AAD - Is Out of Business

Seriously? Why in the world would folks think you or satguys have anything to do with AAD?
If you could see some of the emails we get...

People send us all kinds of stuff. In an age where people should concerned about identity theft its not uncommon for someone to think we are DISH and or DIRECTV and send over things like...
Full Name
Full Address
Credit Card Number, security code on the back
Social Security Number
Account Username and password
Account Number
Account Pin
Phone Numbers (Home, Office, Cell)

It really is a good thing I am an honest guy and delete those emails when they come in. I dont want that kind of info to get into other peoples hands. Just another reason why I work hard to protect our members information.
Well, we could see them. All you have to do is post them, with the identifying information removed. :)
If you could see some of the emails we get...

People send us all kinds of stuff. In an age where people should concerned about identity theft its not uncommon for someone to think we are DISH and or DIRECTV and send over things like...
Full Name
Full Address
Credit Card Number, security code on the back
Social Security Number
Account Username and password
Account Number
Account Pin
Phone Numbers (Home, Office, Cell)

It really is a good thing I am an honest guy and delete those emails when they come in. I dont want that kind of info to get into other peoples hands. Just another reason why I work hard to protect our members information.

Just send them to me. I need to get a couple of things and I would rather someone else pay for it. snicker snicker ;)
What do you mean there nothing you can do to save these channels, what can we do as a member to tell all american direct that satelliteguys is interest in taking over?
Rusty, there is not enough money among members here to rescue AAD. We're just Dish or DirecTV customers having trouble paying relatively modest $100/mo bills. If you (or somebody else) wants to come forward with many millions of $s, then AAD is truly done for. Gone for good. No saving it.
On 119°W, how come WABC, WNBC, and WCBS (in SD) appear to be on two different CONUS transponders?

I was just looking to see, out of curiosity, if there was some market that an RV user could "move" to permanently, in order to receive at least the network programming, preferably in HD. To answer that question, "western" arc (the old national 110, 119 and new 129) are totally dry for CONUS HD networks, just looking over Lyngsat.

Eastern Arc 61.5°W looks good though. Columbus, Denver, Jacksonville, etc. http://www.lyngsat.com/packages/dish61.html

The RV equipment that I know of though, look at the Western Arc birds though.
On 119°W, how come WABC, WNBC, and WCBS (in SD) appear to be on two different CONUS transponders?

I was just looking to see, out of curiosity, if there was some market that an RV user could "move" to permanently, in order to receive at least the network programming, preferably in HD. To answer that question, "western" arc (the old national 110, 119 and new 129) are totally dry for CONUS HD networks, just looking over Lyngsat.

Eastern Arc 61.5°W looks good though. Columbus, Denver, Jacksonville, etc. http://www.lyngsat.com/packages/dish61.html

The RV equipment that I know of though, look at the Western Arc birds though.
77° is about the only place and no one know how much longer that they will have the conus.
I still don't get why not allowing you to get locals not in your market is such a bad thing. You're still paying for them right?
I still don't get why not allowing you to get locals not in your market is such a bad thing. You're still paying for them right?

Here is a example: in your market a local station will pay for Wheel of Fortune. The local station pays for copy rights with in your market. The commercials some local pay for this copy rights. If you get say Detroit which had Wheel of Fortune on WDIV and watch it. The copy rights of your local station is being violated Also local advertisers and not being watched in the local market
100% correct, and if not for one thing I would be more supportive of their position. Their ability to charge and hold hostage the carriers. It's all been posted before, but they get a free ride to be exclusive even if they don't provide you an OTA signal, AND they now charge you to get that signal.
With DVRs, local advertising is almost meaningless. The only time I see commercials is during a sports event. Since we are paying the providers for the signal, and the station owners are jacking up our rates due to lost revenue and "because they can", why not take it a step further and let us pay a premium to receive whatever stations we want? If local broadcasters want re-trans fees, then we should be able to buy the signal we want. They shouldn't be able to have it both ways...re-trans fees for signals we can get OTA for free and exclusivity.
"why not take it a step further and let us pay a premium to receive whatever stations we want?"

Some of us have posted that years ago.
With just about all markets on spots now most of it is irrelevant. You pretty much can only get the market that they are living in now.
Unless you still have DirectTV. Got rid of DirectTV 14 years ago and moved to Dish. Now it appears I am screwed for receiving distant network programming. I know someone with Direct who still has their distant network programming and in high definition I might add. Receiving distant networks was the main feature I enjoyed with satellite. I guess I got to enjoy it for fourteen years. I am able to watch programming from all over China but not all over America now. How ironic. I hope DirectTV does not lose it's ability to offer distant network programming as the last bastion of freedom. I know what I loved and felt passionate about. Protect whatever is left. I know I might have been breaking some rule by receiving distant network programming but what the heck. This whole situation is bogus. I guess it's time to start learning to enjoy other things. It appears my desires for distant network programming are fading. Maybe there will be some new technology that will allow me to continue to enjoy this. I sure hope so. Wouldn't have known about this if it wasn't for Satelliteguys. I wouldn't know how to spell satellite if it weren't for Satelliteguys. Thanks for all the help. It sucks that this has happened. This law is anti consumer.
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Unless you still have DirectTV. Got rid of DirectTV 14 years ago and moved to Dish. Now it appears I am screwed for receiving distant network programming. I know someone with Direct who still has their distant network programming and in high definition I might add. Receiving distant networks was the main feature I enjoyed with satellite. I guess I got to enjoy it for fourteen years. I am able to watch programming from all over China but not all over America now. How ironic. I hope DirectTV does not lose it's ability to offer distant network programming as the last bastion of freedom. I know what I loved and felt passionate about. Protect whatever is left. I know I might have been breaking some rule by receiving distant network programming but what the heck. This whole situation is bogus. I guess it's time to start learning to enjoy other things. It appears my desires for distant network programming are fading. Maybe there will be some new technology that will allow me to continue to enjoy this. I sure hope so. Wouldn't have known about this if it wasn't for Satelliteguys. I wouldn't know how to spell satellite if it weren't for Satelliteguys. Thanks for all the help. It sucks that this has happened. This law is anti consumer.
Let's see now we are talking about AAD and that is on Dish net. So why would I be discussing Directv? Also have a feeling that they will also start converting to spots as well as it saves bandwidth. That is the major reason that satellite is going that way.
Let's see now we are talking about AAD and that is on Dish net. So why would I be discussing Directv? Also have a feeling that they will also start converting to spots as well as it saves bandwidth. That is the major reason that satellite is going that way.
I don't think it is too much of a waste of bandwidth to offer the same amount of distant network programming as they always have, just a few markets. In my personal opinion there is no valid technological reason why this has to be the end of distant network programming. The loss of ADD is the loss of distant network programming from what I am reading on here. I don't want to be calling in every time I am outside of my spot beam. I'm usually able to receive local programming with antenna if needed. With distant networks I may not live in a market but I like to be able to enjoy that markets local news and programming and the different schedules due to time differences. Sometimes a show I missed in the time zone I am in can be caught in the later time zone feed even if I missed recording it. I've always had distant networks on satellite. Satellite will not be satellite without this to me. I am very disappointed this will be going away. Do I have any influence over this situation? It appears not. whatchel1 this is what I should have said my apologies.

So who has been attacked by a Directv sales man at a walmart?

A warning when deleting timers

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