Avenger PLL321S-2 PLL = Awesome!

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 5, 2008
West Coast Canada
My new[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]Avenger PLL321S-2 PLL LNB by DMSI (ordered from Hypermegasat) showed up in the mail yesterday and it is awesome!

Signal before and after is like night and day. An instant 4 db gain in both signal and signal/noise on PBS 12140 was huge but also when I checked my receiver, Montana PBS went from 0 to 70% signal. The same thing happened to FSTV on 123w. FSTV was never really watchable until now. Just insane improvement across the arc. The other thing I noticed was that the signal is very stable and could withstand moving the dish a several bumps left or right without losing picture.

I wonder if they'll make a cband model? I am using it as a sidecar on my minibud Fortec 1.2 and I couldn't be more happy with its results.

Best $15 I have spent lately.​
Nice.. Makes any other LNB in the market look like sh*t then.. And at 15 bones am sold.

Ordering one to test on my 1.2m

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
It seems to be only available as a "universal" type. Never used one of those, might want to try it though if it's that good.
This is my first universal LNB, and except for quickly changing the LNB for the KU sats in my S10, it was no big deal at all. I used my FirstStrike meter to adjust it, and that was just a matter of changing my LO and turning on 22k. I might order another Avenger PLL just in case I want to add another sidecar for something like the NBC skew on 103.
I agree best Ku LNBF I have ever had. After reading the hype about it was kind of expecting a little improvement...WRONG....I saw a BIG improvement. I can't wait to test it next to the GEOSATpro SL1PLL.
These new PLL LNBFs that showed up this year are pretty awesome.

I got the new Geosatpro one and was very impressed by the signal improvements I saw.

Got a 15% signal improvement on the East/Central NBC feeds which I never had been able to keep locked reliably on my 90cm dish before. Now, it's no problem to keep them stable. And the improvement on the stronger Mountain/West was great too. They went from being signals you could barely keep stable for long periods of time on a 90cm to no problem. I now feel confident I can get just about anything on the Ku Band locked without errors now on a 3 footer.

Would absolutely love to see this new cheap PLL tech make its way over to C Band. If the performance increases are anything like they are on Ku then this could make miniBUDing very practical.
I got the GEOsatPRO SL1PLL LNBF and installed it last night, didn't have time to do a lot of testing, however on the RTV, PBJ, Tuff TV feed on 83 my signal quality jumed from 53 to 76! I like that! :D
Standard vs Universal

I got the GEOsatPRO SL1PLL LNBF and installed it last night, didn't have time to do a lot of testing, however on the RTV, PBJ, Tuff TV feed on 83 my signal quality jumed from 53 to 76! I like that! :D
SL1PLL is Standard LNB with 10.75 Oscilator
PLL321S-2 is UNIVERSAL with 9.75 and 10.6
Personally I preffer 321S2 Its cost is only 11-12 bucks and have wider range.
AV's LNB is tto expensive.Its not woth it that money they want
PLL Loop R O C K S !!!!!!!
What does a Universal do or get that a standard LNB dosent?

I never understood the difference.

The Universal can get frequencies from 10700 to 12900 if my memory serves me right, while the Standard can only do From 11700 to 12200 frequencies.
I would agree the 321s is a great lnbf. I have only heard two issues both the same that being after 3 or 4 today's it died. I'm excited to compare with the new sl1 pll. Its seems like a good reason to purchase a signal generator and spectrum analyzer. :D
SL1PLL is Standard LNB with 10.75 Oscilator
PLL321S-2 is UNIVERSAL with 9.75 and 10.6
Personally I preffer 321S2 Its cost is only 11-12 bucks and have wider range.
AV's LNB is tto expensive.Its not woth it that money they want
PLL Loop R O C K S !!!!!!!

$15 vs $17.... Unknown quality from a company ???? or Lifetime free replacement from a company we know and knows us?
something is wrong with that statement. 45 posts in almost 5 years, and this strong a statement? I probably am cynical but at my age that is what I chose to be.
$15 vs $17.... Unknown quality from a company ???? or Lifetime free replacement from a company we know and knows us?
They always say you always get what you pay for. ;)

I do notice an increase of people driving by and taking shots at SatelliteAv's products. I am guessing these folks are competitors of SatelliteAV who are scared of his new products.
$15 vs $17.... Unknown quality from a company ???? or Lifetime free replacement from a company we know and knows us?
something is wrong with that statement. 45 posts in almost 5 years, and this strong a statement? I probably am cynical but at my age that is what I chose to be.
@ the highlighted: I don't agree with your assertions. The poster's number of posts and years on the board shouldn't be an impediment to his observation, technical skills, and analysis regarding any FTA product. Just mention the qualities that makes your LNB of preference better and stop personal attacks.
@ the highlighted: I don't agree with your assertions.
And I don't agree with yours.

He just came in here to take pot shots at a sponsors new product and call it "tto expensive" And "not worth the money they want" when its only $2 more and comes will a full LIFETIME warranty.

He hasnt shown any real abservation, technical skill or analysis at all with his comment.
And I don't agree with yours.

When its only $2 more and comes will a full LIFETIME warranty.

Who knows perhaps partners of SatAv are selling them for the same price.

And the kicker is the "LIFETIME warranty".
And I said I am cynical. An ex-wife, a good wife of 37 years, 7 kids, 14 grand kids, 2 great grand kids, over 40 foster kids, 35 years working in social services with people with "problems", -- Recognized as "Mom And Pop" by two of the larger high schools in Washington state --.
Sheriff office, FEMA, and EOC clearances......which mean little... except when you keep them active for over 20 years - its where they take you.
And then, (maybe not this poster), replying to some posts here of people with low counts, and having someone else with low counts replying to their posts, defending what "they" (the second poster, claiming the original post) said.
Wallyhts, Badadem also, you have made many good posts! Who KNOWS?? Universal vs STANDARD. Read the statements made: "Not worth the money they want." Judge the statement. It was NOT given as an opinion....

Observation - not a flame. And speaking of flames, maybe not quite as gracious as I might have been if I had not spent time fighting a grassland fire that would have been a disaster if it had gotten away. Saw the fire - 2 miles away, reported it, drove to it and fought it with my feet to keep it from burning past the fire break until the fire trucks got there.
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