Hey Mike, Thanks for the quick response thru Ebay.
You can use satellite forums to look or ask. For C-Band 99W -- 4000 H 26400 is a very strong one to start with.Use that to tune your dish until you get a good reading on the quality bar. Then you can blind scan. eBay does not allow links, but you can find me on a forum and message or search Google. |
I attached a battery to the dish motor and ran a full sweep but did not see any signal indication on the quality bar. I did notice a signal reading of 99% on one of the TPs. My site area has trees to the E and W but a rather clear path around the 99W. I used the android satellite pointer app on my phone and it looks clear and seems in alignment. I performed a blindscan at 99W and the satellites surounding (97,101) but never was able to obtain any reading on the quality bar. I do not have another receiver but did try scanning with the original lnb with a feedhorn and had simular results so I don't suspect an lnb issue, it just baffles me that I never receive a signal on the Q bar. As I mentioned before, I'm a nube with satellite setup but this is looking like a receiver issue. The dish is an old setup but I believe it was a pro job when installed. The alignment was performed and then spot welded in-place to eliminate movement. Thanks again. Brian. |