Are android apps usable on more than one device?


Baby, It's Cold Outside
Original poster
Dec 22, 2005
Front Range, Colorado
If you buy an android app on one device (say a Kindle Fire), can you copy that file (apk, I think) to another device (say a phone), and it will work? Or do you have to buy it for each device you want it on?

New to all this and have no clue.....

If you buy an android app on one device (say a Kindle Fire), can you copy that file (apk, I think) to another device (say a phone), and it will work? Or do you have to buy it for each device you want it on?

New to all this and have no clue.....

Yep. The apps are tied to the Google account, not the device. So when you sign in with the Google account on the new device it should automatically give you the option to download all of the apps that have been downloaded using that Google account.
Yep. The apps are tied to the Google account, not the device. So when you sign in with the Google account on the new device it should automatically give you the option to download all of the apps that have been downloaded using that Google account.

But say I have two phones (his & hers), and I want the Dr Seuss book app on both phones? (not a new phone)
If the phone has the same google account then no you don't have to purchase them again.I have the same account on my tablet and on my phone. I was able to install the same paid apps on both. They would automatically show up in the market under my apps,not installed. And remember that when you decide in the future to upgrade to another phone you will be able to reinstall those paid apps on your new phone when you add your google account to it. Hope this helps
But say I have two phones (his & hers), and I want the Dr Seuss book app on both phones? (not a new phone)

if you bought it from the Android Marketplace, and the two phones are on different google accounts, a lot of apps won't allow you to share them. Going to depend on what Issac said -- copy-protection. Its too bad the Android market doesn't work the way the iOS store does, in that you can have one iCloud ID and a different ID for the App Store. I know this was a frustration for my wife and I as I had to re-purchase some apps for her phone that I had on my droid.
There is an app called app backup from the market which allowed me to back up apk files of my apps to my sd card and was able to install them on my wife's android.
^^ That's the easiest way - just use the same Google account on both (ALL) of your devices. If you're familiar with iTunes or Apple's App Store, it works the same way.

That said, I'm not aware that there's any security built-in with APKs.
I think the Kindle Fire is different and gets apps from Amazon not Google. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Amazon's app store works the same way, by e-mail address (technically your Amazon account). You can use the same account on multiple phones.
The Fire doesn't have access to the Android Market, just the Amazon Market. If it does, then I need to make some changes to my nephews Fire's.

I have an app that allows you to access the regular Android market. I'll have to look for the name.

It's called 1Mobile Market.

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