Network Services

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SatelliteGuys Pro
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Pub Member / Supporter
Feb 28, 2009
Altoona, Pennsylvania, United States
I have a question about network services. I have a home connect kit on my h24 and to get the TV Apps to work I had to do a virtual server and open port (tcp) 27177, 27178 and open port 1701 (udp) and ever since I've done this my TV apps work great on my hr24. My problem is I can't get them to work on my h24's at all. Do I have to have a network cable plugged into the receiver? I can get them to say that I'm connected to the internet. Just when I try to use TV apps I get error code 301. My router (Belkin) won't let me duplicate open ports on one then more ip address.
I have a question about network services. I have a home connect kit on my h24 and to get the TV Apps to work I had to do a virtual server and open port (tcp) 27177, 27178 and open port 1701 (udp) and ever since I've done this my TV apps work great on my hr24. My problem is I can't get them to work on my h24's at all. Do I have to have a network cable plugged into the receiver? I can get them to say that I'm connected to the internet. Just when I try to use TV apps I get error code 301. My router (Belkin) won't let me duplicate open ports on one then more ip address.

I have the same issue on my 4 HR20s. I had to open port ranges in my router for each HR20 and then set the ports up in each HR20's network settings. They do have to be different. I run a static IP network so I assign each HR20 it's IP addy.

What I did was to set a range for each HR20 IP addy in my router ( 27177-27178 for IP1, 27179-27180 for IP2, etc.) Then I setup each port in the HR20s. Once I did this, all 4 HR20s had access to TVapps. I do have a network cable in each unit and I am NOT a SWM setup.
I have a SWM setup. I can get each one to say congratulations you are now connected to Directv through the internet. Just the tv apps I can't get to work. I'll try your way again. I'll just play around with few ideas to see what happens.
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