beaumont locals!!!
  18. J

    Help!! I LOST channels!!!

    Just to clarify: A technician is actually coming to my place on Saturday. Before I called DTV to get Ch. 86 added, Channels 80,82 and 88 were coming in fine. Then something happened while I was still on the phone to DTV and the 3 channels disappeared!
  19. J

    Help!! I LOST channels!!!

    Here's the deal. I recently moved to Beaumont, Texas from DFW, Texas. Because no local channels are available here, I thought at last that I would qualify to get Channel 86 - ABCE. I called DTV and lo and behold! - instead of getting Channel 86 added, I ended up losing Channels 80, 82 &...
  20. J

    DirecTV in Beaumont, Texas

    DirecTV in Beaumont, TX (2) As a follow-up to my original thread, am I right in thinking that there is a smaller version of a 5LNB dish available? How about in this area? Thank you.
  21. J

    DirecTV in Beaumont, Texas

    I used to live in the DFW area of Texas and now I am in Beaumont, TX. Does anyone have any information on availability of local channels and OTA HD channels in this area? Is it even worthwhile trying to set up an antenna to get any OTA stuff, or are all the HD channels based...
  22. J

    D* receiver use for Dish or Cable?

    Thanks for your responses.
  23. J

    D* receiver use for Dish or Cable?

    I have a D* receiver (HR10-250). Will such a receiver (or any D* receiver) work if the input signal is Dish or Cable?
  24. J

    Just Got HR20 for $99

    Installation of HR20? After I called D* Installation and told them I wanted a new HR20, it took about 3 weeks for the actual install. It was installed on October 2nd. I got them to install it in the Master Bedroom, which we only use to watch TV before going to sleep. Then I can get an idea...
  25. J

    Just Got HR20 for $99

    I got the 'HR20 for $99' deal too. Given the other discounts that they gave me as well, I will end up paying nothing for this receiver (actually less than nothing)! My main gripes about D* are: 1 - Technical assistance (at least at Level 1) that doesn't know what is going on (and...