Team Summit Discussion Thread

The best buy ads have been dominated by 720p for months, if not longer. They actually started marking them because people were getting confused...John Q. Consumer was getting confused I should say...

Just like they had to start marking the DVD's as available in widescreen as well, because some doofus complained about such things...
Scott Greczkowski said:
OK got the camera working... It was the battery it was dead (no idea why I charged it full yesterday morning and it usually lasts for hundreds of photos maybe its the altitude or something.

Anyways I just attended the DishCOMM / Slingbox training session.

For DishCOMM they showed us how to share a phone line with all the DishCOMM boxes, what is interesting is that they will only be supporting DishCOMM on the VIP receivers and not the 942 because it uses a older version of the DishCOMM / Homeplug Technology.

Dish will also be making a special Modem which customers can plug into their phone lines for their VIP receivers to access and share. This was actually some neat technology.

DishCOMM even supports CallerID to be displayed on all the VIP receivers even if they are not directly connected to a phone line.

Some interesting stuff from the demo was...
DishComm and Transmit and receive anywhere from 4mb to 20MB over the powerlines.
The Maximum number of DishCOMM connections it can handle is 16
DishCOMM will also work on the new 612 receiver. (hmmm) ;)

They hope to start having DishCOMM available by fall. No mention of using DISHCOMM to transmit audio and video as we have seen in demonstations over the prior year.

The Slingbox presentation was just an general introductions and sales pitch for the Slingbox. A number of dealers commented they are going to install these in places where people have vacation homes just to piss off the audit team. :)

We are off to the Call Center and Echostar Headquarters in a little while :)
I think MLB is also going to go after Slingbox.. I love watching my Yankees on the road from my Slingbox.
Please ask for the next batch of National HD and see whats expected with regards to MTV HD, etc. I would love to know whats expected next for HD. Will we be getting Cinemax HD too? ;0

riffjim4069 said:
It looks like HD-Lite is quickly becoming the hot topic of discussion at Team Summit...........GOOD! [/SIZE][/I]

Actually it is the hot topic on this board...I'll bet the E* folks havent spent two minutes discussing it outside of when Scott brings it up.
ChetK said:
You and me both Sean. I'll be Blu-Raying it up with absolutely no premium channels. And if HBO keeps cancelling their original programming (like Carnivale and Deadwood - not to mention the fact that Sopranos will be gone soon), I'll drop them too.

The price of these premiums certainly won't reflect the quality of HD-Lite.

I know this isn't the correct thread to discuss this, but I am going to let the dust settle a bit on Blu-Ray. I don't want another useless piece of equip like my good ol betamax VCR Just my .02 worth....
I won't buy Blu-Ray or HD-DVD until one of the formats wins.

If I was putting money on it, however, I'd put it on HD-DVD. 1st to the market, and Sony doesn't exactly have a great track record of putting out their own formats. The fact that PS3 is getting ripped up by developers and industry insiders for not delivering what Sony claims it will be able to deliver does not help Blu-Ray either.
When the new channels are added will we have to reboot our receivers to get them in our guide?
Ok folks I had to merge a bunch of threads together as people were complaining that they had to sort through a bunch of hd lite stuff in order to get to scotts stuff. Scotts stuff is posted as a sticky in the main DN forum area. This area will be for disscussion of Team Summit and Team summit related items. If this topic should include HD lite, then hd lite it is. But while you all are discussing and wanting to help make this company that we love #1 in the pay tv industry you all need to know that we need to give them and voom a freindly nudge to provide it in Full rez hd as it will only help them achive that goal. :) Most of you know where you can go and how to send letters to resolve this diplomatically :) SO lets get back to team summit talk and how we as coustomers can make dish a better place even if its sending a letter once or twice a month to help them become that and dont for get to live the PAW

Pride.... Adventure.... Winning...

(echostar employees feel free to shoot me on that one ) :D
thanks bob, MUCH easier to understand what's *actually* going on at the summit. woo DishCOMM! i'm also curious about that 612, it's a number lower than the 622, so is it going to be a stripped down version of the 622?
I am at work, so I am not able to check if the new HD channels are on. Anybody at home or able to check (every hour?) when the channels are up? (IF they indeed launched today)
Is there an official announcement at the Summit about the lease upgrade price for the 622 dropping to $199?

The CSR's are telling people that the lease price will drop to $199 tomorrow.

must carry still going?

NEWB questions - who do they think they are?!

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