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Original poster
Nov 20, 2006
Hi everybody and thank you very much for the wonderfull website that really bring a lot of help to all of us.:)
I just bought SG-2100 motor and the problem there is nobody around here that would install it for me in Chicago area.(I called about 10 pro. installers and none of them knows how to do it). So, I think I have to do it myself. Can anybody help me with the Latitude, Longitude, Azimuth and all the numbers I would need please? My Zipcode is 60131.
I have a Samsung DSB 4700 and 1M dish installed for about 2 years now.

Thank you for you help
Can anybody help me with the Latitude, Longitude, Azimuth and all the numbers I would need please? My Zipcode is 60131.
I have a Samsung DSB 4700 and 1M dish installed for about 2 years now.
Thank you for you help

Hello Franklin Park, I installed a Stab HH 100, so I'm not sure how different sg-2100 is, but all the same it shouldn't be too hard, if you need help with install let me know, as long as your setup is not on a tall pitched roof I don't mind helping you out.

As to your TS and other numbers, I'm sure a moderator will chime in, with every number you need to setup.
motor installation

I'm in southeast michigan Michigan and I just put one of these in over the weekend. I still hav'nt found all the satellites I want but at least I found IA5 which is the main one I want. Finding the satellites seems to be the main challenge but the motor install is easy. Just follow the instruction book. At the top of the home page of this site you will find links to gosatellite or soudon. In gosatellite click on learning center or techinal support at soudon.You can get lots of info including a satellite locater and links to Lyngsat. You can use your zip code to get all your satellite coordinates.
Welcome! I live about 4-5 hours west of you, and would love an excuse to go to Chicago :) Anyway, I have set that same motor up twice now, and it is suprisingly easy. The keys are to make sure your mount is perfectly plumb, and that you scan in your true south satellite without the motor inline before you attempt to set up the motor. Once your dish is aimed to your true south, then you enter your lat and long and then scan away :) So what point are you at now?

Thank you very much guys, you are sooo helpefull. Im amazed with all your support. Ill try to mount it tomorrow. I have, like I said, Samsung for two years but I was using it only for 1 satellite. I think it will be easy to mount it because I have the pole up and ready.
True South

Can someone tell me what my True South satellite is for Franklin Park 60131?
Thank you :up

I installed my motorized dish today by myself!!!!!! I don't think I would do it without your help guys. Right now, I only have 4 satellites, I might need your help guys later.
Thank you very much guys for all your help
"k" And "c"

Im only able to receive satellites with "K" not "C". Ccan anybody help with that and tell me what should I do???
Tahnk you
Do you mean Ku not C-band ?

Your 1 meter is suitable for Ku only.

5 foot or 1.8 meter minimum dish is for C-band.

You can still get plenty of channels with your 1 meter motorized, what channels were you hoping on getting, or what C-band did you want to get.

I want to get BRASILSAT Satellite, GALAXY 3C Sat.... I can't get any pf those.
Thank you
I want to get BRASILSAT Satellite, GALAXY 3C Sat.... I can't get any pf those.
Thank you

Brasil ....... Sweet.

We are not in the footprint for that satellite.

In fact I don't know any channels from Brazil receivable FTA.

From Portugal , Mana Sat and RTPI are available.

Galaxy 3c , Direct TV Brasil is for Brasil only.

about 8-9 months ago you could get REDE TV from Brazil on Hispasat, but now it's gone.

The problem is that I can't get Galaxy3c or any Satellite that ends with "c".
Also can anybody tell me how SAMSUNG DSB 4700 works with SG2100. Do we have to go thru - Installation - Positioner Setting....etc every time we want to change Satellite???
Thank you
In order to receive C-band satellites ("c" on the end of Galaxy 3c indicates that) you need a much bigger dish than you have now and a different lnb.

Any dish smaller than about 6' won't work for C-band. Period.
Please reply by conversation.

Setting up Wave Frontier T90

Samsung Dsb 4700

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