I have been trying to get my C-Band dish tuned in for a couple of weeks. I have found my true south satellite at 87W (I am at 87.7W and 34.043N). I get AMC3 very good, quality is in the 70's on most transponders and in the 70's and steady even on the DVB-S2 RTV feeds. I can get Galaxy 28 @ 89W, Galaxy 17 @ 91W (this seems to be the strongest signals I get), I have yet to find 93W or 95W, but I have found 97W, and 99W, and 103W. Anything past 103, I cant seem to find, and 103W is very weak. It seems that I need some tuning toward that end of the arc. I do not know if it is the azimuth or what. The elevation and declination seem to check out well using an inclinometer. Does anyone have any suggestions on something to try? All help will be appreicated.