Genie menus reversed, can't read text.

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 22, 2004
This was probably addressed in the new GUI forum, but a quick glance there I couldn't find the answer.
If anyone has more information than I got from DirecTV rep.

On the GUI "upgrade" I just got on my 4K Genie, the menus, list guide etc., the colors are reversed so that there is white/gray letters on white gray background. Difficult to read text.

DirecTV says known issue, but no ETA fix.

I got transferred from india tech support to customer loyalty and got $5/month off bill and HBO/Cinemax free for 6-months... big deal.. (Already had the $30/month promo on my acct)

I asked if I could downgrade my receiver from 4K to 1080p client, because rep said only 4K client affected and they wanted to charge me $99 (they say that's an upgrade!)
This is the new GUI and although there are some changes "in the works" the basic color scheme will not changer. And it affects all Genies.
I don’t care about color scheme on new GUI as much as not being able to read text on any menus, unless it’s highlighted. That can’t be a GUI that’s acceptable?
(See attachments.)
If I reboot it’s ok, albeit new GUI, but then shortly after it goes back to shown on attachment.


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You really have a white background ?

I would do a reboot and see if that fixes things.
Should be a Black background with White letters.
I have it on my genie client and my der receivers. Rebooting fixes it, but it comes right back. Directv said it’s a known issue? Has to be due to software update because I have had new GUI for about a week.
I have it on my genie client and my der receivers. Rebooting fixes it, but it comes right back. Directv said it’s a known issue? Has to be due to software update because I have had new GUI for about a week.
Do you know what software your running at the moment ?
if it is on your genie client AND on regular dvrs it's very unusual. which dvr model?
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