offer from dish...this is better!!!!

i also received the VOOM0090690 promocode email offering america's 180 for 19.99 for 3 months and HD pack free for 6 months. I signed up for it online and received my confirmation email today but it doesn't include the promotion. It has me paying $52.99 for the america's 180 programming and a additional 100 for a second dish. I called a CSR and she said the voom promocode wasn't valid and that there was nothing she could do. :rolleyes:
Vicki said:
..."all good things" (i.e., HD!) come to those who wait... :) :confused: Vicki

Where did I hear that before? I don't blame you but locally their is not other option if I want any quantity of HD. Besides I also ordered the 942. to me it is worth the $250. I will put up my old Sammy sir 165 and my 4dtv up on EBAY and sell the suckers.

Anybody want a free 10ft C/KU Band dish for free with both lnb"s. let me know. But you would have to take down.
sjones said:
i also received the VOOM0090690 promocode email offering america's 180 for 19.99 for 3 months and HD pack free for 6 months. I signed up for it online and received my confirmation email today but it doesn't include the promotion. It has me paying $52.99 for the america's 180 programming and a additional 100 for a second dish. I called a CSR and she said the voom promocode wasn't valid and that there was nothing she could do. :rolleyes:

Keep calling back until you get what you want. Explain to them that you are trying to decide between Dish, Directv, and cable, and if they are going to jerk you around, then you are not interested.

justalurker said:
If you have subscribed to E*'s locals (now available in 157? markets) some of those markets are served via 105 or 121. If your market is on one of those satellites you will need a SuperDish to get your local stations via satellite. If you don't subscribe to locals or your market's locals are not on 105 or 121 you do not need a SuperDish. (You need a Dish500 if you don't need a SuperDish, if you want the most channels possible of your subscription.)


Thanks that is what I was trying to understand. My locals are on 119 so I would probably get the DISH 500 that looks at that and the other satellite.
mitch672 said:
The SuperDish has the Dual LNB for 110/119 and it also has either a 105 FSS LNB or the 121 FSS LNB, depending upon which SuperDish you get (yes, they are different models because the of the FSS LNB). The Dish 500 is essentialy the same thing, except there is no position for the FSS LNB (105 or 121 Sat). You will still need a Dish 300 for the 61.5 sat (Voom channels and some locals for now). There is talk of Dish moving the Voom channels to the FSS Satelites (105 or 121, or maybe both [mirrored]), then you would only need the "SuperDish"

However, don't hold your breath. For now, you need a 2nd dish to get the Voom 10 (yeah, 10 for now...)

Hope this helps explain things a bit better for you.


I have a question. I made the jump to Dish about 2 weeks ago, BEFORE this latest offer was available regarding the Voom HD channels available at 61.5. I've got the Dish 500 dish pointing at 110 (or whatever). I called Dish today and signed up for the Voom package. Now, the question: can I just install my old Voom dish and just connect it to my 811 receiver, or is it going to be worse than that? The Dish rep I talked to today admitted she didn't know any details, but then, she wasn't in tech support. I sure hope this will be easy...

Does Dish allow self install? I.E. just send me the receivers and I'll hook it all up?
techweb said:
I received the e-mail too, but have a few questions for the experts here:

1. Is this offer valid for all former Voom customers, or only those who never had Dish before? (I left 4-5 years ago when the receiver died, and they wanted too much to replace it.)

2. I already have the 18" legacy dish I used with Voom pointed at 61.5, so would the $100 second dish fee still apply? Also two of my locals are on 61.5.

3. Can you get the 942 for the $250 extra mentioned elsewhere?

4. I only have one coax running out to the dish, so is it possible to use a separator and appropriate DP LNBs and switch to feed both 942 tuners?
Look for those of you who are looking to save a buck because you already have a dish you could point at 61.5 you have to consider that the $100 covers a new dish (msrp of about $100) and any switches nescesary (dp21's, dp 34, dp 44 Ect...Msrp $100 to $200) and on top of all that you get it profesionaly installed...which means that if they screw something up when doing it it's on them and not you. Pretty good deal if you ask me.
Basically what they are doing on the VoomHD web page offer is giving everyone the SAME $49 off the activation fee that you get with the Club Dish referal program.

Some are saying that if you call in on the phone to get the 942 DVR (the one that also has TV2 out to a bedroom receiver) you dont get the discount. If thats true just use a Club Dish referal number. If you dont have one Private Message me.

PASTED FROM WEB SITE: *Additional $49.99 credit applies to online orders only.

There is no point in paying an activation fee when I think it should be free to everyone in the first place (activation fee, ya right all they do it type in your serial numbers, that should not cost $49 in labor).
Hmmm... I got a couple of questions for the 'gurus' around here.

Right now I have 1 Dish 500 dish with a DP Quad LNBF, fully functional and connected to a 811 (which has been 'parked' for the past 4.5 months since I put my account on hold with E* for $5 a month when I moved to Voom).

Now that E* has the Voom package, I'm thinking about reactivating my account and requesting it (Voom's) to be added to my previous programming selection, but I don't want to pay the $100 for the extra dish. Why? well, I also have another Dish 500, 2-3 DP dual and single LNBFs and both a SW21 and a DP34 switch, all of them packed in my storage unit. So:

1) can I use this extra Dish 500 unit (plus any of the DP LNBFs I also have in hand) and point it to 61.5 to get E* Voom's offering??? Is that feasible?

2) or is it mandatory for me to get a Dish 300 unit (with a single DP LNBF) to do it?

3) Additionaly, I also have V* dish laying around (I dismounted it on sunday, not a biggie). I know for a fact that I could use it, combined to one of the Y adapters E* uses for their dishes, with one of the DP LNBFs I have here. Is that also a possible option to solve my 61.5 'problem'?

Mounting/installation of the extra dish will not be a problem... I've done it before and I have all the tools and gadgets required to do it.

TIA for your answers,
The H
Con VOOMHD offer

i am at my wits end.. i go to the website site sign up for the offer and then they give me a certificate number which is 5 digits and also states that i will be charged 49.99 on my credit card. ( which i think is worng becoz the offer says.. waived activation fee..) i get an email which states nothing excpet how i need to call the number XXXX to resch my installation when in the first place i got no date about my activation or installation. i call the number and i get transferred to 4 diff cSR and none of them are able to pull up my records as their system doesnt show anything...

GUys.. whats happening.... i was able to get nowhere. one of the CSR told me the offer is not directly from Dishnetwork_DOT_com and its from dishtv_DOT_com which is a retailer for dishtnetwork and that i should call the number stated which is 1-888-DISHTV1 and when i called them they were clueless too..

All you people who successfully signed for the offer and have a install date please let me know what was the process like becoz i am at my wits end.. and just as i write my boss walked and in and told me he had the same experience when he tried to sign up for the offer.. too... this is crazy shittt...
I also signed up online. In the confirmation email about the 4th or 5th paragraph it stated the Date/time frame/address it was to be installed at.

When I signed up online for the voom package there was no selection for equipment types only the number of rooms "Dustin" in the online chat told me to just use the form for the combination HD/DVR promo and to select for the 2 811 and 1 625 option then to state that I wanted the Voom Channels in the additional Installation Instructions box on the form. I had him double check that. I also asked I wold get written confirmation of what I had ordered by email, he said I would. The confirmation email did not mention anything about the Voom Pack so I emailed them back asking for written confirmation. I'll repost if i get a response.

My Install is scheduled for Friday afternoon. Guess If I get no response I'll know something then. They did state that this was for the 2 dish Install So if nothing else I can get the installer to point the second to 61.5 and then badger E* till they turn on the Voom Channels.
gammadude said:
Thanks!! A couple of my locals are on 61.5. If I sign-up I will have leverage for a free 61.5 dish.

I thought of this too. Having locals on 61.5 should qualify you for a free dish, but you have to pay $5.99/mo for locals. So thats $72/yr for ever and ever.

I personally dont need a local feed and paying $100 is not satisfactory IMHO when I already have a dish pointing at 61.5.

The only other option might be to subsribe to Distant CBS ala carte for $1.99/mo and see if that will get u the extra dish for free.
My customer service experiences with VOOM were always outstanding.

I've had Dish for 5 years and their customer service record with me has been like The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Sometimes good. Sometimes bad. Sometimes ugly.

Trying to add the VOOM channels and HD equipment to my existing SD Dish install was a nightmare.

I learned an important lesson.

If you are an EXISTING DISH CUSTOMER do not even deal with their regular CSR staff. On the phone menu tree, choose "Technical Support". You'll get to someone much more knowledgeable who will understand your situation better and who can also order up your programming or hardware installs as needed.

I spoke to four different regular CSRs over two days and got nowhere. Even their "supervisors" were clueless. By the way, I never lost my cool and was very nice and sweet with everyone. I wasted nearly two and one half hours of my life with these yahoos.

They will come on Saturday and install a new 811 in conjunction with my existing 501 SD-DVR so I can use both on the same TV, and install a second Dish for the VOOM channels. All on the same work order. Once hardware is installed, I just have to call to add-on the VOOM component as for some reason they couldn't get it on the workorder with the regular HD pack. Total cost to me is $199 with one-year commitment to Top 60 pak or better (I have the 120 pak, so I'm fine) and an extra $15/month ($5 HD for one year + $5 VOOM10 + $5 for 811). And, I keep the SD-DVR and can switch back and forth at will between 811 or watch both with split screen or record SD channel while watching a HD channel. I just can't record HD yet -- when 12-month commitment is up next May I'll upgrade to whatever MPEG4 HD-DVR they have at that time.

Not a bad deal for all that hardware and the labor to install and configure it properly on my two-story home.
If they tell me I have to pay 100 for the second dish I guess I'll just pay it. The only local I had on a wing Sat was on 148. They are refunding the Install fee of $49.99 so I'll convice myself its a second dish with the correct switches for half off somehow.
Ok the email I sent to was returned as "no such user" so I Tried the online chat form again. This time I got Ronald, who checked my order made sure it included Voom with 2 811 STBs and 1 625 DVR. He also verified my install date/time. And told me the 100 second dish fee was waived due to the "must carry" local channel I had. He told me to tell the installer to point it at 61.5.
the VOOMHD online signup response email


Thank you for choosing DISH Network for your satellite service. If you need to make changes to your order or reschedule your installation please call 1-800-333-DISH (3474).

A convenient and easy way to manage your account is to visit dishnetwork_com Just register your account for online customer support by going to DISH Network Online Registration

to take advantage of these convenient DISH Network services:
* View Your Account Balance
* Make Payments
* Add Programming
* Order Pay-Per-View Movies & Events
* Order ClubDISH gift cards
* Sign up for Paperless Billing

To start using your new online account, go to MY ACCOUNT at

and enter your Login ID and Password. Please note that you will receive your first bill from DISH Network 5 to 7 days following your installation. Your first bill will be for 2 months of service. All subsequent bills will be for 1 month of service.


DISH Network Online Sales

this is the email i have got after i signed up online. nothing else.

what to do .. this sounds like a con job to mee... i got online chat with brent and he told me to wait 24 hours before i get the.. time and date with install time.
I asked "Dustin" about who is and they say they are Dish Network Corporate.
scottabs said:
That sounds like the same deal I got when I placed my order on Sunday. I didn't add the Voom channels when I placed the order as I couldn't get them to waive the $100 fee. So, I just made sure I got the 2nd dish for the locals and there was no charge there. As soon as it is installed (tomorrow), I will call up and order Voom and cancel the locals.

Had my install done today. After the installer left, I called and added the Voom package. So, it looks like that plan worked to get Voom without the $100 2nd dish charge. Even if my locals weren't on 61.5, I think the installer would have pointed my second/local dish in that direction for me. Of course YMMV, but this seems to be a good way to save $100.

On a side note, I think the channels look slightly better than when they were on Voom. But, unlike DarrellP, I still see a few "skeeters" on Equator. :D
You know if you order through the Dishstore we are waiving the Initial $49.99 Activation fee for all new customers signing up through the end of next week.

Why Pay $49.99 when you can get it from the site sponcer for FREE!
Voom's Dish Did Not Work

I had E* installed and they used the new DISH 500 PRO LNB when they installed their dish and tried to use the VOOM dish for the VOOM programming. Only to find out that the VOOM'S LNB with not work with the Dish 500 PRO LNB. So they will have to replace the VOOM dish. If they would have used the older DISH 500 LNB then the VOOM LNB would have worked.