HD Extra Pack confusion...

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if you have a newer programming package you can remove it online, refresh browser, and readd again
if on grandfathered plan (like xtra classic) have to call to remove but can add online
just posted this in other thread

You can remove the HD extra pack with grandfathered package. Call in and when it says "what would you like to do today" say

It will remove the HD extra pack without talking to anyone (nobody real at least)
Then you can readd it online
Got it done online, I have the current Choice Ultimate.


yup same thing here. Remove it and 5 minutes later (or if you refresh your browser) you get the option to readd it for 3 more months :)
I've had perpetually free HD Extra pack for about 5 years now, dropping and adding it every 3 months. I was afraid this supposed "bug" wouldn't survive the recent web site redesign, but it did. :D
Does this HD Extra Pack "trick" only work with certain packages or will it work with ALL the packages?

I'm about to downgrade from Choice Extra to Entertainment and I'm wondering if this will still work. Thx
works with all
The only difference is if you are on a grandfathered plan (Select, Xtra Classic) you have to call in to cancel. You just talk to the auto attendant thingy
You can add it online

(if you're on a current plan you can remove it online)

I asked previously if you had Family or Select could you and was told as long as you have HD on the account you can add the Extra Pack
I just removed it and tried to readd it and its telling me i need a hd reciever. I have a hr-34
and three hr-24. Im confused
That is odd. Do you have a current package, not a grandfathered one?
Yea i do. I actually changes it for that reason last time. Now i see it listed for free for 3 months but it tries to add a hd reciever to the cart and says it will activate once installed.
Strange. I guess you will have to call in. It's relatively painless!
Yea i do. I actually changes it for that reason last time. Now i see it listed for free for 3 months but it tries to add a hd reciever to the cart and says it will activate once installed.

It did this to me but they've got me on a special that doesn't 'technically' show HD Access active (it's a secondary entry on my account). However, it added the HD Extra Pack without a hitch and didn't charge me a 2nd HD Access fee as originally feared. Do they have you on some kind of waiver for the HD Access fee?
Ahh thats it. There knocking off the hd access for 24 months.

Guess i can call in and add it maybe i wont have to talk to anyone
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dumb guide question

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