FTA Canada

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New Member
Original poster
Nov 13, 2006

Jusy wondering what everyone recommends for us Canadians?

Anybody here Canadian that has FTA?

Any specific questions? Buying locally, equipment, etc?

As long as you're in the southern part of Canada, most equipment used by Americans will be fine here as well. Slightly bigger dishes are recommended though.
Any specific questions? Buying locally, equipment, etc?

As long as you're in the southern part of Canada, most equipment used by Americans will be fine here as well. Slightly bigger dishes are recommended though.

I live about an hour North East of Toronto.

And yes, I'm just wondering what equipment I'd need, and if there was any Canadian sites that you could buy it from.

KU Sat is in Montreal.

The equipment is up to you, do want blind search or do it the hard way and enter the info yourself? Do you want a stationary dish or one that moves? HD, PVR or standard receiver? How much can I spend? pole mount or wall mount? Their is somethings to factor in.
I have a 1.1 meter Patriot with a Stab hh120 motor, it was a speacial order I placed from rps satellite, I also got a Fortec dish from them but I did not like it so I gave it to my buddy.

The Patriot is a very good dish, it costed a arm and leg though, you will be fine with a 1.0 or 1.2 for Ku-band fta, if you want C-band and Ku-band then you are best off with a 10' dish.

There are many places in Canada that sell the gear:
Rps satellite
Ku- satellite
Dvb master

All of these places are in Montreal, there are many accross Canada, I have purchased items from all of the above and have no complaints.
Good luck!
One of the gold sponsors gosatellite.com has a Canadian counterpart and some of the other gold sponsors will ship to Canada as well.

Get a dish that's at least 80cm and a blind scan receiver is recommended. Pansat, Coolsat and Fortec Star are all quality receivers. There are also some cheaper receivers that many recommend such as Traxis and CaptiveWorks.

For motors, the fan favourite seems to be the Motek SG2100.
I bought my receiver, motor and dish from the states on the first go around. Not everyone will ship to Canada, and some that will ship really overcharge. Second dish, a roughly 1.0m, I bought from a Canadian source on ebay. He had real cheap shipping for a dish of that size. I'd recommend a 1.0m dish and motor for us in Canada. Otherwise you are hearing about too much stuff that you can't get or its marginal. Assuming you are interested in general FTA DXing.

Jusy wondering what everyone recommends for us Canadians?

Anybody here Canadian that has FTA?


Hi fjacky

I live in Atlantic Canada and Been playing with FTA since the spring.I have purchased items from KUSAT in the past with no issues and FREE DElivery on some items.I would purchase from this Forums Gold Sponsores if at all possible as they do help here quite a bit.

I live about an hour east of Toronto, (Port Hope) you must be in the Peterborough to Bancroft area? I have had a Digiwave, then a Viewsat as well as a Twinhan and a Nexus card for the PC. I use a 1m dish and it works great. I get great signal strength, but like most FTA hobiest, I'm always wanting a bigger dish. A 1.2m is too big for my mounting spot, but as I said, the 1m works great. I have purchased from some of the dealers listed in the previous posts, and will send you a PM with a few of the dealers in the Toronto area, as I do not think one should post dealers that are not sponsors on this site.
To start out decide if you want a fixed dish, or a motor. For most satellites (Ku band) you will probsbly want a 1m dish. A high quality LNBF with a low noise factor. Then for the receiver, a stand alone or a computer card. I like the computer for unattended recordings. A set top box is good for watching on TV, the computer card good for recording to hard disk.
If you give some ideas of what you are wanting to achieve, some members here dcan help out with their suggestions.
I live about an hour North East of Toronto.

And yes, I'm just wondering what equipment I'd need, and if there was any Canadian sites that you could buy it from.


Hi fjacky,

Before you jump into purchasing your dish, the first thing you need to check is your line-of-sight to south. If you have nothing blocking you and if dish size is not an issue, I would recommend getting a >33" dish. I am in Winnipeg, MB and with a 33" I am able to get 61.5 - 148 on a motorized setup.

Where to buy? Check the gold sponsors above. Sadoun has very good reputation in the FTA world. They do sell to canadians as long as it is not Dishnet products, and they deal with MO with us.

They other option is ebay.

With FTA sometimes you need to be very patient with it comes to getting the signal..etc.

Good Luck
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new motor issue

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