HR34 release date

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The DBSTalk members seem to like it.

while I have not seen the "review" I hate to say this but over there anything D* related most of them think is gold...even if its a turd ;)

Is it true that the HR34 has been released by DirecTV? Been looking forward to it for a while... I saw some posts on the web that people stated they have one...

- Scooter
Supposedly it is going into a very few markets to work out any final kinks. Generally not going to be available for a bit.

Iceberg, you are dead on with DBStalk and DirecTV reviews. I've never seen anything reviewed from Direct over there that isn't talked about in the most glowing terms. That includes the CE bunch over there. I remember back when I had D* a few years ago, right around the time a poll was run about speed and the HR21 got the nod for being the slowest to the point of being unusable. They started braying about how whatever CE was out at the time would cure all of that. Of course, when it finally did, and all the rest after did too, and the speed issue of the HR21 just went on to great success in producing slow HR22 and HR23 models and the HR21 didn't get one bit faster it didn't daunt the DBSTalk fanbois at all.
I'm jealous of those DBSTalk people that have the HR34. I wish I had one today to watch the NFL with PIP. I also have several times during the week when I would use more then 2 tuners. 5 tuners would be great for me. I also would like 1TB of space. I don't want to add one of those add-on things to get more memory. I can't wait until I can call up and get one of these boxes. Certainly For Growth.
Iceberg, you are dead on with DBStalk and DirecTV reviews. I've never seen anything reviewed from Direct over there that isn't talked about in the most glowing terms.
yep I remember how they glowed on the "review" of a AM21N........which is the SAME THING as a AM21 basically. Doesnt do anything else special.

Also there was some bad comments on the Nomad that mysteriously "disappeared" over there
One thing I noticed is the "review" they did really isnt much of a review. Its more of what it can do

Damn if you are gonna do a review put it through the ringer. Try and blow it up. When I got my 211k and started with Dish thats the 1st thing I did. I tried to figure out a way to blow it up...not literally but you know what I mean. Try as many goofed up tests as you can try to see what happens

Same with FTA receivers. I try and blow them up....and it shows in my reviews. Yes my reviews most of the time are pretty long and can be used as reading material in the bathroom but other than telling folks a few of the features it has what good is a review without actually testing it?
You bring a breath of fresh air to the discussion, and this is just the tib of what it seems like this box can do on an hdtv. It would be sweet to have one or get a beta box. When are you going to do your review? I'd go gaga if I could get one with a bud to watch the games today with PIP.
When are you going to do your review?
unlike the people at BSTalk I dont get any handouts on Directv or DIsh equipment so I cant do a review unless I bought one ;)

5 tuners would be nice on some nights but for me really not necessary most of the week. I have 2 DVR's that can handle most of my recordings
I doubt they would. Scott doesn't have nearly the relationship with D* that the folks at DBST have, possibly because Scott is pretty much a straight shooter.

OTOH, at DBST, the problem is that D* does loan/give stuff to some over there and it just so happens that those selected few always write very positive reviews. Strange how that works. In all fairness, most of what they write up is called 'first looks' and not reviews, but then there never seems to be an in depth review later.

One of the things that made me delay shifting to D* was that I had quit D* before over the performance of the HRs of the time. I had a HR21 and the remote response was so bad that it got down to cancel D* or throw the remote through the window! I chose to cancel. When I saw all the glowing reports on the HR24, I just kept reading, waiting for a name to pop up that I actually thought would give the straight scoop. Fortunately enough non-fanbois bellied up to the bar so to speak, with very positive reviews.
Would D* send one out to Scott so he can test it or does he only get stuff from Dish to test?
DirecTV does not send me anything, if they would I would test it and give you my HONEST feelings. The HR34 sounds like a really exciting receiver and I can't wait to play with one.

I read the DBSTalk "Review" and I would consider it more of a spec sheet then a review. A review gives honest opinions on the product.

One thing you should notice is I kiss no companies ass... if you don't believe me go and read the review of the Logitech Revue box that DISH Network sent me. :D If I review a product you will get my honest opinion on it... I dont want you buying something because I said it was the best thing ever since sliced bread then you get it home and find out its a piece of crap.

DBSTalk likes to tote the company lines for DIRECTV, its very rare that they actually report really satellite news there (hell there wasn't even a mention there or on their homepage about the DISH Network satellite launch 2 weeks ago.. but if it was a DIRECTV satellite being launched you could bet it would have been on the homepage and not just regular letters.... but


Some at DIRECTV don't like us because we tell the truth... to be honest we are not here to please ANY satellite company. We are here to give you honest feedback on whats going on in the satellite industry to help you better decide how you spend your money. We are a website run BY CONSUMERS FOR CONSUMERS.

It is like this new Nomad thing (and I notice most of the negative comments on DBSTalk have been removed.) for me I can see it's use, but after watching the teases from the DBSTalk guys for over a year I was HIGHLY disappointed at what it actually does. However by the same time I imagine a lot of the functionality that we all were dreaming about was removed or altered to make the programmers happy. I think DIRECTV had a really good idea for the Nomad but most of those plans were squished by the programmers. I really do thing they wanted to make it better but their hands were tied.

With that said I would LOVE to test and review the HR34, it sounds to me like the most exciting satellite receiver ever released. It has most of what folks have been wishing for the past 5 years. DIRECTV have made some major strides in the past few years and their equipment and software have gotten better and better over time.

Now another things I want to make clear... you might notice DBSTalk saying they are the exclusive home of the CE program. This is 100% totally false. We run the CE program here with the permission of DIRECTV. As you know we use to get our CE news direct from DIRECTV, but over time they claimed it was too hard for them to coordinate to send notes to both sites (and obviously they would pick DBSTalk over us, not only because they are yes men... but also because the people who run the CE program are "former" DBSTalk staff members). With that said we have full permission from DIRECTV to copy and repost the CE notes here to SatelliteGuys.US.

A lot of our members have figured out SatelliteGuys is the home of the FRIENDLY CE program. Where you can participate and give your honest feedback about the CE program without worrying about upsetting the CE gods over at DBSTalk. (Heck if your worried about offending them create a new username here so they can't figure out who you are. I am told by DIRECTV that they do read the feedback here closely, which is smart of them because we allow our members to give unbiased opinions on things. :)

Now the entire time we have been doing the CE program there has only been ONE RULE of the CE program that has been told to us by DIRECTV, and that is if you download the CE and have an issue DO NOT CALL DIRECTV. I believe (and DIRECTV can correct me if I am wrong) that all the other CE rules from the other site are made up by the other site. So with that said the only thing we ask is that you do not call DIRECTV is you have an issue with the CE software.

So if you want to help us improve DIRECTV software (which is getting hard because the software has been so dang good lately!) feel free to be part of the Friendly CE here at SatelliteGuys.

I am sure a few of the DBSTalk lemmings will take exception to my comments about and say we are not part of the CE, my only reply I can give you on that is we are part of it, DIRECTV never asked us to stop and again only told us to get the release notes from DBSTalk. If DIRECTV hasnt had a problem with it in the past 3 years then you shouldn't either.

And now you know...
I know that I only care about the new DirecTV HR34 receiver (I want one!) but you do raise all kinds of stuff that does peak my interest so I might as well ask. When you talk to DirecTV do you provide them with statistics of how this CE program is better then the others, to show it's value. I know my boss at work always asks me to show how we're better then the competition in a qualitative and quantitative fashion. That would be good to show that members here have maybe like 2x or 5x or 10x the CE posts to find bugs, or that people here download the CE 2x or more then other places, just a value statement to prove to them how much better this CE program is. I bet that all of us members here would like to see that, to prove how great we are!
That we will never know Lib, since the program is controlled by "former" DBSTalk staff members. We will always be the ones left behind as long as they are in charge.

But we do know very well they are watching and watching close... when there is an issue posted that peeks their interest we normally get poked by someone at DIRECTV with a solution or in some cases wanting to know more details about the issue or user. Even though they treat us like a red headed stepchild, we are proud to help out anyway we can, because that's what we do. :)
I can attest to the fact that they monitor our posts. I mentioned in my feedback about an issue I had with the hd gui update. It took two cycles, but they fixed the problem with the latest ce.
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