Another unhappy Sadoun customer!

Please reply by conversation.


SatelliteGuys Master
Supporting Founder
Aug 5, 2004
-.-. .... .. -.-. .- --. ---
Sadoun is no longer a sponsor...why? Who knows. What I DO know, is I'm sure he's still a member here. This has now gotten to 58 posts. I've seen him post, to tell people he's fixing it, your stuff's on it's way, etc, in the past. This time, after almost 60 posts in this thread...nothing. This, to me, speaks volumes about customer service, or lack thereof.

Yep, no matter what people think on if I handled it right or wrong, I dont care. Im going to post my experence here good or bad.

These are the facts:

I ordered a part (motor) from Sadoun.
As of this posting, It still hasnt shipped.
A week after placing the order after not having any communcication from Sadoun or his staff, I called them and was told of the delay.
I called Jamal directly, left a message on his phone, and he has failed to even return my call.
They offered no resolution, for this delay to include drop shipping from the manufactor.
Today, they still havent contacted me to update me on the status of my order.
They still havent responded to this post.

Why? because everything I have posted is 100 percent true and there is nothing for Sadoun to defend, regarding this attrocity of coustomer service. There is one side of the story and thats the truth. It has been posted here.

What I am doing is, now that it has been a well over week. Is Reversing charges on my credit card, Fileing complaints with the BBB, and the local chamber of Commerce of the city he does bisness in Ohio. All of this could have been prevented with a phone call. For the people who defend Sadoun, they forget that I gave Sadoun a week before posting here and calling them. I dont hold grudges, unless I have been given a reason to, and the way I have been treated by Sadoun, has given me just cause. I forgave Sadoun for his "past mistakes" and now the same thing virtually happens again! To me it sounds like a trend, and not like a company that makes mistakes from time to time.

Monday, I will be on the phone and writing letters in regards to this. Its amazing that Sadoun or one of his staff hasnt picked up the phone, emailed or made an attempt at any communication what so ever. It speaks volumes that these guys just plain out dont care or give a crap about their buisness, so you shouldnt care to do buisness with them. Let this be a warning to all. and those who say that me posting my experence is going to make you do buisness with them more, good, let it happen to YOU and YOU would be the first one posting here on why you dont have your stuff! Just like how I did! :up


SatelliteGuys Pro
Sep 7, 2003
Canton, Ohio
First of all:

The fact remains that the vast majority of people on this thread have nothing but good to say about Sadoun and their dealings with him..

if I had a bad situation with someone as GB describes..I would first try to stay in communication with the company until the problem is fixed (as he probably has)

If I wanted to talk about this at all with SatGuys folks, I would do it in PM or by email to Scott or Iceberg..Nothing gets solved by blasting people publically, In my opinion..


SatelliteGuys Master
Feb 14, 2004
Germantown OH
What I am doing is... Fileing complaints with the BBB, and the local chamber of Commerce of the city he does bisness in Ohio.
Nowadays, the BBB has little weight. A complaint will accomplish little. He has (3) unresolved complaints currently and still a "B-" rating.

The chamber of commerce ? Let us know how to file a complaint with them...


SatelliteGuys Pro
Aug 29, 2007
I think maybe he needs to switch to decaffeinated coffee because he really is making a mountain out of a molehill. But, maybe I can understand how a business might have to work in this economy to survive.


SatelliteGuys Master
Sep 30, 2006
Great High Plains
It' s Gb 99

Come on guys it's goaliebob99. We aren't friendly but from all the stuff that he talks about. If it's gonna screw up it WILL BE W/ HIM. :eek:


SatelliteGuys Family
Sep 22, 2010
To me, it seems like the OP is having the same problem people have when they go to a movie they heard was gonna be great, high expectations.
Many of you don't seem to get how a small web company works. Many small companies these days starting on the web can't possibly stock all the items that people might want to buy. Especially higher cost items, and items that aren't ordered as often. So, many use a drop shipper. When a problem occurs with the drop shipper, they don't always know what's wrong. Maybe it's been shipped, or maybe not. It's dangerous, but you almost have to do it on the web to ensure a healthy profit.
As for whether or not they even know if something is in stock...that's harder... In a brick and mortar store, they can always look if something's in stock. Maybe the warehouse doesn't even have access to the web store to mark when something is out of stock. Maybe there's 200 orders for an item, and the entire store is run manually, and they don't know that those items aren't in stock until they process the orders. Maybe Sadoun is out of contact, and he's the one that updates the site.

In my opinion, the original poster did overreact. He expected an item to be there by a certain day, which isn't always guaranteed when ordering an item. There can be delays. It could have been lost in shipping. Sadoun could be trying to solve it right now. Yes, it reflects poorly on them, but no reason to call the BBB, YET.

Oh, and a supplier shouldn't be expected to check a forum every day to see if someone's said something bad about him.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Dec 10, 2007
Wow ... I think the horse is dead ... But ... Lets beat him some more. It has been my personal experience that people are far more likely to complain than to complement .... So based on the previous posts, statistically speaking I would say Sadoun is an outstanding vendor. I wish my worst problem in life was waiting a couple weeks for a frigging dish mover.


SatelliteGuys Family
Sep 22, 2010
If he's that impatient, he should just take his washing machine apart. :p That has a strong motor.

Sorry...that's insensitive of me... I understand you're frustrated and you wanted your motor already. Sorry that it's been delayed soo long.


In Dave Grohl We Trust!
Supporting Founder
Mar 31, 2008
North Florida
Oh, and a supplier shouldn't be expected to check a forum every day to see if someone's said something bad about him.
He wasn't EXPECTED to check a forum.
He USED to do it on his own.
Then he disappeared as a sponsor, and stopped checking in AT ALL.
Maybe somebody pissed him off... maybe not. He's just gone from here.
-And all this "It's just GoalieBob blah blah..." is insane. I guess when somebody feels they've been done wrong, they better keep it out of here. :rolleyes:
( To Bob, I hope this gets resolved for you soon.)


SatelliteGuys Master
Supporting Founder
Aug 5, 2004
-.-. .... .. -.-. .- --. ---
UPDATE: well there is no update, sent a nasty gram to sadoun's staff ( they still haven't shipped my item, still haven't contacted me, still have my money!

Still no resolution offered by Sadoun or his staff. If I was Sadoun, I would be embarrassed. If this isnt shipped in 24 hours, I will file a lawsuit, and that's not an empty threat. 250 dollars pays for the lawsuite in small claims, and once I show the Judge the pay pal receipt along with my credit card statement, I'm sure that Ill get the court costs back and my money back. I don't know what type of games Sadoun is playing, but this is stupid.

Still listed as available, with no mention of any delay. Sadoun Powertech HH Mount Motor DG380 DG-380 DiSEqC 1.2 Compatible

This is going on over two weeks!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Lifetime Supporter
Jan 22, 2009
This isn't the place for this. If you feel you need to take legal action then do so, but for god sakes close this thread already.


SatelliteGuys Master
Supporting Founder
Aug 5, 2004
-.-. .... .. -.-. .- --. ---
No need to close it... Ill continue to post here until sadoun makes it right. The fact of the matter is I ordered a part, and sadoun has failed to fufill thier promise of filling it. They also havent refunded me.

I'm entitled to what I order, no matter how biased some here are.


SatelliteGuys Master
Lifetime Supporter
Sep 3, 2004
Roseville, CA
Reverse the PayPal payment and support a SatelliteGuys sponsor..... End of story!!!

Hint...... Galaxy Marketing....

I am sure that Robbie would love to ship you a motor!


On Vacation
May 27, 2008
San Diego, California
No need to close it... Ill continue to post here until sadoun makes it right. The fact of the matter is I ordered a part, and sadoun has failed to fufill thier promise of filling it. They also havent refunded me.

I'm entitled to what I order, no matter how biased some here are.

Thanks for the update Goaliebob since indeed it's something any businessman would just cringe at the mere tought of doing "business" the way you've been treated, i should know, after running my family's business for 10 years now and helping it to survive even in this times of crisis (it's been running for almost 30 years now).

The least he could do was to contact you and offer you a full refund, and an apology for the bad service, but know... yikes! i'm sure that if you went to his business, took whatever you needed and at the time of paying you told him "sorry i don't have any money with me, i TOUGHT i had it when i checked my wallet last week... i'll pay you next time i have $$$... seeya!", he wouldn't let you go away with the merchandise.

I really, really do hope he has a good explanation, heck, maybe not even an explanation but a simple "your shipment will be at your house X day" or a "we're gonna refund your whole amount of money, there were failed links in the chain of communication, sorry to keep you waiting so long".

I don't know why it reminds me of this (though a bit silly considering it's the Monty Python):
YouTube - The Parrot Sketch
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SatelliteGuys Pro
Aug 20, 2008
Sportsman's Paradise Northern Mi
Well I knew it wouldn't last, after this disappered from page 1, I knew we would all have to endure an "update". Why, because what this person wants more than anything is sympathy, attention, and worship. Yes, worship. All his talk about how he "forgave" Sadoun in the past must have Sadoun feeling pretty grateful and sleeping better at night. Well, "forgive" me too but all this "forgiveness" has this person sounding like Supreme Master Ching Hai in reverse drag. I'm glad we were all told about how "forgiving" this person is because we would have missed that in his venomous comments, so thank you for pointing it out.

What any business would "cringe at" would be having a customer like this. Most anyone would recommended this customer buy a motor from a competitor!

All the threats are getting boring. 1st it was 3B and the AG, now it's a lawsut. Go ahead, file a lawsuit, spend $250, and the motor will be delivered before the case even reaches the docket.

Fact: The motor is out of stock.
Fact: The motor is thought to be back in stock in a few days.
Fact: If you wait a few days, it will arrive.
Fact: This customer prefers to complan instead of demanding a refund, a refund won't get him the audience he craves.
Fact: Sadoun screwed up.... 1st by showing inventory in stock....2nd by not insisting this person cancel their order.
Fact: If Sadoun gave this person everything he says he wants, he would still engage in character assassination. So where's the upside for Sadoun? Good customer relations? Really now, would this really make this customer happy? No, he would still tell everyone who will listen what a no-good he thinks Sadoun is.
Fact: This person and those who keep feeding his need for sympathy and attention should go on Oprah or Dr. Phil where someone would care and feed their need.
Fact: We're all sick of hearing about it, this person should have manned up and taken care of the matter between himself and the Sadoun Co. I could see his complaint IF Sadoun refused to do anything, but keep this in mind people: HE WAS PROMISED A MOTOR AROUND THE 1ST WEEK OF OCTOBER. THEN would have been the time for all this IF it wasn't delivered.
Fact: This person should post this mess on the Sadoun site where someone might actually care and be able to do something about it.
Fact: A complaint to the BBB is pointless because this person will get his motor, IT"S BACKORDERED, even 3B knows this happens all the time, IT"S OUT OF THE VENDOR"S CONTROL OR HE WOULD HAVE SENT THE MOTOR IN A TIMELY MANNER.
Fact: If all else failed, if this HAD to be posted, it should have been posted in FTA Shack. Oh wait, it wouldn't have gotten as much attention there.
Fact: this person's constant complaining and threats is making him look far worse than Sadoun.
Fact: He was told the motor will be in, why should Sadoun need to call him? Will it arrive any faster? No, what this person really wants is some special consideration: cash, discount, expedited shipping, free merchandise, or all 4 cheeks kissed.

Question: How many people like this does it take to screw in a light bulb? Just 1, all they have to do is hold the bulb in the air, and their perception that the world revolves around them will screw it in. Or in this case, up.

Enough is enough.
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SatelliteGuys Pro
Jun 24, 2006
5 miles N of Saugatuck, Mi
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires mail order merchandise be sent to the buyer within 30 days of purchase unless otherwise stated in the advertisement for the item. For instance, if the sales ad states it may take up to six weeks for delivery, the seller is insulated from the 30 day requirement. However, items advertised for sale with no delivery time specified must deliver the goods within 30 days after the sale of the mail order item under federal law.

Read more: Mail Order Laws | Mail Order Laws |
Please reply by conversation.


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