Are all Blubloods this illiterate?


Supporting Founder
Supporting Founder
Oct 11, 2003
So now we are poking fun at a deaf guy? Even for you Vurbano, that is a cheap shot. You most not know anyone who has been deaf their whole life. He probably has been deaf all his life and he writes like he speaks. It would have to be a trollhead like yourself to post this and then make crude remarks about his disablities. You owe this man a public appology! Be a man and step up! Either apologize or pull this post!:mad:


SatelliteGuys Pro
Jan 31, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
Although Vurbano usually posts things that I question I can see where he was coming from here and I don't think he was ripping on the guy for being deaf (I actually missed that part when I read it earlier even though tis the opening line.) The guy posted like a true schmuck. He sold his entire HD DVD collection to go BD, including paying overpriced for discontinued paramount BD. The only thing I find ironic (and I'm gonna get flamed now) is that the biggest difference people have noticed from my readings is the sound difference between HD and BD..... I'll leave it at that.

I also like how the one post flames faulty HD players... perhaps they have not tried to play a fox disc on a gen 1 BD player... its fun waiting 5-10 minutes to watch day after tomorrow.


On Double Secret Probation
Supporting Founder
Apr 1, 2004
Newport News, VA
So now we are poking fun at a deaf guy? Even for you Vurbano, that is a cheap shot. You most not know anyone who has been deaf their whole life. He probably has been deaf all his life and he writes like he speaks. It would have to be a trollhead like yourself to post this and then make crude remarks about his disablities. You owe this man a public appology! Be a man and step up! Either apologize or pull this post!:mad:
Let me get this straight blu. Being deaf is an excuse not to read your english grammer book in school? Because you are deaf means you are unable to type complete sentences? Its too bad but the Blu Pu$$ys will not let me post there. :rolleyes:
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Supporting Founder
Supporting Founder
May 22, 2004
I also like how the one post flames faulty HD players... perhaps they have not tried to play a fox disc on a gen 1 BD player... its fun waiting 5-10 minutes to watch day after tomorrow.

Or perhaps they have not tried any generation samsung player. :) (I speak from experience).

As for ripping on a deaf guy, I don't think he was ripping at all. I am not a perfect poster online and I don't claim to be, but some basic elementary English knowledge would be nice at times. Unless the poster is from another country, but really that is not an excuse as I am fairly convinced everyone knows the English language better than US citizens.

Although, the title of this thread is borderline trolling IMO


Supporting Founder
Supporting Founder
Oct 11, 2003
If someone has always been hearing impaired their whole live and English is not their first language then this is exactly how they would speak and write in English. If that person's first language is English and they did not get help until late in life and/or did not have the access to programs to help them they would write like this too. To suppose that someone with a hearing impairment speaks and writes as well as someone who can hear and speak English as their first language is naive. You, Vurbano are obviously not sensitive to those with physical or mental impairments. I guess your 'blueblood' family has not had anyone with any of these problems to overcome. I stand on what I said before. Anyone here who does not agree probably needs sensitivity training and should be ashamed for agreeing with Vurbano's illiterate and deliverance referances. Those were personal and do not have anything to do with what the poster was talking about.

Just so you bozos know, my nephew is hearing impaired and is mentally impaired. What it affects the most is his speech and his writing. Doctors have told his parents that his ability to handle English in both speech and writing might not advance past a 3rd grader. It does not mean that he cannot express himself but if people reacted towards him with Vurbano's thinking he will shut up and not participate. Vurbano's shallowness pisses me off because my nephew is a beautiful 15 year old and was delt a bad hand where his language skills are concerned. I know exactly what Vurbano is saying because I have seen adults treat my nephew like he is an 8 year old and he is not. I have to quit now before I say something I shouldn't:mad::mad::mad:

Mr. Moderator, please shut down this post for decenacy's sake!!!


Supporting Founder
Supporting Founder
May 22, 2004
JoeSP, no one is a bozo and you don't need to resort to name calling.
If you want to claim special circumstance due to your nepehew, I have a nephew also who is deaf and has cerebral palsy that affects his walking and arm movements and speech... Guess what, no one took special treatment on him and we always treated him like everyone else. His mental capacity is diminished significantly and he'll never be validictorian, but he'll be terrific at a skilled trade (he's won numerous awards for his metal shop work)

At school sure kids picked on him, but it never bothered him. He's actually very popular and even plays defensive tackle for the football team (he starts and he's very good at what he does). What we had to do early on is educate him that many people out there are flat out ignorant and they will be mean and ruthless at times in the way they treat him. He understood it and sure initially in school, it was hard, but with time and support he overcame it. Today he refuses to take advantage of even the simple handicap parking sticker cause in his words "I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, I don't want special treatment"
He runs mini-marthons, he rides dirt bikes etc. He's more active than "normal kids" who play video games or watch movies/tv all day. He also writes and forms sentences very well. He speaks with the typical deaf person tone, but is able to conjugate and speak clearly. Heck I venture to guess that he's better in the English language (written and spoken) than 80% of the kids in his normal kid school.

All it took was a family that takes the time to invest and assist. I'm not saying you or your family doesn't do any of that and based on your passion, I venture you are a very loving/supporting group. It's a very trying thing to do and live with, but I speak from personal experience that even with severe handicaps since birth, people can learn and function in society. (granted this does not apply to everyone and every situation is different).
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On Double Secret Probation
Supporting Founder
Apr 1, 2004
Newport News, VA
If someone has always been hearing impaired their whole live and English is not their first language then this is exactly how they would speak and write in English. If that person's first language is English and they did not get help until late in life and/or did not have the access to programs to help them they would write like this too. To suppose that someone with a hearing impairment speaks and writes as well as someone who can hear and speak English as their first language is naive. You, Vurbano are obviously not sensitive to those with physical or mental impairments. I guess your 'blueblood' family has not had anyone with any of these problems to overcome. I stand on what I said before. Anyone here who does not agree probably needs sensitivity training and should be ashamed for agreeing with Vurbano's illiterate and deliverance referances. Those were personal and do not have anything to do with what the poster was talking about.

Just so you bozos know, my nephew is hearing impaired and is mentally impaired. What it affects the most is his speech and his writing. Doctors have told his parents that his ability to handle English in both speech and writing might not advance past a 3rd grader. It does not mean that he cannot express himself but if people reacted towards him with Vurbano's thinking he will shut up and not participate. Vurbano's shallowness pisses me off because my nephew is a beautiful 15 year old and was delt a bad hand where his language skills are concerned. I know exactly what Vurbano is saying because I have seen adults treat my nephew like he is an 8 year old and he is not. I have to quit now before I say something I shouldn't:mad::mad::mad:

Mr. Moderator, please shut down this post for decenacy's sake!!!
My My My, you really are all bent out of shape over this. Too bad your rant has nothing to do with the issue. The guy is deaf thats it. How does being deaf excuse you from not being able to write a correct sentence?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Mar 26, 2006
Too frikin far north
My My My, you really are all bent out of shape over this. Too bad your rant has nothing to do with the issue. The guy is deaf thats it. How does being deaf excuse you from not being able to write a correct sentence?

I think there are many topic's to discuss on this forum, this isn't one of them.


Supporting Founder
Supporting Founder
Oct 11, 2003
If you wanted to debate the merits of his post -- his choice of BD over HD-DVD and that is what your orignal post referanced then I would of not been upset. But your orginal post did not do that. It directly pokes fun at his personal handicap of which he had no choice. Then you try to cover-up your insensitivity by hiding behind what exactly? You used someone's handicap to make a point? And what was the point Vurbano? That a handcap person does not write as well as you do?

And SatinKzo, I am not claiming any special circustance here. I just explained that my feelings on the use of someone's disablillties to push an agenda by use of personal slander (and that is exactly what Vurbano's post is doing here) is not appropriate. And since someone like Vurbano needs reasons as to why folks get upset I gave him mine and I did not have too. And don't tell me if someone refers to your nephew as illiterate (I am talking about an adult who should know better) or a banjo playing kid from deliverance that you don't get upset. Try imagining that your nephew made that post and Vurbano is talking about him. How do you feel now?

Bottom line here is that while I shouldn't call anyone here a bozo, how do you take what Vurbano does as okay and my callinng you guys bozos as name calling? Is it because you don't see the insensitivty and the very obvious personal slander of Vurbano's post. You think it is okay to use someone's personal disablity to push your own agenda? I think some of you need to recheck your attitudes. This type of post should not of been allowed. It started out not about the merits of the young man's post -- but his obvious (as he stated) handicap and his way of expressing himself.

I like good debate as much as the next guy but I usually believe that I am on equal footings with those of whom I debate here. This is not life and death -- it is simply a heated debate about a high def format war being pushed on by two titans of industry. But when we start talking about the personal inabilities of an individual -- poke fun at him to make a point for 'our side' and then push it with a racial motivated term (go out and rent the movie Deliverance if you do not know what I mean here) then the discussion has gone from debate to debase.


Supporting Founder
Supporting Founder
May 22, 2004
Joe, I did imagine what you said and it didn't bother me cause like I told my nephew, there are people in this world that do things without thinking or something good people say things that hurt without realizing it or some just don't care. Sometimes it just not worth getting upset over and sometimes it is.

I am not going to attack vurbano on it because as much as I disagree with his post, he is entitled to his opinion. Deleting his post will only cause further issues and everyone here realizes that sometimes him (among others) sometimes go too far. Does he realize it? Maybe, maybe not. I do understand where you are coming from on the subject matter and place of the post, but it's apparently not an issue with the mods or it would be gone. Like I said earlier in the thread, I do consider the title and post to be trolling as it does nothing to debate the format war.

If you want to pick this battle to stand up for the deaf guy, feel free. I think I stated my opinion and I am not going to make a big issue out of it. What I feel (my opinion) that this guy is even more advanced mentally and physically than we are thinking. I still say not having a grasp of English grammar due to a handicap is a poor excuse. Like I said, there are perfectly "normal" people who don't even have it and that is pathetic. My stance is if you can function in society on your own (which I believe this guy can) then there is no excuse. I would actually consider it essential for anyone who is viewed as any form of handicap to prevent them from being taken advantage of as most scum will go after those they see as weak first.


Supporting Founder
Supporting Founder
Oct 11, 2003
I have had my say and as you say -- its up to the mods now.


On Double Secret Probation
Supporting Founder
Apr 1, 2004
Newport News, VA
If you wanted to debate the merits of his post -- his choice of BD over HD-DVD and that is what your orignal post referanced then I would of not been upset. But your orginal post did not do that. It directly pokes fun at his personal handicap of which he had no choice.
The guy is a deaf not brain damaged. And I am not poking fun at him being deaf. Being deaf is no excuse for being totally illiterate. More ridiculous lies from you once again.


SatelliteGuys Pro
May 20, 2004
I think the rule of the forum is to attack the arguments, not the person.

The Format War is on! Here at SatelliteGuys we feel it's silly and unproductive to shut off people just because they express their opinions and passion. On the other hand, we don't want to see every thread about HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc turn into a fight. So, we decided to create this War Zone.

Feel free to take sides, express your passion and argue the benefits of your favorite format. Nothing's wrong with that! There are a lot of people out there who are undecided about the next DVD format and want to learn more and hear all the sides.

Just keep it civilized! Do not allow personal attacks or flaming! Attack arguments, not people. These are the rules!

With that said, have a nice fight! :D


Founding Supporter
Supporting Founder
Nov 7, 2003
What was the point of this thread? If there's no point it will be deleted.


Just a regular guy
Pub Member / Supporter
Dec 2, 2003
Jacksonville, FL
What was the point of this thread? If there's no point it will be deleted.

It was poking fun at the inability of some one who posts at, to write literate sentences. It was then turned onto your making fun of the hearing impaired when in actuality it was not. We could move it to the pit;)


SatelliteGuys Pro
May 20, 2004
What I don't get is, what was the point of saying your deaf? Seems like he was sucking up to the forum there in order not to get banned.

If he is born deaf or deaf at a very young age, writing a spoken language is like writing a second language to him. Most born deaf people write at fifth grade level or lower. That's probably the reason why he told you he is deaf in the beginning of his post.

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