NFL Team for LA?


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Original poster
Nov 26, 2004
Palm derset, Ca.
What do you think? Now that the regular season is over, will a team move to LA? Will the proposed new stadium be built? Which team might it be? Oakland (ugg)? San Diego (still playing)? Someone else?
What do you think? Now that the regular season is over, will a team move to LA? Will the proposed new stadium be built? Which team might it be? Oakland (ugg)? San Diego (still playing)? Someone else?

Again ???

Not again ... :rolleyes:
I don't think LA really wants a team, at least for the long term.
L.A. football fans aren't good.

When the Rams and Raiders were there, they had some VERY good teams, yet some of the crappiest fan support ever.
Ya, Vegas has the same problem... fan support (all other objectionable stuff aside) and our mayor is looney... he's awesome, but suggesting stuff like having every Monday night in Vegas is just showing you're out of touch.

I like a suggestion i heard on Inside the NFL, extend the NFL season to 17 games, make any adjustments needed to accommodate in the preseason (already talk of dropping it to 2 games), and have the 17th game for each team be played on a neutral field.... Vegas... LA... Canada... Mexico... other INTL locations (coordinated with team byes). Would be a nice thing for fans all over to enjoy... I'd buy a ticket to almost any NFL game in Vegas, and we had by far the strongest support for our XFL team (with LA second to that actually).

Its not a perfect suggestion, but it would go a long way for the sport if some semblance of it happened.
Fans don't show up to baseball games until the 4th inning. When will they fill the stands for football, the 4th quarter?! ;) :D

Yep, too many other things to do; the fan base there in a somewhat non-scientific polls have even said they are just fine without a team; but you know the league and its ownership groups wants a team there ASAP.
Ya, Vegas has the same problem... fan support (all other objectionable stuff aside) and our mayor is looney... he's awesome, but suggesting stuff like having every Monday night in Vegas is just showing you're out of touch.

I like a suggestion i heard on Inside the NFL, extend the NFL season to 17 games, make any adjustments needed to accommodate in the preseason (already talk of dropping it to 2 games), and have the 17th game for each team be played on a neutral field.... Vegas... LA... Canada... Mexico... other INTL locations (coordinated with team byes). Would be a nice thing for fans all over to enjoy... I'd buy a ticket to almost any NFL game in Vegas, and we had by far the strongest support for our XFL team (with LA second to that actually).

Its not a perfect suggestion, but it would go a long way for the sport if some semblance of it happened.

THAT would really screw with the playoffs, unless your idea is suppose to NOT count in the standings ... why not do that in the PRE season instead.
It's not my idea, just an idea I liked. How does that screw up the playoffs? Also, the 17th game doesnt mean the last game of the season.

I also love the idea of re-seeding the playoffs... ie the 8-8 Charges would not be hosting the 12-4 Colts. Teams clinch their normal ways, but at the conclusion of the season are re-seeded. Here is the current seeding for the AFC:

1. Titans 12-4 (bye)
2. Steelers 12-4 (bye)
3. Dolphins 11-5 (vs Ravens)
4. Chargers 8-8 (vs Colts)
5. Colts 12-4 (@ Chargers)
6. Ravens 11-5 (@ Dolphins

If at the end of the season, teams records mattered even though they've clinched their playoff spots, there would be far fewer meaningless games. If they were re-seeded by record, we'd see this:

1. Titans 12-4 (bye)
2. Steelers 12-4 (bye)
3. Colts 12-4 (vs Chargers)
4. Dolphins 11-5 (vs Ravens)
5. Ravens 11-5 (@ Dolphins)
6. Chargers 8-8 (@ Colts)

Now, not a lot changed cause im not going to go play with tiebreakers, but in this situation you could potentially have the Colts take even the number 1 seed depending on head to head and all the other fun tiebreaker rules.

....or.... Tennessee would have actually tried to win on Sunday, and be 13-3 and truly clinch #1 and ensure games against the lowest seeded opponents throughout the playoffs.
KCK Halo, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you!!!

I would like to say that I respectfully disagree with you. I think the NFL needs a team in LA. I mean even the NHL which does a tenth of what the NFL does, has a team from Los Angeles. I think the NFL is salivating in getting a team for LA just because it's a big market. The NFL is a cash cow but you want to hit all the large markets. New York, Chicago etc. I'm actually surprised that there hasn't been a team in Los Angeles already.

How do you have 2 teams in the Los Angeles market and lose BOTH of them? With all due respect, Los Angeles isn't Des Moines, Ia. I think people would support there team IF there was a team in Los Angeles.
I would like to say that I respectfully disagree with you. I think the NFL needs a team in LA. I mean even the NHL which does a tenth of what the NFL does, has a team from Los Angeles. I think the NFL is salivating in getting a team for LA just because it's a big market. The NFL is a cash cow but you want to hit all the large markets. New York, Chicago etc. I'm actually surprised that there hasn't been a team in Los Angeles already.

Yes, but will the fans care or show passion/emotion?

See my post on fans not caring.

I read that Ram and Raider home playoff games used to be BLACKED OUT!!

Giant fans would never let that happen.
Don't forget, Sabres, that the LA Coliseum holds 92,000+. I mean I could understand if it was blacked out. I mean 92,000 people is a lot of people. How could you be expected to fill it up? That's a lot of fans. Like I said before in this post, LA is not Des Moines, Ia. LA has tons of things to do besides watching football but I do think that there's a fan base there.
KCK Halo, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you!!! I would like to say that I respectfully disagree with you. I think the NFL needs a team in LA.

Thanks Mets and best wishes to you. If there was really a need for the NFL to return to L.A. it would have come when Houston got their team. Having no L.A. or Anaheim NFL team has done wonders for the NFL in San Diego. Plus now with the Chargers making playoffs of late, the NFL is satisfied for now with what's going on. Maybe...maybe down the road. They've waited this long...why rush it?

And, what has helped immensley is that USC football has the city on it's ear for years now. If both USC and UCLA were terrible NCAA football regimes it would be a different story. But the city is locked down on Saturday afternoons when Pete's boys are playing at home!
L.A. football fans aren't good.

When the Rams and Raiders were there, they had some VERY good teams, yet some of the crappiest fan support ever.
Very true! I much rather goto OAKLAND to watch the Raiders then LA. Hell i used to go there but it was right in the center of GANG central!:mad: No i would rather the RAIDERS stay in OAKLAND! Now that my A's are moving to a new stadium maybe the Raiders can get there's! As bad as they have played we sell out the stadium!
Seems to me that the lack of a top grade stadium has been the reason for no NFL team in LA. That would be cured, if Ed Roski actually builds his proposed stadium. Will that happen?? There are a number of teams in old stadiums that could be tempted by the LA market, if he goes ahead with his plan.
We need an NFL team in Fresno or Sacramento. I stopped being an NFL fan for this reason, except for some Raiders or 49ers.

LA already had their chance. When do we get one?

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