Is this a good FTA system (Newbie)

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 20, 2012
Northeastern US
I'm looking to install my first FTA system. I've down a lot of research and I'm ready to buy but I appreciate some advice on the system below. As a novice at FTA how hard would it be to setup and will the componets all work together?

GeoSatPro 90Cm 36" dish / single LNB (the one that ships with dish)
SG9120B Heavy duty metal gear motor
S9 Openbox

All help, comments and advice are greatly appreciate.

I'm looking to install my first FTA system. I've down a lot of research and I'm ready to buy but I appreciate some advice on the system below. As a novice at FTA how hard would it be to setup and will the componets all work together?

GeoSatPro 90Cm 36" dish / single LNB (the one that ships with dish)
SG9120B Heavy duty metal gear motor
S9 Openbox

All help, comments and advice are greatly appreciate.

that is a good system but i would wait until satellite av release to the public there microHD receiver as it will be better than the s9 plus have 10x better support than the open box receivers
Great choice on the dish lnb combo.

Please don't buy an S9/S10 like I did. Wait for the new microHD receiver. Just a few dollars more, and a whole lot better.
Any idea when they are releasing the microHD? I would like to wait but I'm anxious to get a system installed...
ETA last I read was March 23rd and that got pushed back a week, so last day or so of March or 1st week in April. Not too far off, likes the others have said it will be well worth the wait.
BTW, :welcome to SatelliteGuys tif!!
My thanks to everyone for the fast replies. I'm going to take you advice and try to wait another week or so. In the mean time I'll just order the dish and motor and get them mounted on my roof.
.....I'm going to take you advice and try to wait another week or so. In the mean time I'll just order the dish and motor and get them mounted on my roof.
Good idea to wait for the new receiver.
Mounted on the roof. Well, if that is the only place you can put your dish, OK. But, I think you will be much better off if you can do a ground mount. Much better than going up on the roof for adjustments.
And another welcome to Satguys. A world of information is HERE.
I agree with RT-Cat. A roof mount would be my last choice, but don't know your alternatives. 1st installs with a motor can get a little frustrating, and playing on a roof can get a little dangerous. I don't know your skills, but you will have to have patience. It will get you a long way in this hobby. And waiting on receivers is a good choice also. Maybe you could get us some pictures of your southern view, so we could maybe help with suggestions. I love this hobby and everyone here are more than willing to help.

I'm looking to install my first FTA system. I've down a lot of research and I'm ready to buy but I appreciate some advice on the system below. As a novice at FTA how hard would it be to setup and will the componets all work together?

GeoSatPro 90Cm 36" dish / single LNB (the one that ships with dish)
SG9120B Heavy duty metal gear motor
S9 Openbox

All help, comments and advice are greatly appreciate.


Can I get the info on this equipment? - Where are you buying it, price, etc.
needshelp said:
Can I get the info on this equipment? - Where are you buying it, price, etc.

On ebay search for satellite av for the dish packages the motor can be found from palxycom

Or search satellite av website and galaxymarketings website
My thanks to everyone for the fast replies. I'm going to take you advice and try to wait another week or so. In the mean time I'll just order the dish and motor and get them mounted on my roof.

Good idea to wait for the new receiver.
Mounted on the roof. Well, if that is the only place you can put your dish, OK. But, I think you will be much better off if you can do a ground mount. Much better than going up on the roof for adjustments.
And another welcome to Satguys. A world of information is HERE.

I agree with RT-Cat. A roof mount would be my last choice, but don't know your alternatives. 1st installs with a motor can get a little frustrating, and playing on a roof can get a little dangerous. I don't know your skills, but you will have to have patience. It will get you a long way in this hobby. And waiting on receivers is a good choice also. Maybe you could get us some pictures of your southern view, so we could maybe help with suggestions. I love this hobby and everyone here are more than willing to help.



I have to agree with the other replies here regarding the roof mount option.

You will be very grateful if you can install your dish at ground level, trust me on this. A roof mount is OK, but you will surely find out the benefits if you can mount your dish on the ground. If you have a choice, please try to make every effort at a ground mount. You will make your life much easier.


I have to agree with the other replies here regarding the roof mount option.

You will be very grateful if you can install your dish at ground level, trust me on this. A roof mount is OK, but you will surely find out the benefits if you can mount your dish on the ground. If you have a choice, please try to make every effort at a ground mount. You will make your life much easier.


I wish I could mount the dish on the ground, but with lawnmowers and tractors being used in the yard I'm afraid it'll get hit. The roof I have in mind is a somewhat flat garage roof and only 10 feet off the ground. You can easily access it with a step ladder.

I understand a motor complicates things but I figured I would just work with it until I figure things out. I've watched all the youtube videos I can find on setting up a dish with a motor and I think I can handle it.

As far a waiting for the receiver I hope the microhd is released soon. I've read up on all the posts about it and it sounds like the perfect receiver. I do know though that if I have to wait longer than a month I will have to buy a cheap receiver just to get myself up and viewing while I await the microHD. Is there a mailing list for the micrHD when it becomes available? I sure want to know ASAP when I can purchase it.
Just keep a daily check on this site. As soon as it is available you will know. It will be the talk of the site! ;)
I wish I could mount the dish on the ground, but with lawnmowers and tractors being used in the yard I'm afraid it'll get hit. The roof I have in mind is a somewhat flat garage roof and only 10 feet off the ground. You can easily access it with a step ladder.

I understand a motor complicates things but I figured I would just work with it until I figure things out. I've watched all the youtube videos I can find on setting up a dish with a motor and I think I can handle it.


Okay, if you absolutely must install a roof mount, that will be acceptable. But, here is some advice and a few tips from me to help you make the process easier.

1] The roof must be VERY solid. If you walk around on the garage roof and you can noticeably detect that the roof bows and sags under your weight, it won't be solid enough to accommodate the dish. I don't mean to infer that the dish will fall through the roof, but that you will have a hard time keeping the mast perfectly plumb. Just your weight may affect the alignment (even if it is just a minor affect). If you get it aligned just perfect, then when you step away from the dish, the mast alignment will change and you may lose your signal lock. Or, if the wind blows, the force on the dish will flex the mount and throw the alignment off, too. Just a mere 1/8" change in the mounting platform will throw your alignment off.

If it is a wood-frame roof, try placing the dish mount nearer to an eave or sidewall where the roof support is more rigid. That should resolve that problem for the most part if the roof is fairly sturdy.

2] To avoid a lot of trips up and down the ladder, run an extension cord up on the roof. Take your satellite receiver up on the roof along with a portable TV. Make your dish / motor alignment adjustments while monitoring the signal level and quality meters directly. If this is your first setup or you consider yourself to still be a novice at alignment, you won't win if you have to make an adjustment and then scramble down the ladder to check the results and then back up to retweak it. It doesn't help to have your spouse or a friend monitor the signal and call out to you, either. Even for a ground mounted system you should apply this tip. There is absolutely no substitute for the immediate feedback that you get from having the signal monitoring device right in front of you when you play around with the adjustments.

For an example of what it may be like, (if you have an idea that you can manage it otherwise), simply try to play a video game blindfolded and have someone else call out the moves that they think are required. Trust me, you will fast become frustrated with the results. End of game! :(

3] Last chance to install it on the ground. You could set up a nice looking (aesthetic) rock garden with the dish at the center and a RR tie boarder around it like you would for planting a tree or shrub. No lawnmower worries there. Just mow around the border and you won't worry about hitting the mast pole.

4] Obviously, it is all up to you. You are the one who will have to do all the setup and alignment, maintain the dish (keep the snow off) and realign it after a major windstorm. I would just like to clue you in, in advance, that you are going to be spending a lot of time at the dish, especially in the beginning, so make it as convenient as you possibly can for yourself. Even if it is installed on your garage roof. Plan ahead. You will have to trust me (us) on this issue. We have been there, done that and we really want you to take advantage of our past experience so that your experience will be more pleasant.

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Very well said Radar!!
If you don't want to wait for the MicroHD,a very basic Coolsat/Pansat/Viewsat/Fortec receiver can be had for as little as $10-20 at yard sales/Kijiji/Craigslist(also good for cheap used dishes). Can be used as a backup or tuning receiver after.
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