Ebay server issues? Pictures and descriptions not displaying properly.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 2, 2008
Northern Kentucky
Not sure if this is the best section for it.

Has anyone been having problems with Ebay? When going through the listings the photos are not displaying. I checked the customer service page as well as Google search and saw nothing mentioned.

This has been going on for a few days. I also checked my other computer and it also seems to be not displaying the photos either.

The description is affected as well as I get this error. "The server at vi.ebaydesc.com is taking too long to respond." So has anyone else have a similar problem or have an idea what is going on?

I restarted both computers, I unplugged and restarted my cable modem,unplugged and restarted my router and I still have the same issues. Checked my connections and speed. Speed is 15.61 Mb/s Download, 0.95 Mb/s Upload, ping 31 ms to Cincinnati.

In addition I checked Internet Explorer and it too does not display the images. Also the listings will not display in Internet Explorer either.

If one clicks on the listing, only there can one see the image both in Firefox and Internet Explorer. The thumbnail photos do not display and the detailed listings description does not display.

However on the Internet Explorer, Instead of it saying ""The server at vi.ebaydesc.com is taking too long to respond."
(as in Firefox).

It says in IE

"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

What you can try:
Diagnose Connection Problems

More information

This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, including:

•Internet connectivity has been lost.
•The website is temporarily unavailable.
•The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable.
•The Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have a listing for the website's domain.
•There might be a typing error in the address.
•If this is an HTTPS (secure) address, click Tools, click Internet Options, click Advanced, and check to be sure the SSL and TLS protocols are enabled under the security section.

For offline users

You can still view subscribed feeds and some recently viewed webpages.
To view subscribed feeds

1.Click the Favorites Center button , click Feeds, and then click the feed you want to view.

To view recently visited webpages (might not work on all pages)

1.Click Tools , and then click Work Offline.
2.Click the Favorites Center button , click History, and then click the page you want to "

Might be a Ebay server or ISP problem...or both that is causing the problem...

Edit: Adobe flash is also up to date.

Thanks anyway

Last edited:
Here is how it looks on Firefox and IE


  • Firefox.JPG
    651.7 KB · Views: 201
  • Firefox-1.JPG
    626.2 KB · Views: 176
  • IE.JPG
    700.9 KB · Views: 178
  • IE-1.JPG
    764 KB · Views: 160
Yeah I feel the same way I think it is between your ISP and eBay's servers or your ISP needs to do a reboot. I would call and talk to Insight.
(I deleted my IP address, here is the tracert)

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>tracert

Usage: tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j host-list] [-w timeout] target_name

-d Do not resolve addresses to hostnames.
-h maximum_hops Maximum number of hops to search for target.
-j host-list Loose source route along host-list.
-w timeout Wait timeout milliseconds for each reply.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>tracert vi.ebaydesc.com

Tracing route to a389.cp.akamai.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 18 ms 21 ms 14 ms XXXXXXXX.dhcp.insightbb.com [XXXXXXXXX]
3 85 ms 50 ms 13 ms XXXXXXXX.dhcp.insightbb.com [XXXXXXXXX]
4 56 ms 34 ms 42 ms ge5-0-3d0.cir1.chicago2-il.us.xo.net [216.156.72
5 76 ms 57 ms 77 ms []
6 90 ms 43 ms 46 ms
7 22 ms 23 ms 27 ms Vlan555.icore1.CT8-Chicago.as6453.net [206.82.14
8 37 ms 63 ms 65 ms pos-2-5-0-0-cr01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net
9 54 ms 66 ms 73 ms pos-1-11-0-0-cr01.chicago.il.ibone.comcast.net []
10 80 ms 67 ms 75 ms pos-2-13-0-0-cr01.atlanta.ga.ibone.comcast.net []
11 83 ms 107 ms 115 ms pos-0-14-0-0-cr01.miami.fl.ibone.comcast.net [68
12 97 ms 84 ms 89 ms pos-0-1-0-0-pe01.nota.fl.ibone.comcast.net [68.8
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 *
That address goes to an Akamai server if that helps Insight pinpoint the issue any...

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Isaac>tracert vi.ebaydesc.com

Tracing route to a389.cp.akamai.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms
3 17 ms 11 ms 8 ms ge-2-40-ur01.lawton.mi.michigan.comcast.net [69.
4 15 ms 13 ms 16 ms te-0-3-0-3-ar01.taylor.mi.michigan.comcast.net []
5 31 ms 25 ms 41 ms be-10-ar01.pontiac.mi.michigan.comcast.net [68.8
6 37 ms 39 ms 32 ms pos-3-5-0-0-cr01.chicago.il.ibone.comcast.net [6]
7 48 ms 45 ms 46 ms pos-2-13-0-0-cr01.atlanta.ga.ibone.comcast.net []
8 66 ms 61 ms 62 ms pos-0-14-0-0-cr01.miami.fl.ibone.comcast.net [68
9 66 ms 69 ms 71 ms pos-0-0-0-0-pe01.nota.fl.ibone.comcast.net [68.8
10 63 ms 58 ms 60 ms a23-33-186-130.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com [23

Trace complete.

(I deleted my IP address, here is the tracert)

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>tracert

Usage: tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j host-list] [-w timeout] target_name

-d Do not resolve addresses to hostnames.
-h maximum_hops Maximum number of hops to search for target.
-j host-list Loose source route along host-list.
-w timeout Wait timeout milliseconds for each reply.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>tracert vi.ebaydesc.com

Tracing route to a389.cp.akamai.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 18 ms 21 ms 14 ms XXXXXXXX.dhcp.insightbb.com [XXXXXXXXX]
3 85 ms 50 ms 13 ms XXXXXXXX.dhcp.insightbb.com [XXXXXXXXX]
4 56 ms 34 ms 42 ms ge5-0-3d0.cir1.chicago2-il.us.xo.net [216.156.72
5 76 ms 57 ms 77 ms []
6 90 ms 43 ms 46 ms
7 22 ms 23 ms 27 ms Vlan555.icore1.CT8-Chicago.as6453.net [206.82.14
8 37 ms 63 ms 65 ms pos-2-5-0-0-cr01.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net
9 54 ms 66 ms 73 ms pos-1-11-0-0-cr01.chicago.il.ibone.comcast.net []
10 80 ms 67 ms 75 ms pos-2-13-0-0-cr01.atlanta.ga.ibone.comcast.net []
11 83 ms 107 ms 115 ms pos-0-14-0-0-cr01.miami.fl.ibone.comcast.net [68
12 97 ms 84 ms 89 ms pos-0-1-0-0-pe01.nota.fl.ibone.comcast.net [68.8
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 *

Yep looks like an issue between Insight and Akamai.
I had to fill out an online form...seems they don't have a email address for technical issues....

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