No More....

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Seems to me that Iceberg is working later in the evening lately, and maybe doesn't have time when he gets home. I think just about anyone can start one, if you can think of a subject.
I miss 'em too. They made for good reading!
Now, I just read the funny answers to the contests.
A lot of those are pretty entertaining. - :up

I came up with a Friday subject quite a while back.
But rather than be so presumptuous as to post it and risk having two that week, I just PM'd it to Iceberg.
He used it either that week or next. :)
actually they kinda went into most of my FTA projects ;)

It'll come back that its getting warmer out (well maybe not so right now) and the snow is gone (oh wait its coming back Monday night) I'll start it back up.
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