Questions about the concrete-filled bucket problem

Minto Took

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 10, 2006
Chicago, IL
Right now, I'm looking for a place to live (hooray college living!) and while I did find a place that wouldn't require me to jump through many hoops to get my dish installed, I would need to mount it in a planter or some sort of concrete filled bucket if I wanted a non-ground level unit.

Is mounting a dish in a planting pot or bucket filled with concrete a decent solution that is fairly reliable?

My fear is that I end up having to mount the dish in a planter/bucket and it constantly falls over/gets misaligned/sways in the wind/etc... If I make the base heavy and wide enough, will I be OK?

System is a DISH 500 set-up.

Thanks everyone.
You should use at least a 5Gal bucket and a sched40 galvanized steel pipe. The pipe need a bolt, brace or something at the end in the bucket to prevent twisting.
You should use at least a 5Gal bucket and a sched40 galvanized steel pipe. The pipe need a bolt, brace or something at the end in the bucket to prevent twisting.

With the screw in the pipe, should I use concrete or could I put in topsoil over a layer of concrete for plants to de-ugly the bucket?
Concrete up to maybe all but the last 1.5" and then cover; I wouldn't got with any less concrete in a 5gal bucket. But it really is hard to "de-ugly" a bucket with a poll in it on my deck or patio with dirt on the top, even with flowers. Heck, if it ever does tip, then you have a mess to clean as opposed to just setting back up. One would assume that a storm would be what would tip it and that likely means wind and rain making a muddy mess all over the patio; YUCK!
Concrete up to maybe all but the last 1.5" and then cover; I wouldn't got with any less concrete in a 5gal bucket. But it really is hard to "de-ugly" a bucket with a poll in it on my deck or patio with dirt on the top, even with flowers. Heck, if it ever does tip, then you have a mess to clean as opposed to just setting back up. One would assume that a storm would be what would tip it and that likely means wind and rain making a muddy mess all over the patio; YUCK!

Point noted. :)

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