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  • Users: roadrhino
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  1. R

    What's Planned for E10 Spotbeam 39 Transponder 31?

    Hi, In looking over the new E10 spotbeam maps at I noticed that Spotbeam 39 (LA/SD) has transponder 31 listed (Tony mentioned this as well in an earlier thread), however doesn't indicate that any stations are on this transponder...
  2. R

    Echostar X move and SF "minors" spotbeam

    Hi all, I noticed this last weekend that I could not get some stations that I had been able to get a week earlier. In particular, all the "minor" San Francisco DMA stations seem to now be on transponder 31 spotbeam 43 (thanks Tony and dishchannelchart for the info) and I am unable to get...
  3. R

    Still have DNS and Locals?

    I am still troubled by the fact that no one seems to know exactly what SHVERA says, perhaps including E* and D*. My story: I moved in Fall 2004 to a new place When changing my address, the E* CSR offered me LIL and DNS ... I said "yes!" This is pretty much what would have once been called a...
  4. R

    Distants again ...

    I've not received any letter from Dish stating I need to choose between Distant Networks (DNS) and locals. It's been a while since anyone here has reported receiving any such letter. I'm wondering whether Dish sent the letters out all at one point in time and not having received one is a good...
  5. R

    I've currently got DNS and locals ... should I request a formal waiver?

    ... Or would that hose me? The situation: I'm in a white area where last year when I called to add locals the CSR asked whether I wanted DNS as well. I signed up for both and have happily been receiving both for some time now. I've not yet received any letter from Dish stating I need...
  6. R

    White areas, SHVERA and THE LETTER

    Let's try a poll ... Roadrhino
  7. R

    Distant Network Changes?

    Hi, I was wondering recently about some possible programming changes. I looked on the website and it appeared that my service address doesn't qualify anymore for both local networks as well as distant networks, something a Dish Network represenative offered me on the phone...
  8. R

    Suppressing the banner on a 301?

    Hi, I would like to suppress the banner Dish Network gives me when I change channels with my DP 301. Can this be done at all? If it cannot, is there a way to, move the location of the banner? Thanks and all the best... Roadrhino
  9. R

    Resetting Lock?

    Hi, I just obtained a new (for me) receiver at a yard sale that I intend to use as a backup. However, when testing it out, it seems to have a lock on the system. I went back and asked the former owner who says something like "I don't remember ... all sales final." Not too big of a deal...
  10. R

    New Locals/Distants Pricing Question

    I read recently (in a newspaper advert, I believe) that Dish Network was now including locals for free with AT60 or higher. I just got my bill yesterday and this seems to have been confirmed. The way my bill now reads is: AT120: 34.99 Dist Nets: 8.99 ------------------- Total...
  11. R

    Shipping Receiver to Canada

    Hi all, I've decided to Ebay an old 301. I've indicated that I am willing to ship to US buyers. A Canadian asked whether I would be willing to ship to him in Canada if he prepaid the UPS charges. My question is ... "Would I be violating any laws if I were to ship a 301 into Canada ...
  12. R

    And the Winner Is ....

    Just under a month ago I asked how long it would be until a disconnect signal is sent to a receiver and n0qcu answered "could be in a month". He wins the prize (although he was the only one offering a timeframe). The loser is ... me. Last night at midnight the AT180/HBO/Encore package that...
  13. R

    Smartcard "married" to a Receiver?

    Every so often I've seen mention of a smart card being "married" to a receiver. What does that mean? Redrhino
  14. R

    Selling IRDs on Ebay ... what info will help me sell

    I know that I will get blasted for this question because satellite theft is a crime. Let me state up front that I do not approve of such actions. However, I don't have an ethical problem with selling old IRDs on ebay because I can't assume that someone buying the equipment is going to use the...
  15. R

    3 Satellite Configuration help

    I feel somewhat guilty for asking (what might be such) a simple question. However, I've searched the archives and not found anything that applies ... perhaps this is because of my limited knowledge. Perhaps I should start by mentioning that my goal is to have a 2-dish 3 satellite system. I...